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Nasa's Curiosity rover finds water below surface of Mars

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posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: smurfy

originally posted by: Blue Shift
It's a cold, far away planet that still has some water beneath the surface.
I'm not sure how this changes any games.

I don't think it's so cold at Gale Crater, presently at least.

It's all relative. I wouldn't like to be there without a shirt on.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

I thought you maintained against all hail that the ice and water on Mars was CO2?

Water on Mars is CO2?

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 06:20 PM
Another thread was started on this and I commented only to find this thread 2 minutes later so I will repost it here:

Weren't they hoping not to find water? There was a breach in antimicrobial protocol and a drill bit was contaminated. Any water could case earthborn spores to germinate. Hope this doesn't effect the mission.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
It seems they "find" water on Mars an average of once or twice a month.

When is this silly nonsense going to stop, and they just admit that they have uncovered microbial life on Mars? I don't think the worlds religions would topple, civilization wouldn't bat an eye, and most people wouldn't care or simply shrug their shoulders.

We are ready for microbial life, not 10 or 20 years from now. The silly hide-and-seek/warmup game ought to stop.

The OP's link is incorrect in that their are microscopic animals (such as the water bear) that have exposed to outer space and survived.....

"Tardigrades can persist for months, or even for years, in the anhydrobiotic state. When in the desiccated state, Tardigrades show a high resistance to physical and chemical extremes," explains Professor Guidetti.


posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:39 PM
But I wonder if its like Earth the deeper you go the warmer it gets, and the higher the atmospheric pressure. So by rule of thumb, five miles under the Martian surface, liquid water could, exist in pressures similar to Earth, probably alongside the mushrooms. Which any advanced life forms, would probably cultivate. Away from the radiation, our little Martian friends, are probably polishing their UFO's, and joking about the Rover, and thinking its ironic how their bases on earth are underground, and human bases on mars will be on the surface.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: anonentity

In context an argument is why have we not sent probes into Mar's surface to look into caves that travel deep into its surface?

edit on 13-4-2015 by Kashai because: Content edit

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 11:35 PM

if life ever blossomed on Mars, it probably died out more than a billion years ago

It says "if" so nothing concrete, but I think leaning towards the idea that life certainly did flourish on the red planet billions of years ago is somewhat of a game changer.

If in fact mars was once a beautiful planet that flourished with life, wouldn't that call into question every religious and mainstream belief held today?
edit on 13-4-2015 by GoShredAK because: Reworded

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: GoShredAK

if life ever blossomed on Mars, it probably died out more than a billion years ago

It says "if" so nothing concrete, but I think leaning towards the idea that life certainly did flourish on the red planet billions of years ago is somewhat of a game changer.

If in fact mars was once a beautiful planet that flourished with life, wouldn't that call into question every religious and mainstream belief held today?

Its a good bet that, looking at the mountains and valleys, it had a dynamic climate like the Earths at some time. Any sentient being living there would have, adjusted to the changing climate . If pebbles have been rounded , by the action of running water, something cataclysmic must have happened, to change things.

Might the sun have been hotter at one stage, before it settled down to the slow long burn. This would make Mars a good candidate on the outer limits of the Goldilocks zone, to cause running water etc. . At that stage Earth would have been to hot, like Venus is now. Then as the Suns fuel tails off, before it becomes a red giant, their might be a chance for Venus, when Earth will be like Mars. But would it matter as the sentient beings would have developed a technology to combat the changes, long before then.
edit on 14-4-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: anonentity

originally posted by: GoShredAK

if life ever blossomed on Mars, it probably died out more than a billion years ago

It says "if" so nothing concrete, but I think leaning towards the idea that life certainly did flourish on the red planet billions of years ago is somewhat of a game changer.

If in fact mars was once a beautiful planet that flourished with life, wouldn't that call into question every religious and mainstream belief held today?

Its a good bet that, looking at the mountains and valleys, it had a dynamic climate like the Earths at some time. Any sentient being living there would have, adjusted to the changing climate . If pebbles have been rounded , by the action of running water, something cataclysmic must have happened, to change things.

Might the sun have been hotter at one stage, before it settled down to the slow long burn. This would make Mars a good candidate on the outer limits of the Goldilocks zone, to cause running water etc. . At that stage Earth would have been to hot, like Venus is now. Then as the Suns fuel tails off, before it becomes a red giant, their might be a chance for Venus, when Earth will be like Mars. But would it matter as the sentient beings would have developed a technology to combat the changes, long before then.

