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'The Far Right Racists Being Seen As Future Anti-Government Domestic Terrorists'

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posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:07 AM
It seems the more "differences" are highlighted, the more diminished the word "equality" becomes.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I agree that the biggest domestic terror threat comes from far right racist anti-government individuals and groups... however, I can't defend a witch hunt. I don't agree with anything these vile sacks of human waste stand for but ironically, flushing them out, criminalizing their speech, their ability to freely associate and assemble... is also a threat to me, to all of us really but I can specify why it's a threat to me.

Ideologically, I'm on the far, far left. I'm an anarchist and a socialist. My kind was quite effectively wiped off the American map in the 1950's and 1960's. It didn't matter what exact ideology (we have a lot of flavors) my predecessors were... they all got labeled traitors and soviets and all groups got infiltrated by the FBI, dissent was sown, leaders disappeared, disinformation campaigns launched, civil disobedience punished very harshly. Yet the true extremists were left alone to progress, plan and carry out deadly attacks. However none of that comes close to what our government did to the Black Panthers and other Civil Rights leaders through COINTELPRO. You should read up on that.

The result? Look at some of the replies in this thread pointing out left wing extremism as a defense. My kind are demons, if I say that I'm a socialist, an anarchist... to many people, to the US government I may as well be saying that I'm a Weathermen, that I advocate bombings... when I actually am very strongly against using violence or even property damage to make a point.

I am also anti-government, just in a much different way than the extremists (left or right). I believe in a gradual process of lessening the need for government rather than insurrection, sedition or secession. But my government doesn't care that I am peaceful, if somehow the spotlight ever fell on me, my peacefulness wouldn't matter because my words are the threat to the government.

I say these things to you because of statements you've made in other threads, your advocacy of rounding up the racists, criminalizing their speech. In this, you force me to defend them because doing so is an act of self defense... my speech would also be threatened, perhaps even my freedom because they are anti-government and so am I.

You and I have disgust at racism in common, I would love to stand with you (even if only digitally). I can see that your stance comes from a place of love, but I can't stand with you if, despite your intentions being good, you are a threat to me.

Ok I agree with all of your points, and I am with you to the end. However I cant defend hate speech made by racist groups like the KKK. I believe in universal brotherhood and education. We need less suffering in the world period. I have said some wrong things in the past but am willing to look at reasonable alternatives which dont promote the suffering of any of my fellow human beings. My main point is we are all one people and our racism is an illusionary dividing force which sets us on a pathway of opposition against our future evolution. I want a good future for all not just some.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

When the second amendment goes bye bye if it does go bye bye it will be because of these racist terrorists, the PTB will use it asan excuse to further push gun control. But think about it, would you feel safe being anywhere near an over the edge about to snap racist? Its like a recipe for self destruction.

Look at how you are flippantly using the word "racist". It's almost like you think it's cute!

Are Progressives getting worried that they have so carelessly used the term that they are projecting the result of their actions on the "Extreme Right Wing"?

Kick a dog long enough and it will eventually bite you!

Bottom line, individuals are responsible for their own actions! There is plenty of blame to toss around in this messed up society. Your agenda is quite transparent.....

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
You know , stuff like this offends me . Once people identify a group and put a label on that group , anyone that resembles that group is lumped into it. Take for instance race. There is only 1 race - the human race.Why does the government want to separate this country into different divisions ? Want to have some fun ? When a census worker comes to your home to fill out the census , when they ask what race say human. And stick by it. They cannot comprehend this at all.There is no check block for human . To watch their reactions is priceless. Then we lump people into 1000s (if not millions) of these "fake" groups . Why ? Why does everyone push "diversity" when we all should know what that means. It has its roots in the same meaning as "divide" . I once had to take a "diversity class" at work. I actually asked the question why is it diversity and not unity ? The sounds of crickets outside could be heard.
I guess I should open a thread on this in the rant section but this is exactly what I believe. We are all traveling in an infinite universe on a tiny ball of leftover rock and metal . Lets forget tagging other people with labels and concentrate on the here and now. We dont get a second chance at this.

I agree with you we are all one people down to the atom or down to god take your pick we are still all the same. We need to unify the counsiousness of earth beings human or otherwise, to realise a greater and hihger counsiouness resting continually within all things. Diversity is an illusion of perception, with the absense of perception there is no diverity in counsiousness and all is one.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:32 AM
Well, we don't need another McCarthy Era with different players and ideologies - that is a threat to everyone and a doorway to fascism. We don't need to further marginalize and entrench people who would perceive themselves as threatened and then act on that threat. We don't need to start a war here, in other words.

Education and appreciation of both our uniqueness and diversity, as well as the unifying fact that we all share basic humanity, is a slow but powerful remedy to racial hatred, and all prejudices, over time and generations. That means being tolerant of people who are intolerant, embracing them as brothers and sisters, while not legitimizing or tolerating their intolerance.

