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Britain to Train Terrorists and Assist Islamic Savages-State

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posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 07:33 PM

Britain is to provide military training to "Syrian moderate opposition forces", Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has confirmed.
Around 75 trainers and headquarters staff will help in the use of small arms, infantry tactics and medical skills.
The training will take part in Turkey as part of a US-led programme.

The UK Media Never Asks: "What Type of Government is Britain Trying to Destroy?"

Because: President Assad has….
1. Banned the Veil at all Syrian Universities
2. Yet guaranteed freedom of religion in law (i.e. in the parts Assad controls)
3. Even alcohol (a sin in Islam) is legal at the age of 18 within Assad’s Syria
4. Actively promotes gender equality

DAMASCUS, 26 August 2005 (IRIN) - Men and women from local communities, NGOs and key decision makers in eastern Syria agreed in a recent workshop to actively promote gender equity and empower women in their respective governorates.

Iyad al-Dakhil, deputy director of planning in the Deir Ezzor governorate said that the workshop gave women a platform to discuss and call for their rights to be respected.

About Our “Moderates”…
At least 3000 have defected to Islamic State…
In fact: They are so numerous, even John Mc Cain, can’t keep out of photos of people who’ve murdered 11 others purely for their religion….
See famous photo here:
More info:

The Truth Is…
The Allies cannot not know, we are arming the savages. That: Genuine moderates (even if discovered somewhere behind bombed-out, library book shelves) can’t compete against the fanaticism of jihadists.
We know that many receiving Western support, are people who may seek to kill Mr Cameron one day, but are temporarily distracted trying to kill Mr Assad.
It is also quite clear (that on the human rights front) President Assad is most likely, the best leader, Syria will have (not least as he's going to be replaced by our “moderates”) -(Libya human rights, disaster style)

So: Ask Yourself…
If David Cameron (or Con-Lab-Dem) got blow up by terrorists, I’d now be (most tempted) to call it “Karma”.
After all: What right does any government have to complain about their own fear of terrorism, when Cameron is getting involved with another countries civil war (death toll around 200,000+) and trying to oust a secular (losing territory first to our moderates then Islamic State –sort of like the digestive tract, of an animal with two stomachs). See classic example here:

When You Vote in May…
Close your eyes for a second, and it won’t take long to see a dead Syrian child. Or (if you have an Ipad) you can see a dead person, accomplished by our Libyan actions in 2011.
Nearly all Tory MP’s (and many Labour and Dem) voted for the Libyan war 557 verses 13 voted for Libya
In Syria military action was prevented by a whisker –because if your MP voted for Libya, chances are, it would have got us involved with Syria too.

Whatever You’re Concerns for Britain…
Surely they don't compare with the needless destruction of life in Syria & abroad? All on the back of totally unapologetic, ideological policy, last imposed upon Libya, but Libya itself being based on unapologetic actions now dragging us back into Iraq.
The Real Question is: Do you personally, care more about (the extent) of the Seficit, or the (quality) of your NHS than the pure hell, Britain is literally bloodying itself in?

I will be voting UKIP in May, however I’d sooner vote for the Green Party (or even the SNP) a 1000 times, that make myself perfectly fit for reincarnation in the next life, into Iraq-Libya-Syria by voting Con-Lab-Dem -just once more.
Anyone care to disagree?

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: Liberal1984

Nothing new here the MoD loves training psychotic murderers and letting them loose on an unsuspecting populace. Some things never change as much as I keep hoping. Do they even have history books at the War College?

I think that no matter who wins it's just switching one bunch of dangerous dimwits for another. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong but I'm not holding my breath.

edit on 3/26/2015 by Kukri because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 08:03 PM
I know Assad has a bad reputation, but how much of that has been generated by the American / British propaganda machine? He sounds a lot like Saddam Hussein before we made a mess of things in Iraq. Sometimes it is best to leave things alone with a known evil than leave a vacuum for a worse one.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 08:06 PM
You guys want guns again?

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Liberal1984

I'm confused.

The BBC article you quote is about training moderates to fight IS, not President Assad.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
You guys want guns again?

Guns are fun, so they say.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 09:13 PM

Metallicus: I know Assad has a bad reputation, but how much of that has been generated by the American / British propaganda machine?
Judging the good they are not saying: Much of it!
Same old truth: That we have more brutal allies (like Saudi Arabia) it’s just they lack a civil war, to put this non-existent, love of human rights, to any test.

