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Homelessness & Food Poverty in the UK/USA

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posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 11:59 AM
The sad thing is there is so much food in America -- most of us are never 15 feet away from a snack.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Soloprotocol

I personally have made welds from Mastic

You're a complete moron and I hope that any buildings on which you have used 'mastic' as a weld collapse on your child and not mine.

For the last time, TechUnique I am sooo sorry - I promise it ends here. x

Just about every Building (100's) i have worked on has had mastic welds here and there, it is common practice in any structural engineering Shop i have ever worked in once that steel gets to paint.

I never invented it, i merely did what i was told. and anyway, I wasn't paid enough to inspect welds nor was i about to miss my targets because someone missed a weld. Instead of Taking the steel away from the paintshop for the weld they would drag a welding plant into the paintshop...not while i was painting, no way. I saw enough people on fire at that game, i wasn't prepared to be one of them.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 01:14 PM
We can do more on an individual level, each and every one of us could find some time tomorrow and take a homeless person some food or a drink, even just talk to them and share a cig. But barely any of us do so. Maybe we should question our own actions and actively make a change on the micro level for the good of everyone. It makes us feel good so why do we not do it?

With regards to migrant workers, I do not think they steal our jobs but judging by what I'm reading on here perhaps there is something to be said for their work ethic vs ours. Not just doing a job but doing it well and properly.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
The sad thing is there is so much food in America -- most of us are never 15 feet away from a snack.

It's sad how many empty houses there are in the UK compared to how many homeless people there are..

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: TechUnique

Somebody has to foot the bill for this:

The value of cash benefits paid to the rich has gone UP since the recession

Between 2007 and 2013, cash benefits paid to the richest fifth of the population increased by 42%. For the poorest fifth, benefits fell by 5%

Britain's divided decade: the rich are 64% richer than before the recession, while the poor are 57% poorer

The gap between richest and poorest has dramatically widened in the past decade as wealthy households paid off their debts and piled up savings following the financial crisis, a report warns today.

By contrast, the worst-off families are far less financially secure than before the recession triggered by the near- collapse of several major banks. They have an average of less than a week’s pay set aside and are more often in the red. 097038.html

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
The sad thing is there is so much food in America -- most of us are never 15 feet away from a snack.

It's sad how many empty houses there are in the UK compared to how many homeless people there are..

And many of those empty properties are owned by either rich Brits who only use them once or twice a year and in London by foreign investors who plan to leave them unoccupied until they can make a killing when the market rises.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: and14263

With regards to migrant workers, I do not think they steal our jobs but judging by what I'm reading on here perhaps there is something to be said for their work ethic vs ours. Not just doing a job but doing it well and properly.

If i could move to another country and earn 6x my annual salary i would be off in a flash and my work ethic would not be in question.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

All these problems could be solved quite easily if the politicians did what they should be doing.

Good subject matter...although I can't think of anyone to vote for.

I think any video that contains numbers and statistics is always going to switch people off a little. You might have to sex the subject up a bit. A little feedback could a little more engaging with the viewer. know your script and subject matter well then you can relax more. If people can relate to you they will listen to what you have to say. None of that was criticism, I think you are doing what you should be doing. S+F

Regards midicon.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: Night Star
Great video! What a good looking guy you are and...LOVE the accent!

Homeless numbers are growing and it is so sad. Between the high cost of living and lack of jobs, I don't see it getting better anytime soon. It doesn't help that illegal immigrants are taking millions of jobs either.

Thanks, I'm flattered =]

Can you really blame the immigrants for wanting a better life though, or do you think it's more a case of the Government letting them in, so to speak?

Its both really. Folks shouldn't move to another country and just go on the dole. Not saying that is the case overall but when it is you have to wonder what dumazz is calling shots.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Logarock have to wonder what dumazz is calling shots.

This is IMO the correct way to look at the issue. Direct your angst to the guys calling the shots, not the guys taking advantage and bettering themselves.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: and14263

With regards to migrant workers, I do not think they steal our jobs but judging by what I'm reading on here perhaps there is something to be said for their work ethic vs ours. Not just doing a job but doing it well and properly.

Yes many do a good job at work. But this superhuman work ethic that is become an urban myth proportion has really more to do with the fact that they work much cheaper. I have worked with emigrants that work hard and some that don't. The primary reasons why emigrants have taken harder labor jobs has less to do with lazy americans than it does many other factors. Like employers getting out of taxes, emigrant migrants getting out of taxes, low wages for the hard labor, ect and stuff like that.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Logarock have to wonder what dumazz is calling shots.