Nelson Mandela knew this, and instead of using his power to lord over white people, he sought to unify the country, both blacks and whites together. The movie Invictus is a powerful dramatization of this - I highly recommend it. See, Mandela could have destroyed the national Rugby team, which is what many black South African's wanted him to do, as it was seen as a "white privilege" sport that had excluded them. Instead, in a brilliant move, he supported the team and something held dear by the white population, and used their success to break racial barriers in the sport itself, and unite a country. That is true leadership.

It is a human thing to tend to label people and then use those labels as an excuse for rejecting their humanity - how is that different than any of the "isms" we seek to eliminate? I may hate the idea of the KKK and everything they have done and stand for, but behind those white hoods are human beings, and as much as I hate what they do and believe, I cannot extend that hatred to their humanity, or I will become the very thing I hate. When I see the masks they wear, I wonder if at least some of them know what they are doing is unacceptable and even shameful if done in the light of day without the mask, thus the need to cloak their identity while trying to look scary and intimidating. Becoming a faceless "gang" can allow them all to put aside their own humanity to do terrible deeds to others, diffusing the sense of personal responsibility, while bonding them together (and giving the more evil of them bribery material to keep members who question what is done in line). Imagine disagreeing with the Klan, but being forced to participate because you daddy's daddy did.

Rejecting a belief or ideology someone holds is different than ostracizing the humanity of the person, even if the belief they hold is one that says others aren't fully human somehow.

So, my fellow ATS posters of all stripes and beliefs, reject me or my comments if you will, but I hold all of you as unique and beautiful expressions of humanity. I'm certainly not perfect, either, and in that, we are all equal, no?


posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: introvert
If one believes that this current government is out-of-control, is poorly ran and is very ineffective, I would say that is healthy and I would agree.

It sure is. The oligarchs have captured our system of government to pursue their agenda to keep printing federal reserve fiat dollars at all costs.

Under the current regime, since JFK, *all* Americans have been looted, robbed and enslaved. Our taxes fund an enormous military budget that has never before been witnessed in history.

The strategy at home to maintain this beast is to create distractions just like the bread and circuses of Rome. Throw in some false flags and maybe go as far to run subversive OPs on the citizens themselves. Foreign countries are bombed, droned and terrorized into submission.

The U.S. Constitution provides an umbrella for *all* to prosper. However, we are not living under a Constitutional Republic but an overthrown Republic dominated and littered with criminals and outright gangsters.

edit on 28-6-2015 by LibertasIntel because: added a vid

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
Well, we don't need another McCarthy Era with different players and ideologies - that is a threat to everyone and a doorway to fascism. We don't need to further marginalize and entrench people who would perceive themselves as threatened and then act on that threat. We don't need to start a war here, in other words.

Education and appreciation of both our uniqueness and diversity, as well as the unifying fact that we all share basic humanity, is a slow but powerful remedy to racial hatred, and all prejudices, over time and generations. That means being tolerant of people who are intolerant, embracing them as brothers and sisters, while not legitimizing or tolerating their intolerance.

Nelson Mandela knew this, and instead of using his power to lord over white people, he sought to unify the country, both blacks and whites together. The movie Invictus is a powerful dramatization of this - I highly recommend it. See, Mandela could have destroyed the national Rugby team, which is what many black South African's wanted him to do, as it was seen as a "white privilege" sport that had excluded them. Instead, in a brilliant move, he supported the team and something held dear by the white population, and used their success to break racial barriers in the sport itself, and unite a country. That is true leadership.

It is a human thing to tend to label people and then use those labels as an excuse for rejecting their humanity - how is that different than any of the "isms" we seek to eliminate? I may hate the idea of the KKK and everything they have done and stand for, but behind those white hoods are human beings, and as much as I hate what they do and believe, I cannot extend that hatred to their humanity, or I will become the very thing I hate. When I see the masks they wear, I wonder if at least some of them know what they are doing is unacceptable and even shameful if done in the light of day without the mask, thus the need to cloak their identity while trying to look scary and intimidating. Becoming a faceless "gang" can allow them all to put aside their own humanity to do terrible deeds to others, diffusing the sense of personal responsibility, while bonding them together (and giving the more evil of them bribery material to keep members who question what is done in line). Imagine disagreeing with the Klan, but being forced to participate because you daddy's daddy did.

Rejecting a belief or ideology someone holds is different than ostracizing the humanity of the person, even if the belief they hold is one that says others aren't fully human somehow.

So, my fellow ATS posters of all stripes and beliefs, reject me or my comments if you will, but I hold all of you as unique and beautiful expressions of humanity. I'm certainly not perfect, either, and in that, we are all equal, no?


