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Teen faces life in prison for 1 charge of rioting

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posted on May, 1 2015 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Looks to me like they want to make a martyr of this boy, give the people of Baltimore yet another reason to hate authority and start another round of protests/riots.

Even a year in prison might be excessive considering this is only property damage.
Once again we see evidence of agendas at play, stirring up yet more anger.
We can't have anyone turning themselves in and trying to do the right thing now can we?

Eta: Where in the article except the headline does it say anything about life in prison?
Where did that come from? More sensationalism?

According to the article, he was already on probation for previous crimes committed, so that may have something to do with the large bail amount.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Well considering he was by no means the only teen participating, if we are going to lock him up, then we must also lock up the rest. Who im sure a significant percentage of also share a similar colorful history and/or record

that they are going to do, i saw a news report that they are going to try and ID people on video that they can, and issues arrest warrants for those that were the ring leaders and started or broke in the stores, stole and drove cars through fires / set on fire, which in most cases the insurance is not going to cover the cost of getting a new one.

if they are found to be in wanton destruction of property, inciting violent rioting, and charged appropriately.
have their day and in court and face a jury of their peers that say lock them up then damn straight.

i don't know how it is over the pond, and can only guess by your statement that theft, fighting, destruction of property, inciting riots are seen as a colorful activity in the UK. not so much here in the U.S.

people work hard for their stuff, and want to be able to not have to worry about some young punk / thug destroying it. even when ordered by the court to pay for it, that hardly ever happens.

yea if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a guilty convection lock them up, if they already have one, two strikes against them, that just shows that they can't and will not control themselves and do not deserve to be out amongst law abiding citizens.

edit on 1-5-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Building bridges is all well and good, but I don't think starting with a dude who got himself on camera destroying crap that doesn't belong to him is the person to start with.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

Well the significant proportion of the people responsible for the London riots were certainly tracked down and held accountable for there actions, and rather a few did indeed receive Gaol time. The CCTV systems they have in place throughout the city certainly gave them the capability to track them down.

I just think it's a better idea to prevent these situations from developing, tracking down the people responsible has to be a priority i relies that, but giving a significant proportion of the people involved heavy sentences is only going to breed more bad blood in the area.
edit on 1-5-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Lgbtlivesmatter

Don't break the law if you don't want to do time.

Rosa Parks would agree.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: LewsTherinThelamon
a reply to: Lgbtlivesmatter

Rosa Parks would agree.

Rosa Parks didn't take a sledgehammer to the buses windows....

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: Unity_99

Do not stop until he is out. Because I would never stand for this. Its unlawful legislation and abuse of power, therefore huge karmic debt and massive IOU owed to her family and her son, with real culprits, and whatever groups they belong to. Take the evil out.


Wait, seriously, whhhaaattttt ??!!??

Unlawful legislation ? Karmic debt ??

What orifice are you pulling this from???

And IOU?? LOLOLOL. The only IOU here is the tens of thousands in damage to taxpayer-bought property, that he-owes-us. Or maybe the $50,000 they're going to IOU to the bondsman!

The kid retaibs his right to a speedy trial, and in the meantime he waits in jail and is not out destroying more property. He's still way better off having turned himself in than having a warrant issued since he had his face plastered all over TV a and the web doing a dumb crime.
edit on 1-5-2015 by 8675309jenny because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

If only he didn't participate in the illegal rioting, his woes wouldn't being happening.

But, lets blame the system and make up new words from old words in some asinine attempt to place blame anywhere but on the person.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: Cypress

originally posted by: LewsTherinThelamon
a reply to: Lgbtlivesmatter

Rosa Parks would agree.

Rosa Parks didn't take a sledgehammer to the buses windows....

Tis truth.

But, in the instance that people destroy private property, it would be, in my opinion, far more productive to task those involved with the labor and money necessary to help restore what they destroyed--as opposed to just sticking them in a cell that taxpayers pay for. A cell where they do no good.

If it's government property--more power to them. I mean, to me it makes no sense to destroy/loot businesses if you're angry at heavy-handed police officers. It makes more sense to burn down the local police station.
edit on 1-5-2015 by LewsTherinThelamon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: macman

But, lets blame the British and make up new words from old words in some asinine attempt to place blame anywhere but on the American colonists.


posted on May, 1 2015 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: roaland

No life in prison, the title is sensationalism

Baltimore Teen Encouraged by Parents to Turn Himself in Is Held on $500,000 Bail, Faces Life in Prison

That is the title alright, seems they're counting on most people not reading beyond it.

i read the artical, it says a charge of rioting carries a possible term of a life sentence near the bottom of the story, first half of the sentence that starts the damn paragraph. lol gez people lol 5 pages and your still arguing about something that says it right in the story lol it says possibility of not that he was getting charged with it lol but yes i agree the title of the thread is damned missleading lol
edit on 1-5-2015 by roaland because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

He's afraid of the police kicking in his door and beating his son, therefore instead of loading the shotgun he will deliver his family up to the government. NOT A MAN.

Shame on anyone who collaborates with the government against their own- that's some Nazi Germany stuff.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: The Vagabond
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

He's afraid of the police kicking in his door and beating his son, therefore instead of loading the shotgun he will deliver his family up to the government. NOT A MAN.

Shame on anyone who collaborates with the government against their own- that's some Nazi Germany stuff.

I've gotta agree. Especially considering that 'the man' is probably not going to pursue any of the rioters for criminal prosecution at this point.

I laughed (quietly). Everyone wants to be older when they're a teenager. Sucks to be 18 for this thug.

Avoiding interaction with the police is always the best course of action. I don't care what your motives are ... you cannot control the outcome of events.

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