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Roswell Slides Solve the mystery in 1.5 minutes (Your independent verification welcomed)

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+73 more 
posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:42 PM
I realise that there are already several threads on ATS regarding the so-called "Roswell Slides". But, here's a bit of fun for all the family : You can now solve the mystery at home in under 2 minutes by using some free software to read the placard visible in the "Roswell Slides".

My apologies to members of ATS for starting yet another thread on this nonsense. If it helps, Mods, the creator of one of the other threads has said he is happy for that one to be locked now (CardDown's thread "The Roswell Slides: Fake or Fake?").

I mentioned in one of the earlier threads that I've been looking into relevant issues quite a bit, with a few other people, during the last month or two and that if I posted my notes so far in relation to this "alien", it would probably make my longest thread on ATS. Those familiar with my previous threads on ATS will know that this means it would be pretty long... My view then, and now, is that it probably isn't worth the time and effort involved for me to write up a detailed item about the slides. Most prominent ufologists that have commented on the "Roswell Slides" have already voiced the opinion that they show a child mummy.

Now, however, following work by various people (particularly "Nab Lator" of the Roswell Slides Research Group) I think it worth posting this relatively brief thread so that others can duplicate this enhancement of the placard on the Roswell Slides:

(Given that various experts have claimed to look into the slides for over a year, surely some of you can spare a minute or two to independently confirm the relevant results and help refute allegation that the solution has been faked using Photoshop...).
I'll refrain from posting all my notes on the "Roswell Slides" but I'll just quickly post the following sections:

Section A : This brief introduction

Section B : A recap for those unfamiliar with the "Roswell Slides" saga

Section C : The mummy solution

Section D : Solving the mystery at home in 1.5 minutes

Section E : Postscript

edit on 9-5-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-15-2015 by Springer because: Removed the : from the title

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:42 PM

Section B : A recap for those unfamiliar with the "Roswell Slides" saga

Before we get cracking, I'll just post a little recap for those that haven't been following the teasing about these slides over the last year or two.

After over a year of teasing from some ufologists, on 5th May 2015 Jaime Maussan hosted a show in Mexico which lasted several hours at which the Roswell Slides were unveiled to considerable fanfare. (Some of you may have bought one of the tickets he sold for that show or paid to watch the streaming webcast...)

That show resulted in a considerable publicity, including the item on the website of various newspapers - such as an article on the website of the Daily Mail newspaper in the UK entitled " Is this evidence of alien life? New Roswell photos prove 'beyond any doubt' that ET exists, claim UFO specialists"

The promotional campaign to sell tickets for the show in Mexico included various videos posted by Mexican ufologist Jaime Maussan, declaring that the show would unveil the most important evidence on the most important UFO case : Roswell. See, for example, Jaime Maussan's video below : entitled "Jaime Maussan Presents the Smoking Gun":

The show in Mexico featured presentations by two prominent Roswell researchers that have claimed to have been studying the slides in depth for over a year, including Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, as well as a presentation by Richard Dolan.

edit on 9-5-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:42 PM

Section C : The mummy solution

One of the promotional videos featured somewhat blurred images of the Roswell Slides that were very quickly subjected to screen-grabs and considered by many within the UFO community.

Most concluded almost at first glance that the images were very likely simply the mummified remains of a child.

Several members of the UFO community that considered the child mummy solution to be promising, including me, formed an informal group to consider the claims being by the promoters of the big show in Mexico. One of the members of that group, Paul Kimball, created a website for us to use - called the "Roswell Slides" Research Group.

The members of the Roswell Slides Research Group are

José Antonio Caravaca
Isaac Koi
Nab Lator
Lance Moody
Tim Printy
Curt Collins
Tim Hebert
Paul Kimball
Gilles Fernandez
Trained Observer
Chris Rutkowski
Roger Glassel
S. Miles Lewis

Our colleagues and associates, include Alejandro Espino, Philippe Hernandez, Aaron J Gulyas, Irna France, Nick Redfern, Fin Handley, Jeff Ritzmann and many, many more who have very kindly provided help.

