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scared cop tries to shoot dog, hits 4 year old girl instead

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posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:02 PM
There needs to be a pussy test with law enforcement. If you look in the mirror an are afraid because you see a pussy, you shouldn't be allowed to join.

The absolute spineless, coward behavior I see in our nations police force would be comical if it didn't cost our 12 year old daughters and our family pets their lives.

Pathetic, week and is not only ineffective but corrosive to law enforcement as a whole. People should act, thats all I have to say.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 11:13 PM
I have to add, to those asking why a cop was there for a medical issue, the article clearly states that the cop was down the street on another call, and someone called to him from the house, asking for help. So, he went to help. No mystery there.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
I have to add, to those asking why a cop was there for a medical issue, the article clearly states that the cop was down the street on another call, and someone called to him from the house, asking for help. So, he went to help. No mystery there.

I guess they really learned there lesson, huh?

Thank God the police were there to lend a helping hand. Obviously the situation improved drastically as soon as they were on the scene.

To be honest, it makes you wonder who's life was saved by them being called away from down the street.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

When are people gonna say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

it is obvious police force hires only low iq yes men, people need to stand up and demand change
edit on 20-6-2015 by PredatorCrackling because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 03:56 AM
I notice they have declined to say how big the dog is. I'm still thinking Yorkie.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 06:10 AM
This crap is starting to hit too close to home. I live just south of Columbus,OH where this happened.

I was just talking to my sister-in-laws, wife about this just yesterday. She is a Franklin County Dog Warden and she said that they get calls all the time to go pick up animals that CPD has shot and killed from a multitude of scenarios. No knock raids, well checks, ect...

What erks me is all these LEO's claiming the dogs attacked them or accosted them bla bla bla, but the effed up thing you have to realize is that from the perspective of the animal is, here is a strange person not of my family (pack mind) coming onto my territory. Of course they are going to run up to you and check you out and assess whether or not YOU are the threat. They don't see uniforms and badges. It's sad to see all these dogs getting killed for just trying to keep their families safe from these strangers.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

When I read all of these shocking incidents regarding police,it makes me wonder what qualifications,tests,etc. are required to join the police.
Maybe they will need to review it and add a basic common sense test into the requirement?

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: Cuervo
Now that, I am not sure. I am on the Fire Ems side, not the LE side. I know for us, we have no written protocol for an animal. Rule of thumb for us though is in any danger, to get out. If we are unable to get out, then do what you have to do for your safety.

Law enforcement here may have a protocol written for this stuff, but I am not aware of it, and unsure either way.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: alienjuggaloI hate to post the obvious but if a dog in a house charges you, you don't have time to draw a weapon...Especially if you are busy treating an injury...

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 08:07 AM
Well the more of these i read the more i shake my head, it's pushing into the absurd now, where i just kind of laugh. like the one where the 16-17 year old was taken out of his car tazered on the ground gets up and runs and gets plugged in the back a few times, the officer says that the young guy assaulted him but i dont know the kid is clearly holding his phone with the camera on and running away when he is gunned down in the back!

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

If I shot every dog that came running at me in the door to door job that I had, well, I probably would have been fired after the first one. Why does a police officer have more of a right to shoot a dog than any other person?

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: whatmakesyouright

I don't see what is so difficult about this. If a cop pulls a car over one of the first questions he asks is, "Do you have any weapons in the car?" That's kind of standard procedure. So, when you enter someone's home you ask a few questions. "How many people are here?" "Do you have any pets that may be aggressive?" "Can someone put the pet in another room while I am here?" It seems like there is a very simple solution to this problem when an officer is there to help. If he is responding to a break-in or assault or something, granted, there probably wont be time to ask a lot of questions, but that wasn't the case here. And even in the case of an assault or something like that he will still probably ask a few questions for his own safety. So why not ask a few questions for the other peoples safety too?

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 04:17 PM
Police seem to be trained to be afraid of their own shadows these days and honestly overplay how much danger they're actually in.
I watched the first episode of a show called "Alone" yesterday and of 10 people left alone in the wilderness each in their own location to survive and the first person out after the first night was the only cop. He was so afraid of every sound and I know he was just one cop and people are different but it really seemed like he was trained to be afraid of everything and it was almost laughable.
Police stupidity and racism are 2 huge social problems that seem to be plaguing society more and more.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: SgtHamsandwich
This crap is starting to hit too close to home. I live just south of Columbus,OH where this happened.