Of Course...
It’s very easy to call the Middle East’s dictators “evil” but democracy is largely incompatible with this regions culture. Democracy has been tested many times (beginning when Europe abandoned its Empires, and made former colonies independent from imperial rule) and the problems then, are exactly the same now…
1. Moderates can’t fight physically as well as extremists because: For every moderate politician, there are a dozen jihadists offended enough, to seek martyrdom with suicide assassination. Consequently oppressive police apparatus are needed by whoever is in power –an apparatus waiting to be abused by whoever doesn’t want to let go.
2. The societies are tribal: Being in a tribe is a bit like being a Free Mason (it’s good for you because a Free Mason judge will look upon you kindly, but bad for everyone else because justice isn’t served).
Worse: I spoke to a soldier returned from Afghanistan. He explained we’d never have democracy because: All anyone wanting to get elected need do is make a “gift” to the Tribal leaders. Ten the Tribal leaders call a meeting, decide your gift is best, then instruct the rest of the Tribe to vote for you. Nobody forces anyone in the tribe to do anything; but 99% do what they are told (out of tribal loyalty) from the word get go. This results in endemic corruption –one thing something worse than a single corrupt dictator is hundreds of corrupt politicians.
3. The societies are highly fragmented along Sectarian lines. Without an oppressive police, a few bombs, in either Shiite or Sunni mosques, invites retaliation and counter retaliation –as was immediately seen after Saddam’s police force was sacked. Soon the population are so outraged, they majority only seek extremists, through the democratic process.
4. For the above reasons the populations tend to be poor (throughout all human history, anywhere, poverty is well documented to encourage political extremism).
Democracy does have a history of working well but: Only in cultures that are not Tribal, nor dominated by religious sectarianism (i.e. religious hatred against different faiths).
So Before Complaining About Assad…
Realize the choice is between a secular dictatorship, or Islamist-fundamentalist one.

Whilst Syria is “a bad dictatorship” (for being Allies with Russia)
And whilst Gadaffi & Saddam were bad for spending too much oil wealth on their same people (they did to pacify them)…

Saudi Arabia “is good” because it spends the absolute minimum on its own people, and invests nearly all its oil wealth back into U.S government bonds & investments.

In a Way: This Makes Absolute Sense of Current Policy…
The new regimes in Iraq, Libya and (soon to be) Syria, are unlikely to produce so much oil. But they can be counted on, to be one thing: Totally corrupt!
So they look at what oil money they do have and think to themselves “where should I invest this stolen money so it may grow safely & wisely?” One quick look at their own country, and it’s quite apparent it’s a mess “a risky investment”. So the money from the oil, gets transferred to Stockbrokers, investing in the countries that bought the oil.

In This Way…
The U.S dollar, the British pound, and the Euro are protected. Instead of these currencies being weakened by being exchanged against e.g. Yen or Rubbles, they are returned to the nations that exported the currency (in exchange for oil). And so… This is what is actually meant by it “all being about oil”.

The Biggest Problem Is…
Nobody in the West seems to be too in control of who leads these countries new leaderships. Consequently: Islamic State is rising –and this stands in time to lead to warfare potentially much bigger than Vietnam (and just like the first 6 years of Hitler) the longer the West delays properly going to war with them, the harder to remove they will become, and so the bigger the eventual war will be –the higher the eventual death toll. But before waging war against ISIS, it would be nice to know that this idea of always seeking democracy, can be explained to the public, as flawed.

CJCrawley: I'm confused.

The BBC article you quote is about training moderates to fight IS, not President Assad.
Oh for goodness sake! This is simply how the BBC -Government "markets" UK military, involvement. The UK has stated countless times that it wants Assad gone, and knows full well that the moderates are heavily infiltrated by ISIS –will easily have kit stolen by ISIS, unless they somehow serve ISIS i.e. by fighting President Assad.
Of course ISIS (or something like it) will terminate the moderates when Assad is gone –as the extremists did to the very few moderates, in Libya.
edit on 090705 by Liberal1984 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 07:35 AM
The OP is mis-titled and misleading. The Brits are to provide military training... "Syrian moderate opposition forces", Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has confirmed.

Quote taken from the OPs BBC link.

The fact is that Assad is a brutal dictator. He is master of his own fate. The original rebellion has birthed such extremes that everyone is fighting everyone else. Don't fool yourself into thinking Assad is a nice guy, or Gadhafi for that matter.

On training "moderates". I agree. Amongst all the extremists there are moderate groups, including those from the Kurdish communities so badly treated by ISIS et al.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Or we should just keep the eff out of other peoples civil wars.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 07:44 AM
I'm not sure what counts for moderate with these Assad opposition forces. I thought the last lot we armed, were meant to be moderate democracy loving freedom fighters. I certainly don't think Assad is a good guy in anyway, but there seem to be very few good guys in the region. I think we certainly need to question The tactic supporting the enemy of my enemy is my friend strategy. It doesn't work very well in these circumstances
edit on 27-3-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
I'm not sure what counts for moderate with these Assad opposition forces. I thought the last lot we armed, were meant to be moderate democracy loving freedom fighters


at the end of the day they are all barbarians and savages.

Let them fight it out but we should keep far away.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

Even when there's a chance to stop the bloodshed. Just think what would have happened if the international community acted more quickly in Rwanda, or not at all in Serbia.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
a reply to: crazyewok

Even when there's a chance to stop the bloodshed. Just think what would have happened if the international community acted more quickly in Rwanda, or not at all in Serbia.

And if he had not killed Gaddafi or Saddam we would not have ISIS.

More time than not if we get involved bad things seem to happen as a result.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:48 AM
Totally agree with your view of the situation it enrages me that Joe public don't see that moderate rebels and Isis are two sides of the one coin but let's humour the government's tale that they are not it is true how ever that one of the "moderate" rebel leaders posted a video of himself cutting out the Hart of a dead Syrian solider and eating it also a lot of moderate rebels have suffered cannibal related brain diseases charming fellows witch by the by aren't even moderately syrian

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: CJCrawley
a reply to: Liberal1984

I'm confused.

The BBC article you quote is about training moderates to fight IS, not President Assad.

When was the last time you heard of a IS attack on Assad or any of his forces...?

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