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An Interesting Point On The Traditional Family Unit

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posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Verum1quaere


Great quote says a lot.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: christophoros

It's geographic thing, where I live woman don't seem to care, where he lives they do, it's pretty simple.
These women have good jobs, and they expect their man to have a better one.
I guess you need to have lived in multiple geographic areas to understand this.
Because he has, and he noticed a difference.
He is also happily married to an attractive woman.

edit on 3-7-2015 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: Blue_Jay33
The problem is that your source(for which there is no link) is a highly subjective view. "Traditional" to whom? Romans. Traditional to other cultures would be entirely different. Also note that prostitution and homosexuality were accepted as part of Roman society long before the fall of Rome. I also notice that women being wealthy and powerful is mentioned like it's a bad thing, and partly to blame.

The argument doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

I think it`s safe to say that a traditional family unit is by and large universally considered to be a man and a woman with offspring. Why? because most people follow the natural order of things instinctively. A family unit capable of reproduction is the natural order of things.And prostitution along with homosexuality being accepted by society is a far cry from the 2 running rampant in society contributing to moral decline.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 10:31 AM

The disintegration of the family causes the fall of society.

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 12:27 PM
On Rome: everything that's born must die. As a civilization they would have fallen regardless of whatever factors you believe to be the cause. Just as the Mayans fell. Just as we will fall.

On single mothers: All I ever wanted was to be married and have kids. I was forced to divorce due to an abusive husband and have yet to find a 'decent' guy. I'm not saying they don't exist, I just haven't had the fortune to find one. So, as the biological clock ticked loudly I CHOSE to have 2 children, and yes by 2 different guys because that's just how it worked out. I told both of them they could be as involved as they wanted to be. The first one disappeared off the face of the Earth 6 years ago. The second keeps in contact when he feels like it, but I'm currently struggling to convince him to spend $100 on a sandbox for his son. I've never gotten a cent of alimony or child support, nor have I pursued either. Both of my children are happy, healthy, intelligent and well behaved.
My friend accidentally got pregnant, twice, and yes by 2 different guys. The state has yet to get her a dime of child support even though she's pursued it. Apparently all you have to do to avoid it is NOT ANSWER THE DOOR when they try to serve you. Her boys are 11 and 6, they are happy, healthy, intelligent and well behaved.

For all the PPs demonizing prostitutes, homosexuals, single mothers, minorities, etc. just be aware that for every person there is a unique set of circumstances. And while some of you CHOOSE to only see gold digging women popping out babies with as many different men as possible- there are just as many irresponsible men who are leaving perfectly good women and children in the dust in order to pursue their own selfishness.

The deciding factors in the quality of children raised are POVERTY and EDUCATION. My friend is poor, but she's educated and she's a dedicated mother. I fall in the lower middle class bracket, but I am educated and devoted to motherhood. THAT is why we are both raising good, productive members of society despite the odds and without any help from men. Obviously (as illustrated by my experience, and especially the experience of my friend) you can't force a deadbeat dad to do the right thing. So instead of focusing on the 'traditional family unit' why don't you focus on alleviating poverty and increasing education for everyone?????

Back to my first point, and really the point of the OP: our civilization will eventually fall no matter what, so quit worrying about it. Focus on the present. Live your life with love and grace, uplift your fellow man (or woman). Instead of bashing people you feel are beneath you, do everything in your power to help them and make their lives better. Open your mind and your heart. You'll get a lot more accomplished and you'll be a better person for it.


posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: ghostrager
a reply to: Cuervo

Just saying that men sleeping around and not accepting responsibility for their children is the opposite of homosexuality.

Deadbeat parents are what causes that situation. Gay folks, like it or not, prevent that situation and often even adopt, reversing some of the damage.

Misandric laws and court bias are what causes that situation. And have you seen the divorce rate among lesbians in western countries?! Divorce is detrimental to children, especially when having to be raised by a single mother.

I know more outstanding people who were raised by single mothers than who were raised by a hitched couple. Perhaps you are unaware of how commonly couples stay together "for the children" and wind up modeling awful behaviors to them. The notion that the natural mode is for two people to stay together for 18 years at a time in a natural monogamous pairing is counter to everything we know about the history of the species -- it is the exception, not the norm.

posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyElohim

originally posted by: ghostrager
a reply to: Cuervo

Just saying that men sleeping around and not accepting responsibility for their children is the opposite of homosexuality.

Deadbeat parents are what causes that situation. Gay folks, like it or not, prevent that situation and often even adopt, reversing some of the damage.

Misandric laws and court bias are what causes that situation. And have you seen the divorce rate among lesbians in western countries?! Divorce is detrimental to children, especially when having to be raised by a single mother.

I know more outstanding people who were raised by single mothers than who were raised by a hitched couple. Perhaps you are unaware of how commonly couples stay together "for the children" and wind up modeling awful behaviors to them. The notion that the natural mode is for two people to stay together for 18 years at a time in a natural monogamous pairing is counter to everything we know about the history of the species -- it is the exception, not the norm.

I grew up with a single a mother and I think I turned out okay. Things would have better if my father was there. Now with a wife of my own and my first son on the way, I now fully realize a fathers importance in the family. Divorce is detrimental, no matter when it happens.

I have a very close friend who is still married just for the children. That kind of attitude does spawn awful behavior for his kids. I hope someday that they can fix their marriage, because that is ultimately best for the kids.

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