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South Africa's State of the Nation address turns to Chaos!!

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posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:31 PM
I know this is a bit old, but the drama is still in the news.

For some weird reason, I cannot track down some of the major articles that came out soon after the event.

Dramatic footage recorded inside Parliament shows security personnel dragging and pushing members of the EFF out of the House.

Fist fights broke out as Economic Freedom Fighters MPs were dragged out the National Assembly during the State of the Nation address on Thursday evening.

The MPs tried to stand their ground after speaker Baleka Mbete ordered them to leave, but officers dragged them out. EFF MP Floyd Shivambu confronted a few officers and another fight broke out.

Here is the link to the video.

Is this where SA has come to in the last few years? Is there no respect of honor in government anymore?

And here is a big surprise, president Zuma was not embarrassed or angry about this chaos, but found it funny!

edit on 15-2-2015 by IndependentOpinion because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-2-2015 by IndependentOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:43 PM

looks like they got a real successful system down there.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:47 PM
Probably IMF plants trying to undermine BRICS.


posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:53 PM
Not much different than Detroit!!

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: IndependentOpinion
Is this where SA has come to in the last few years? Is there no respect of honor in government anymore?

And here is a big surprise, president Zuma was not embarrassed or angry about this chaos, but found it funny!

SA has been in this situation for many years. Its now so frequent that the media cannot blot it out anymore.

The government are just fat animals that feed off the poor. Nothing has changed. So many old generation blacks are saying how things were better during the Apartheid. At least many blacks had jobs. Now they die of starvation.

And lets not forget the modest 50 murders a day that was published on Sky news in 2010 before the World Cup football.

Zuma found it normal. that is why he laughed. Its a tribal war. Nothing has changed.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:55 PM
I have to admit I am somewhat ignorant when it comes to SA politics.

But from this and the other thread about possible collapse of the power grid things don't appear to good down there.

I must admit though, as an American, maybe some of that passion would be a good thing in our Congress and Senate.

Anything is better than the status quo of self serving crony capitalists that occupy our Federal and state governments now.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:01 PM
Cross a clown with an idiot and a murderer--Zuma

The guys in red/pink are the EFF party who are alleging that the rest of Parliament are crooks. And they are correct, of course.
edit on 10/06/2013 by Tusks because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/06/2013 by Tusks because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: IndependentOpinion

Looks like a Memphis city council meeting.

But with less drug use,I'm guessing.
edit on 15-2-2015 by FalcoFan because: dumbed down liberal public schooling

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Rapha

I think you would then agree with my latest thread.

And yes, MANY old black people are saying that they wish they could undo the end of Apartheid.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Tusks

I have even heard people speaking of "Zatan"

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: stosh64
That was no passion. Just n total disregard to rules. Malema was almost removed from govenrment last year, and was almost in jail for taxt fraud.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: IndependentOpinion


Zuma and Malema - NO GOOD. ANC and EFF - NO GOOD.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 05:13 PM
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
Ronald Reagan

Whites were settling South Africa long before the Xhosa, Zulu, Bantu, Shona, etc. came down from the north. The few folks who were present before the whites arrived were the Bushmen/Khoisan---and they're still there, and still preferring to live in small groups in the wilderness/desert.

Allowing primitive tribesmen who, on their own, had never produced a written language, or a working sewer system, or an ocean going ship (we're talking Sub-Saharan Black peoples--not North Africa), or a 3 story building, or even designed a wheel---to take over a 400 year old first class civilization built by others was criminal. Without continuous aid from non-Black countries, the deterioration will continue to proceed, and really appears inevitable.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: IndependentOpinion

South Africa used to be the most stable place in all of Africa........I wonder what changed. At this pace this country is going to circle the gutter in 10 years.

It is what it is...........

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Rapha

That might be true, but then again, you can pull the line back some years before, depending on the eye of the beholders, South Africa may have been better off prior to Dutch and British Colonialism, supremacy at it's best as with India, and an entire host of other victims of culture killers.... whenever this happens, it's a recipe for disaster, indigenous people within the borders of their own lands, succumbing to auslanders (the dutch and british imperialists) , their laws and ways.

No there is no reason or cause for chaos if the people really start waking up to this nonsense, I have to add, the great proportion of the worlds problems today, is a culmination of meddling in other countries affairs, putting up tents and planting flags where there were already inhabitants, when chickens start coming home to roost, as they always do, people have a hard time understanding that in most instance, they have been the cause of their own troubles, self inflicted by the first ugly characteristic of the imperialist, seeing what your neighbor has, coveting it and then stealing it for ones self especially if you have the means to overpower them with gunpowder and armaments and dirty tricks.... it's a tough pill to swallow, but truth hurts.

edit on 15-2-2015 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: IndependentOpinion

Coming to a European country near you soon!!

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: phinubian

Culture killers?? Like the culture of Shaka and Mzilikazi? Murderers, raiders, constantly at war? They wiped out all the other blacks in the Transvaal so much so that the Boer-trekkers basically met no opposition or resident blacks during the trek of 1830.

Culture killers?? like the culture of the Thugees of India? Murderers by trade. Or the cultural practice of Sati of the Hindus?

White Christian European cultures that formed colonies to prosper, to trade, or to escape discrimination, brought superior civilization to the essentially primitive areas they settled. If it were not so, the native populations would have been more successful in their attempts to annihilate the colonists---which happened much more often than the other way around.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: SubTruth

The government happend. And the voter is reluctunt to make a change.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 07:54 AM
In my opinion this is just further proof of a failing and weak leadership.

We are at a point where following rules have become optional it seems. The leadership cannot even enforce the basic rules of Parlaiment.
How is it possible that you allow someone to wear a overall to the parlaiment?
Screw constitutional rights ( in this specific "clothing" case)... where is common sense and respect of law ?
Where is the respect for the voters whom put their faith in you to voice their issues and opinions?
How can you serve these voters if you are constantly being thrown out over petty, unimportant crap?
You are essentially giving your supporters the middle finger when you act in this manner.
Letting small issues slip just to avoid an argument is what got us here in the first place.
Rules are rules (ethical,moral,usable), you follow them or get kicked out the game.

Then again, if the drivers, meaning our President, asleep at the wheel what else can we expect.

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