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New Sanders Report Shows Extent of Republican Budget Gimmicks

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posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: buster2010

No we haven't. They just used procedural tricks to deem the previous year's budget into place, and this has been done since Obama took office.

That isn't actually the formal budget process that is supposed to have taken place.

Oh, Obama makes a show of releasing a budget, and the Congress votes it down ... almost unanimously. That's how bad O's budgets are. Maybe one person in all of Congress votes for them.

Oh, so wrong. You see, after the great 2013 Ted Cruz shutdown, Congress passed, and the President signed a budget which ran through the end of 2014. And in the past, continuing resolutions (which are perfectly legal) kept the budget open at previous year levels. You don't have to like it, but that was a budget nonetheless. You see for many Federal agencies, no budget, no operating expenses. That means nobody can get paid, or work. Outside of doucher Cruz's two week shutdown, everyone has continued along under a budget with operating expenses available.

And almost every budget any President has put forth each year has been voted down. Nobody expects Congress will pass the President's budget proposal.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: AlaskanDad

Although I agree with his premise sbout the Republicans and their spending budget…… Which is obviously complete farce….I'm not of the mind that him backing the Democrats in their budget is any better…

Surely he can see the both of their Budgets are padded and disguised to conceal what they're doing

If he was truly being objective he wouldn't be advocating for either side….The independents in this country need to stop catering to either party and start coming up with more solutions…

There are some that are that they are getting the coverage.....

If there is any doubt whatsoever from anyone… That these parties are not Now one in the same… Look at Jed bush and his voting record… And look at the Democrats in their voting record….You can often see that they fall on the same lines…

We don't have two parties as many of said for many years we have one party with two names…… It is never been more apparent than the last two election cycles

Well, Bernie is a card carrying member of the Socialist party. Just because he is registered as an Independent doesn't mean his ideals are anything more than what he holds in his heart.
As far as American politics goes - being an Independent simply means you can vote for either party (where allowed) - but make no mistake, Sen. Sanders is an admitted Democrat/Socialist.
Make no mistake, he will willingly take a swing at Democrats in the chambers as well.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:36 PM
Dump a couple of AGENCIES and we should be GOOD.
NOT that the GOP is actually GOING to fix anything until THEIR man is in... THAT way they couldn't blame the Dems.

posted on Mar, 28 2015 @ 04:25 PM
Here's a Sanders original "Budget Gimmicks"


Socialism, as they say, works until you run out of other people’s money. That appears to have happened to Jane Sanders, the wife of Vermont Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.

The story is banal. A woman who has her job because of her husband’s clout finagles a credulous state agency into accepting bogus financial documents. Real estate is purchased. The fraud is discovered. The wife of the powerful man is paid a lot of money to leave. Everyone else is ruined.

Bernie Sanders’s wife involved in real estate scam?

posted on Mar, 28 2015 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Here's a Sanders original "Budget Gimmicks"


Socialism, as they say, works until you run out of other people’s money. That appears to have happened to Jane Sanders, the wife of Vermont Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.

The story is banal. A woman who has her job because of her husband’s clout finagles a credulous state agency into accepting bogus financial documents. Real estate is purchased. The fraud is discovered. The wife of the powerful man is paid a lot of money to leave. Everyone else is ruined.

Bernie Sanders’s wife involved in real estate scam?

Can you post anything towards the OP ever? Start a thread if you think the Daily Caller ( the only one to report this, picked up by every other conservative blog) has a creditable lead.

So what are your rebuttals to Bernie? Care to STAY on topic for once? What do you disagree with, what are your solutions? Your crap is exactly why the US is so divided and screwed. Debate this point and then we'll discuss your other. Infact, I encourage you to start a thread about that potentially important issue. Focus here, on this topic now...k?.

OT noticed the Neo's have been absent lately, recalled for more important interneting?....must put the load right on you guys.
edit on 28-3-2015 by Connector because: (no reason given)

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