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posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 08:24 PM
I'm curious as to what others thoughts are on the idea of revolution, and whether others have similar thoughts to me. I believe in revolution. I believe there are some serious, fundamental flaws in our societal structures, that cannot be solved within the existing systems. So, I don't believe in tinkering so much. While I am in some ways passionate about political and social issues, at the same time I basically don't care whatsoever about politicians and the political process. Well, there are some exceptions, but for the most part. When elections come around, and people start arguing about this republican vs. that democrat, this and that, I could care less. None of them are going to do anything real. There's a pre-defined direction, and without radical revolution all there will be is tinkering, a little back and forth deviation on various issues, but the overall direction remains unchanged.

Many people fear revolution. I understand this somewhat, certainly it is possible for things to be more obviously bad. But, the way it's all set up, things can never be great. And I think we as humanity have the potential for a truly great society. But it cannot come within existing frameworks. And so, with almost any revolutionary talk, I cannot help but feel sympathetic. When it comes to revolution, I'm not so much concerned with bogging myself down with all of the specifics in those who seek revolution. To me, revolution itself is the most fundamental thing. If we're all afraid of theoretical negatives, then we'll just never seriously change things, and all of the negativity and exploitation which currently exists will never end. Ever.

And things aren't noticeably terrible, for the most part. This is why people are complacent. It's not so bad, it could be worse. Why shake things up, they think as they imagine a frightening dystopia that they fear could come into existence if real, radical revolution occurred, and our societal structures were truly disassembled. And again, I understand somewhat. But the system is designed for true greatness and equality to be impossible. And so all these people that theoretically want to change things, end up arguing among themselves about the specifics of how they want things to change, often quibbling over minute details and semantics, and so all of the potentially revolutionary forces are divided, and they are no force, incapable of producing change. I support revolution in general. Society can be truly great, there can be happiness at a scale the world hasn't seen before. But revolution is the first step. We must first be willing to overthrow the existing structures, to be able to imagine and accept this idea. Only then is the greatness that exists in the human potential even possible. And I believe in greatness more than mediocrity accepted through complacency and fear of the unknown.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 08:35 PM
Never happen .. the public too fat .. lazy and apathetic to revolt...

Besides pointless waste of lives to replace one failed system with another..

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: TheJourney
I believe in revolution.

Apparently so do TPTB...

"Princeton historian James Billington (Fire in the Minds of Men) traces how all the revolutions were started by this occult elite.

"...the infiltration and take over (via revolutions) of all western governments with the USA as its "prize". Thru the centuries, the Illuminati has financed and promoted every revolution including The French and American Revolution." LINK

"Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people."

Speeches at B'nai B'rith in 1936

College textbooks present war and revolution as accidental results of conflicting forces. This is nonsense, says Dr. Sutton. They are created and financed by Wall Street to create a new world order. But you won't read this in history books.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: TheJourney

Revolution has not once in history translated into evolution.

Overthrow the existing power structures and you'll just end up with another structure that's the same bull# all over again. If things are to truly change, it would have to begin with substantial differences in our social development from birth til' death.

Revolution to me just means a group of people think they know what's best and want to control other people by overthrowing the current group of people who think they know best and currently control other people.

Notice a theme there?

It's the evil concept.

The non-consensual control of other people.

Figure out a way to remove that concept from our social interactions with one another and power structures cease to exist.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 09:42 PM

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 09:41 AM
I fully believe in tinkering... but the problem comes from tinkering being relegated to every four years, or only open to the elected elite, or within a rigid structural framework. We need a lot more people tinkering, and an eye for the rigid structures that impede progress. We need a way to change the system fundamentally while being completely supported by ghe system. Things that don't work should be changed, but it doesn't mean we have to burn the place down and start over.

A revolution should never happen, because the revolution should always be happening.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: TheJourney

Revolution has not once in history translated into evolution.

Overthrow the existing power structures and you'll just end up with another structure that's the same bull# all over again. If things are to truly change, it would have to begin with substantial differences in our social development from birth til' death.

Revolution to me just means a group of people think they know what's best and want to control other people by overthrowing the current group of people who think they know best and currently control other people.

Notice a theme there?

It's the evil concept.

The non-consensual control of other people.

Figure out a way to remove that concept from our social interactions with one another and power structures cease to exist.

That is why 'personal revolution' is required before any external revolution can form a just society. Socially active buddists stress this point, in fact, the Shambala concept of 'enlightened society' (a secular buddist 'sect') is moving this idea beyond the individual and creating a group pactise of it.

Until we become different, until - we believe we can behave and think differently, we cannot build a just society.


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