One member of the Roswell Slides Research Group (Jose Antonio Caravaca) wrote an article back in March entitled "Is This Mummy the Famous "Alien" in the Roswell Slides?", posted on the Curt Collins' Blue Blurry Lines blog, pulling together some of the work done by the group at that time and sharing some of the images we had found. (Even if you haven't visited that blog - which, of course, you should do - you may have seen some of the relevant mummy images since the Roswell Slides were released because various other websites and researchers have taken that work and reposted it, usually without attributing their sources...).

edit on 9-5-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:43 PM
This caused the promoters of the slides to react with some outrage at the very thought, with criticism by them that we were working with blurred images and promises being made that when the unblurred slides were released the members of the Roswell Slides Research Group would be very sorry and proven wrong.

Following the release of unblurred images in the last few days, the assessment of the claims made by the promoters of the slides has continued.

Things have been moving rather quickly.

One of the obvious first steps has been to try to read the placard visible in the slides. (The very presence of placards caused most reasonable people to think we were looking at a museum exhibit...).

During an interview of Tom Carey and Don Schmitt , of the show's expert presentations, Don Schmitt said (at 1 hour 24 minutes into the video below):

there’s a placard, very fuzzy, that can not be legibly read by the naked eye, yet we’ve had everyone from Dr. David Rudiak, to Studio MacBeth, even the Photo Interpretation Department of the Pentagon, as well as Adobe have all told us that it’s beyond the pale, that it cannot be read, it is totally up to interpretation.
we have done everything we can

Some very enterprising work was done by one members of the Roswell Slides Research Team (Nab Lator). He used commercial software, SmartDeblur, to significantly clear up the blurred text. Other members offered suggestions and helped narrow down the actual words.

Following a bit of work by various members of the team over a period of a few hours, Curt Collins posted an article entitled The Placard of the Roswell Slides: The Final Curtain on his Blue Blurry Lines blog setting out some of the initial results. As Curt mentioned in that article:

The first line was the most clearly resolved:


There is little doubt that this is the true and correct text.

The other 3 lines of the text are somewhat hard to read, some words more than others.

It seems to say something like:

At the time of burial the body was clothed in a xxx-xxx cotton

shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of these small cotton blankets.

Loaned by the Mr. Xxxxxx, San Francisco, California

That post provoked yet further outrage from the promoters of the Roswell Slides. Their website quickly responded with allegations that the deblurring work of the Roswell Slides Research team was a fake by liars - claiming, for example, that "The image they claim to have de-blured is its self a fake created by taking a low resolution copy of our scan and editing it in photoshop".

I was not very impressed with that allegation, which is one of the reasons I'm writing this thread after I should be tucked up in bed...

edit on 9-5-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:43 PM

Section D : Solving the mystery at home in 1.5 minutes

Given the allegations that the deblurring of the placard is a fake by liars, I thought some of you might like to independently confirm the relevant results USING AN IMAGE OF THE PLACARD ON THE WEBSITE OF THE PROMOTERS OF THE SLIDES.

Most of these steps are illustrated by the helpful video below created by Tim Printy, to guide you through recreating the relevant results:

Step 1 : Download the image of the placard from the website of the Slides promoter and save that image for use in Step 5 below. The image can be found at:

Step 2 : Download and install the (free) trial version of SmartDeblur Pro 2.3 (not the Home version) from:

Step 3 : Download a file containing the setting to deblur the image and save that file as "placard-TEXT1_KERNEL(0.1305).png" for use in Step 6 below. (NOTE : THE FILE NAME MUST BE CHANGED TO THAT SPECIFIC FILENAME, COMPLETE WITH THE BRACKETs) That file can be downloaded from this link:

Step 4 : Open SmartDeblur, clicking on the option to activate the (free) trial mode.

Step 5 : In SmartDeblur, open the image file downloaded in Step 1 above.

Step 6 : In SmartDeblur, under the black box entitled "Blur Model" click on "load" and load the file containing the setting to deblur the image downloaded in Step 3 above.

Step 7 : Wait for the deblurring process to run.

Step 8 : Read the text on the placard.