Well put

This would disturb the foundation of all religious dogmas and maybe some scientific hypothesis would it not?
edit on 14-4-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: anonentity

In which case Valles Marinaris would be a good candidate for life of some sort.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: smurfy

originally posted by: Blue Shift
It's a cold, far away planet that still has some water beneath the surface.
I'm not sure how this changes any games.

I don't think it's so cold at Gale Crater, presently at least.

It's all relative. I wouldn't like to be there without a shirt on.

Agreed, but it's still interesting to make comparisons...for the daytime anyway.

"The high “air” temperature on Mars, according to the latest data from Nasa’s Curiosity Rover, occurring in the Gale crater near the Red Planet’s equator, hit a balmy daytime high of 17.6F (-8C)."

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Denoli

Good find.

You notice how the goal posts always move. For years, the saying was:

"Where there's water, there's life."

This is back when the skeptics were calling everyone wishful thinkers who said there was water on other planets and water on Mars.

Now, we're finding water everywhere and the goal post is moved.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

This is back when the skeptics were calling everyone wishful thinkers who said there was water on other planets and water on Mars.

Such as...?

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK

originally posted by: anonentity

originally posted by: GoShredAK

if life ever blossomed on Mars, it probably died out more than a billion years ago

It says "if" so nothing concrete, but I think leaning towards the idea that life certainly did flourish on the red planet billions of years ago is somewhat of a game changer.

If in fact mars was once a beautiful planet that flourished with life, wouldn't that call into question every religious and mainstream belief held today?

Its a good bet that, looking at the mountains and valleys, it had a dynamic climate like the Earths at some time. Any sentient being living there would have, adjusted to the changing climate . If pebbles have been rounded , by the action of running water, something cataclysmic must have happened, to change things.

Might the sun have been hotter at one stage, before it settled down to the slow long burn. This would make Mars a good candidate on the outer limits of the Goldilocks zone, to cause running water etc. . At that stage Earth would have been to hot, like Venus is now. Then as the Suns fuel tails off, before it becomes a red giant, their might be a chance for Venus, when Earth will be like Mars. But would it matter as the sentient beings would have developed a technology to combat the changes, long before then.

Well put

This would disturb the foundation of all religious dogmas and maybe some scientific hypothesis would it not?

Absolutely, but the religions and dogmas are really security blanket fairy tales for grown ups. With a high element of social control woven in . The main one being don't worry that life is such crap , as it doesn't matter as you will get your reward in heaven . The free beer tomorrow myth, along with the Houris in paradise, for the male dominated religions, really shows humanity for what it is. A scramble for the best personal resources. But what really are the odds that humanity, is the most technically advanced species in the solar system . To think that is human egocentrism, just as it was once thought the sun goes around the earth.

We wear a body , which is able to hold our personal consciousness, just as any vehicle holds our personal consciousness, while we are driving it. The body is a clever piece of bio engineering, much as an environment suit would be, and adapted to the conditions on this planet. In no time at all with, the use of logic and reason, we have found that DNA operates elemental particles and creates this biological suit, and its energised by the plant based life of Earth. In fact we know the whole genome. Fundamentally "Bio engineering" is technology. "Some consciousness" has engineered a multi purpose vehicle for terrestrial roaming. Along with a Bio Sphere to support its energy requirements . It seems to have established, a reality where their is in fact nothing there but mostly empty space . To do this it had to create the perception of linear time, as part of the input code, for logical memory retrieval, But its still all a decoded perception, enabled by mind/consciousness.

According to this model, "reason" doesn't need linear time . All it requires is the "perception" of linear time, to end chaos. So any sentient consciousness, like a Martian, would have at some stage have had to endured, the same process as us. So operating in the body environment suit, establishes the basic game plan, but once it has been established, do you actually need the environmental suit anymore?. So the hypothetical Martians, who exist along with us, in an Infinite Universe with Infinite possibilities , may have been "De suited" millennia ago . Along with all the other sentient beings that are sure to inhabit the galaxies of an infinite Universe . The only clincher being can a suited human consciousness, learning the logic and reason inherent in the perceived physical laws, in linear time, perceive a being, or the craft of a being in an unsuited state? assuming the unsuited state, is pure consciousness, only fettered by our rules when it wants to be. My bet is yes, now and then, when the suited individual is looking for it.

The Universe wastes nothing and recycles all.

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