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Scotland's Lucky Escape

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posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 05:58 PM
I will never forget all the crap that I have read on the internet coming from English lowlifes. They hide their feelings in real life, but their true thoughts come out on the internet. Saying that they wanted to wipe out the Irish and should have killed us all, constant streams of insults toward both Irish and Scots, never ending slander and the most vile things I've seen one group say about another. These cowards will get what's coming to them, soon. When the UK capitulates after Russia and the East begin to assert themselves and strike back at the oligarchic, corrupt NATO/US coalition, the English will get what's coming to them. All of their crimes will be paid for. Just keep talking, keep slandering, keep making troll threads like this on the internet, because you are powerless to do anything else. We will be laughing over you in the years to come. I know guys already that are itching to hit you hard.

Be afraid, you pigs. The Irish haven't forgotten. ;D
edit on 14-1-2015 by Connell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Connell

Quite the bigot aren't you.

I will never forget all the crap that I have read on the internet coming from English lowlifes.

Yeah, I read some awful things posted during the debate and build up to the referendum.
And quite a lot of it came from English people.
There was also a fair amount of hatred directed towards the English - like there always has been for as long as I've been aware.

Not all English are bastards and certainly the vast majority did not take part in posting hate filled comments etc.
Yet you seem perfectly at ease with labelling all the English as lowlifes etc.

Would you do the same about Germans?
Would you do the same about Muslims?
Would you do the same about Jews?
Would you do the same about the Spanish?

If the answer is yes, well, I guess its pointless saying anything else.

If the answer is no then the next question is obvious and straight forward; why the hypocrisy and double standards?

They hide their feelings in real life, but their true thoughts come out on the internet.

Do they?

Care to show me?

Yes, some English do hate the Scots - but many Scots despise the English with a passion, as do many Irish.

The majority of us, ALL of us, just like to take the piss out of each other, have a bit of banter and generally just get on with our lives the best we possibly can.

Saying that they wanted to wipe out the Irish and should have killed us all, constant streams of insults toward both Irish and Scots, never ending slander and the most vile things I've seen one group say about another.


Have you ever been on a Republican website or been to a meeting of Republican supporters? - you can quite frequently here people expressing their desire to commit some sort of genocide against the English.

But do I hate ALL Irish, or Scots? - Most definitely not.

I have lots of friends of both nationalities - very good friends as well.

These cowards will get what's coming to them, soon. When the UK capitulates after Russia and the East begin to assert themselves and strike back at the oligarchic, corrupt NATO/US coalition, the English will get what's coming to them.

Wow - that was pretty hate filled......and its not going to happen, not any time soon anyway.

And exactly what is 'coming to' the English?

And why?

All of their crimes will be paid for.

What crimes have I committed?
What is going to be my punishment?

Just keep talking, keep slandering us, keep making troll threads like this on the internet, because you are powerless to do anything else.


Kettle / Pot springs to mind.

We will be laughing over you in the years to come.

And what exactly would that achieve?
Nothing, except that you are just as much a set of horrible bastards as those whom you allegedly seek retribution against.

But I'm afraid that simply isn't going to happen.

And you know why?
Because the vast majority of Irish, Scots, English and Welsh are just honest, hard working people who have no desire to kill, maim and slaughter anyone - we just want to get on living our lives the best way we can, nothing more, nothing less.

I know guys already that are itching to hit you hard.

FFS, are you threatening something akin to The Troubles?
Grow up - it was an awful time for ALL concerned and only mindless idiots, bullies, bigots and racketeers would want to see a return of such times - grow up.

Be afraid, you pigs. We haven't forgotten. ;D

The only response I can think to such a pathetic statement would be equally pathetic - so I'll refrain.