This is IMO the correct way to look at the issue. Direct your angst to the guys calling the shots, not the guys taking advantage and bettering themselves.

Many really do better themselves. But we are talking about folks that come here and go one the dole? Thats my meaning. Who lets folks in the country and then puts them on the dole? Thats another ballgame and doesn't fall under the headings of coming here to better self ect.

I will guarantee you though that anyone that comes to this country and takes a hard job for low pay is and will eventually be looking for better pay at some point. No one wants to work themselves into the ground for little wages time without end.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

Great post ... Hats off to you bringing this issue up.

What intelligent person wants to work stacking shelves for some corporate supermarket
Or being a phone drone or any type of wage slave for the soulless corporations that have usurped all aspects of daily life and industry ...

This situation is by design ... The closing down of UK industry/skills ... and shipping in goods made elsewhere by "Slave labour"

It would seem that any sense of self reliance and pride has been bushwhacked ... as if "They" would have us all dependent

The government is elected by the people to represent the peoples wishes ... yet ignore that ... Most folk would rather have their taxes spent on looking after the people of this country ... rather than spend them on murdering folk in other country's in their war games against enemies they have helped create

Constantly dividing the world against itself ... when in reality most people just want to get along and live their lives

Show me an an honourable politician ... and I will vote for him/her ... but until then their are no half measures

end of rant

edit on 12-3-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:18 AM

George Santayana ~ 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it'

If you look at Victorian/Dickensian Britain, following the industrial revolution, there was a very interesting class dynamic:
The ruling elite, a very narrow band of middle class, and hoards of the great unwashed of the working class.
Poverty was rife, as was homelessness, as many migrated to the cities to find work in the new factories, building the railways, building the neighbourhoods created by the rail system etc.

The factory owners/construction company owners could pay what they liked - there was no shortage of willing labour, treat people as they liked - there were few labour laws etc.
Meanwhile, the government were busy empire building, with plenty of of the impoverished available for cannon fodder.
The industrialists, and the banks controlled everything, and the working class either did whatever was asked of them, or they faced the poor-law workhouses....

Any of this sounding familiar?

In the US you have to remember that the much lionised Ronald Reagan - the sweetheart of the conservatives - not only closed all the mental health facilities; forcing thousands onto the streets with few skills to allow them to advance, but deregulated many industries allowing the corporations to move their manufacturing overseas (and away from the American labour force), move assets overseas, and treat the American workers in a manner similar to the Victoria industrialists... The bankers were given the keys to the kingdom to do whatever they pleased, and everyone was promised prosperity through 'trickle down' economics. That was 26 years ago. How's that going?
Then came the empire building.

Poverty, hunger, and homelessness are institutional. They are a created state, rather than something to address. How can you control people who are prosperous, and happy?
Keep them in fear. Keep them poor. Keep them hungry. They will comply.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 02:56 AM
Nothing to add to what's already been said but thought this thread was worthy of a bump. Sometimes we get caught up in a lot more sensational stuff and forget to address real and relevant issues.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

Anyone making under 15 dollars an hour is going to screwed because of inflationary boundaries in the next couple of years. You will not be able to afford food and shelter. The government is going to try and fill the gap with welfare but it will fail at some point.

Inflation is the real enemy of liberty and freedom.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: Logarock

I would say financially and quality of life - they are bettering themselves by coming here and claiming benefits such as dole and housing benefit.

It's by the by though - this isn't having an effect on rising homelessness... or if it is it's nothing compared to the effect the government and big business has had on homelessness. The red tape, the legislations, the fact I can't go out onto the street and sell my wares if I am poor without having to pay hundreds for a license, the continuing demise of promoted family standards, the lack of legislative monitoring for big businesses, increased media vulgarity, access to internet based mind killing crap.... We could go on and on...

But people blame the migrants.


posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Logarock have to wonder what dumazz is calling shots.

This is IMO the correct way to look at the issue. Direct your angst to the guys calling the shots, not the guys taking advantage and bettering themselves.

Many really do better themselves. But we are talking about folks that come here and go one the dole? Thats my meaning. Who lets folks in the country and then puts them on the dole? Thats another ballgame and doesn't fall under the headings of coming here to better self ect.

I will guarantee you though that anyone that comes to this country and takes a hard job for low pay is and will eventually be looking for better pay at some point. No one wants to work themselves into the ground for little wages time without end.

Yes there is stuff like this going on:

edit on 13-3-2015 by Orion75 because: youtube error

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