Step 9 : Confirm whether you can read "MUMMIFIED BODY OF TWO YEAR OLD BOY" or whether the deblurring efforts are a big hoax.

edit on 9-5-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:43 PM

Section E : Postscript

edit on 9-5-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:46 PM
I immediately recognized it as a mummified infant.
It didn't take a year or a team of experts.

+9 more 
posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Section D : Solving the mystery at home in 1.5 minutes

Yeah. Well. Deblurring doesn't really provide any information that isn't available in the "original" image but somehow the fact that Jaime is involved in any manner is enough for me to be convinced that the image has nothing to do with Roswell or ET.

edit on 5/9/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

It won't work because Nab Lator is using a file named placard-TEXT1crop.jpg, you can tell from the file name for the Blur Model image (placard-TEXT1crop_KERNEL0.1305.png). Can you post the steps he used to create the Blur Model image?

edit: I tried re-naming his file but it still won't let me load it. I can load the files I create and save, not sure what the problem is.

edit again: I figured out why it wouldn't load, you have to re-name the Blur Model file to placard-TEXT1_KERNEL(0.1305).png, the brackets around the numbers were missing. It does load, and does look like it says MUMMIFIED BODY OF TWO YEAR OLD BOY, but it would be nice to know the steps to create the Blur Model file.

edit on 5 9 2015 by CosmicRay because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:11 PM
Already posted.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: proob4
Already posted.

As I said in my OP, the person that posted that thread has said he is fine with that one being locked since it is overtaken by this one.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: CosmicRay
edit again: I figured out why it wouldn't load, you have to re-name the Blur Model file to placard-TEXT1_KERNEL(0.1305).png, the brackets around the numbers were missing. It does load, and does look like it says MUMMIFIED BODY OF TWO YEAR OLD BOY, but it would be nice to know the steps to create the Blur Model file.

Oops. Thanks.

I'll try to get the version on that website renamed to include the brackets.

Until then, it looks like we do have to rename the file when downloading it to include the brackets - i.e. placard-TEXT1_KERNEL(0.1305).png

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoiOIC sorry. yea you have the better of the two post's. More info.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Even without software, it says "Mummafied body of two year old boy". But even that is not correct. This body is from a mummified fetus or pre-mature still birth.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:23 PM

edit on 9-5-2015 by BestinShow because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi
I'll try to get the version on that website renamed to include the brackets.

Until then, it looks like we do have to rename the file when downloading it to include the brackets - i.e. placard-TEXT1_KERNEL(0.1305).png

Unfortunately, it looks like the website will not let us include the brackets in the file name of the file to be downloaded - so people downloading it will need to rename the file to:


(I've added an instruction in my step-by-step guide to make this clear. An instruction has also been added on the relevant website. Bit of a pain in the bottom, but probably not a big deal).

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 08:36 PM
If anyone continues to have any problem duplicating the deblurring of the slides in under 1.5 minutes, just let me know.

I want to make the step-by-step instructions as simple and clear as possible.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 09:11 PM
Glad we can end this ridiculousness.

How I wish we will one day find a smoking gun...

ETA: I think anything from Tom Carey/Don Schmitt should be regarded with extreme skepticism from now on. I'd say Jaime Massaun too, but everyone should already know that!
edit on 9-5-2015 by thesearchfortruth because: eta

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 09:58 PM
the " captain obvious " solution to this =

find independant images of the museum exhibit in question - or testimony from the museum that owns it .

that is ` case closed `

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 10:20 PM
Issac - Great job! As I have posted before, with Maussan, Carey & Schmitt involved, I think we all knew it was going to be a hoax. A simple cash grab. But, Dolan... lol, many of the blind true believers feel he is a godsend for ufology. Personally, I never bought onto him. But, many did indeed buy into their "Saint Dolan". Obviously many of the true believers will keep on supporting him. But, imo, he's going to lose a significant chunk of his following. The fact that he was there, at the circus in Mexico City and did a presentation for this fiasco, leads me to believe that perhaps he was not just simply duped. Seems to me he had a vested interest in trying to prove this hoax as the real deal.a reply to: IsaacKoi

edit on 9-5-2015 by LiteraryJourney because: Edited for clarity

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