I feel sorry for you that you seem so consumed with such misguided hatred.

posted on Jan, 15 2015 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Freeborn
Excellent post. Some posters just try and drag any thread/debate down to their own level of bigotry.

posted on Jan, 15 2015 @ 12:43 PM
Lucky escape !!! wait until the tens of billions in cuts by the government come into effect they have only done 30 % of them so far , when oil was $ 12.50 barrel in 1998 , we had buses regular bins were lifted every week

just wait for the of cuts and see what lucky looks like

edit on 15/1/2015 by douglas5 because: ssssssssssssspelllling

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:24 PM
Threat to North Sea oil and gas jobs

edit on 17-1-2015 by DrunkYogi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: douglas5

i voted yes not for #oil.
i voted to rid myself of the second largest legislative body in the world bar the people republic of china( 876 lords+650 wmp)
i voted to have the government elected by the Scottish people and anserable to them.
i trust Scots living in Edinburgh to do the best for the people and country.
I voted against pedo /corrupt WMp
i voted against illegal wars/nuclear bombs whilst people use food bank
I voted for so many other reasons to get rid on Torys be they red or blue.
Scotland the brave you say,this is true history proves this.History also proves that Scotland has had its fair share of traitors ...Toom Tabards they were called, or empty coats.
i would vote yes again tomorrow if possible and oil still wont be a consideration....Scots Wha hay wae Wallace bled..

edit on 17-1-2015 by clanger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: clanger

The figures in that vote just never added up for me .still don't with all postal votes going to Westminster before hand the con was on from the start me thinks

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: clanger

I voted No because there is too much division in the World. English people are getting fkd over too and i decided that if we are going to beat the scum that rule the UK then i want to do it with people who's ancestors have fought in wars side by side with my ancestors. Our enemy is Government, whether that is Cameron or Salmond it makes no difference. Remember, at the end of the day Salmond is a Politician, just like the rest of them. He has his own agenda and in my estimation it was not for the good of the Scottish people. His close friendship with Rupert Murdoch confirms this to me. Some folk have come in to this thread and called the No voters cowards. I see it differently. When you run away from your responsibilities to the decent folk of this island then imho that is cowardice. A little but powerful phrase i would like to remind people of is Divide and Conquer. We can see it happening all over the World by Governments. Why can't they see that the same tactic was being deployed here.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: DrunkYogi
So you voted no to continue to be ruled by the same parties with no chance under FPTP of changing who is in government? 4 million Scots voters cant make a real difference (nor should they be able to) against the 40 million voters south of the border.
There is no option for democratic change on the agenda for the UK ,there was for Scotland and it was wasted.

edit on 17-1-2015 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: ScepticScot

Did you understand anything i said? I mean seriously....Government is Government . Politicians are Politicians. What part of Alec Salmond is a Politician do you people not understand. What part of Alec Salmond's close friend is Rupert Murdoch (A massive player in the grand chess game) do you not understand.

Let's say this island is ruled by the 1%. You have 99% of decent folk against them. If you divide the 99% the 1% still hold's the power. Even more so because you have just diluted your own support. Like cutting of your nose to spite your face.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
4 million Scots voters cant make a real difference

Welcome to reality, I would like more power in South West England.

The Scots at least have a significant control of their own affairs, even before "devo max", which is what you'll get having failed to win majority of the independence vote. When you don't get perfection, you can blame the English, because that's the politics of it all! That's what it boiled down to in the end, the Scots versus the English, or more specifically the SNP versus the Conservatives as that's the bugbear they want to create - all crass politics in the end.


posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: DrunkYogi
I understand perfectly what you mean, I just know it is completely wrong. Most of us grew out the voting doesn't change anything around age 14.
The vote wasn't for salmond, it was for independence.
You can try and reframe the debate if you like the simple fact is that voting no was voting for the establishment. Your dreaded 1%.

edit on 18-1-2015 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: paraphi
I would absolutely support more devolution of power across the whole of the UK. However I see very little chance of that happening as Westminster MPs are not going to vote themselves less powers.
Who is blaming the English? Wanting to be independent is not the sane as blaming the English. Yes voters didn't want to tow the top 1/3rd of the island away. We just don't want to be ruled by Westminster with all that entails anymore.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 03:52 AM

originally posted by: DrunkYogi
a reply to: ScepticScot

What part of Alec Salmond's close friend is Rupert Murdoch (A massive player in the grand chess game) do you not understand.

Yeah, He hangs with "The Doc" at the weekend.. where are you getting this "Close friendship" from.? he once had a meeting with the biggest media magnate on the planet and from this you deduce he is BFF..?

He's Certainly nowhere near as close to "The Doc" as Cameron and co are.

I get the, you dont like Salmond, for whatever reason, but care to tell us why?.. other than a fictitious friendship with "The Doc"

To say he had his own interests in mind and not Scotland and it's people is waaaaay off the mark. Alex Salmond is one of the best politicians and speakers we have ever had. Have you seen and heard the competition.?

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