Maybe a bit metaphysical here but if we are all one at the atomic level of quantum physics and god, arent we all the same as those who fight wars hate each other and promote ignorant division within our known reality?

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Maybe a bit metaphysical here but if we are all one at the atomic level of quantum physics and god, arent we all the same as those who fight wars hate each other and promote ignorant division within our known reality?

are you not promoting ignorant division by white washing anyone thats on the right , as a racist or bigot?

The hypocrisy is glaring

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: ketsuko

This is a pushback to things like TPP and supreme Court rulings.

If you disagree with government encroachment, you are obviously a racist. The same thing was attempted when ACA (Obamacare) was enacted.

What this thread perfectly illustrates is social engineering.

Or as I have often coined it; the "Fluffy Kitten" defense.

If you are against what they are trying to dictate, then you obviously hate fluffy kittens.

We see this when reasoned, logical, rational debate can no longer be used to defend their positions.

I will be the first to say F the TPP

But that has nothing to do with this threads topic content.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:40 AM
Well extremism is always extremism doesnt matter which way you drive

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:43 AM
ALL these HORRIBLE armed "RIGHT WINGERS" It makes me wonder.
HOW can the left STILL exist if they are SO powerful and dangerous?
400 MILLION guns and YOU ARE STILL here!
The right must be lazy,apatheitic or perhaps ...TOLLERANT!
No that can't be be correct THEY ARE FROTHING ANIMALS.

edit on 28-6-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: ketsuko

This is a pushback to things like TPP and supreme Court rulings.

If you disagree with government encroachment, you are obviously a racist. The same thing was attempted when ACA (Obamacare) was enacted.

What this thread perfectly illustrates is social engineering.

Or as I have often coined it; the "Fluffy Kitten" defense.

If you are against what they are trying to dictate, then you obviously hate fluffy kittens.

We see this when reasoned, logical, rational debate can no longer be used to defend their positions.

I will be the first to say F the TPP

But that has nothing to do with this threads topic content.

It has everything to do with this thread.

You want to make broad sweeping generalizations about ideologies?

Enjoy it when those are made of you.

Now I won't call you a racist, but you do appear to focus on physical characteristics more than content which would only have me to determine that race rather than content holds more importance to you.

Anyone that focuses so much on division has more in common with the KKK than even they would like to admit.

N'es pas?

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
ALL these HORRIBLE armed "RIGHT WINGERS" It makes me wonder.
HOW can the left STILL exist if they are SO powerful and dangerous?
400 MILLION guns and YOU ARE STILL here!
The right must be lazy,apatheitic or perhaps ...TOLLERANT!
No that can't be be correct THEY ARE FROTHING ANIMALS.

All I can say is LOL a bit of humor made me rofl.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:48 AM
Advocating McCarthyism, and Thought Police. Nice.

Thoughts are now actions. Good to know.

How about we wait to judge by actions, rather than words/thoughts?

Spouting racist/bigoted slogans is harmless in and of itself. Lock 'em up. The Crime? Thinking.

Yep, let's all get our Orwell on... wooo-hooo.

"a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting - three hundred million people all with the same face."

From 1984 by George Orwell

Allow people to be judged by their actions, please. To do otherwise is to persecute the innocent.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Maybe a bit metaphysical here but if we are all one at the atomic level of quantum physics and god, arent we all the same as those who fight wars hate each other and promote ignorant division within our known reality?

are you not promoting ignorant division by white washing anyone thats on the right , as a racist or bigot?

The hypocrisy is glaring

Perhaps I am doing the opposite of division know commonly as unity, we arent different at all. To be more clear that which is done to least of us is done to all of us.

edit on 28-6-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

But you still see the point, YES?
the occasional NUT BALL isn't a raving army.
I personally blame whoever GOT into this kid's head and TAUGHT him that S##T.
THAT is the monster I want to harm.
But then again I am a centrist Independent.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:56 AM
What a load of hog wash this OP vomits...(not the person, the post)

Far Left and Far Right --- same exact thing. They use violence to push their ideology.

If you weren't around during the 70's then you probably don't remember the lefty loonies so much. They're out there, even now, today. Believe it. I'm sure they still know how to make their bombs, but they are using social conditioning, race-baiting, and various fear tactics to keep people from speaking up and speaking out.

They don't want us looking at the root causes of anything. That's not PC. That doesn't coincide with THEIR ideas for what the world should be. They try to define the root cause for us, and then if you disagree,'re a racist, a homophobe, an Islamaphobe, or any other number of names they like to label people with.

Those of us in the middle are going to have to hold the balance.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:57 AM
Everyone, please review the following link, and remember it. Especially before you decided to label an entire group of people based on anything: race, religion, political ideology, etc.

*** ALL MEMBERS *** Ending Rudeness, Hate, Bigotry: Getting Back to Basics

Thread Closed.

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