I'm in roughly the same area. Just the other day my moms dog got out from the yard and started running around outside. A cop saw it and took out his gun ready to shoot the dog. He claimed it was a viscous animal that was about to attack... the dog is completely harmless and has never so much as growled at a person. Fortunately, the dog warden was on the scene and wouldn't let the officer shoot the dog... the warden and the officer even have completely contradictory stories as to the events.

It's like a sport for the cops now and they just invent reasons to kill them. It's not like the dogs can stand on a witness bench and tell another side to the story.

Given the fact that we live in roughly the same area of the country it could have even been your family member that saved the life of my family member.

posted on Jun, 27 2015 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
I have to add, to those asking why a cop was there for a medical issue, the article clearly states that the cop was down the street on another call, and someone called to him from the house, asking for help. So, he went to help. No mystery there.

I guess they really learned there lesson, huh?

Thank God the police were there to lend a helping hand. Obviously the situation improved drastically as soon as they were on the scene.

To be honest, it makes you wonder who's life was saved by them being called away from down the street.

Wow, you assume a lot of bad things about the cop, based on little to no information. Easy tosee you buy intot he current media meme of "all cops are evil".

posted on Jun, 27 2015 @ 11:52 PM
This isn't the first time this has happened:
Iowa cop reportedly tries to shoot dog, kills woman instead

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 01:50 AM
I don't get it. If a dog comes at me I just keep on doing what I'm doing. IF it bites me I could easily puck it up with my superior human limbs and brain. Why are people so damn scared of the amazing creatures.

posted on Oct, 11 2015 @ 12:33 AM
First the LEO tries to shoot the families dog and instead, he shoots the young girl.

Afterwards he never once apologizes or asks if the girl was OK.

And to make things even worse, he gets back into his vehicle and starts to pull away before any help arrives.

And they have the NERVE to tell them not talk to the media?

A news site here said on Monday that the officer is not going to face any punishment for his actions.

Calling 911 at this point appears to be the modern day equivalent of playing Russian roulette.

Last month on a Facebook page titled “Prayers for Ava," which is run by one of the victim’s aunts, Ellis alleged that Thomas prematurely left the scene. "Officer Thomas never said sorry, never said it was an accident, never said that he called for help or was going to call for help, never asked if Ava was OK, and never asked if he could check on Ava," Ellis said.

After my sister asked for officer Thomas to get an ambulance she rushed back into the house to put our dog Patches up. Patches is our 45lb mixed breed dog.

Patches went onto the front porch and was approximately 2ft in front of Madison and Ava and approximately 8 to 10ft away from officer Thomas. Patches was barking but never lunged, charged or attempted to bite office Thomas. As soon as officer Thomas seen Patches he immediately pulled out his gun and aimed toward not only Patches but 8yr old Madison and 4yr old Ava. Officer Thomas replied that the dog charged him. My sister replied that Patches did not charge him and was in the house when he shot.

Officer Thomas never said sorry, never said it was an accident, never said that he called for help or was going to call for help, never asked if Ava was ok, and never asked if he could check on Ava. Officer Thomas went back to his vehicle and started to pull away. My neighbors have even verified that he started pulling away before any help was there. Officer Thomas shot Ava and left knowing he shot Ava and not knowing the condition she was in.

Ava screamed all the way to Children's hospital from being in so much pain and being so afraid. The bullet hit Ava in the right leg on her thigh, went thru her femur bone (completely breaking it), out the back on the bottom of her right buttock, thru my front door, and into a wood shoe shelf behind my door. The news showed up asking what happened and the Columbus police asked that my sister not talk to the media. My sister respected their wishes.

Ava currently walks with a limp that she may very well have for the rest of her life. Ava has had to start school in a wheelchair, using a walker and being restricted from outdoor recess. Ava now has many fears when it comes to men or anyone who wears a uniform.

They left out the reason why this officer should not be working. He walked away after shooting a sweet baby girl and left her on the ground bleeding WITHOUT offering first aid as he is trained to do!!!! This should be included in this story!!! He walked away and did not come back to help AT ALL!!! HE should be held accountable for the shooting as well as not rendering LIFE SAVING MEASURES!!!

I have been curious, did the chief of police or her representative ever put in an appearance while Ava was in the hospital?

September 9
Prayers for Ava
I'm not sure who all came up there but the only time they did come was for questioning. No one ever came specifically to check on Ava after her surgery from the Columbus Police Department.

edit on 11-10-2015 by Murgatroid because: felt like it...

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