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Afghan parliament approves NATO presence deal

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posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 09:32 AM
RT Source.

The parliament of Afghanistan approved an agreement that allows troops of the NATO-led coalition to say in the country beyond 2014. The agreement was suspended in mid-air for months, as former President Hamid Karzai refused to sign it during his term.

The new agreement, ratified Sunday, allows the ISAF to maintain a total of 12,000 troops in Afghanistan next year. After a 152-5 vote, Nazifullah Salarzai, spokesman for Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, said the foreign troops will "train, advise and assist Afghan security forces."

"Afghan forces are responsible for the security and defense of the Afghan people, and in the fight against international terrorism and training of our national security forces we count on the support and assistance of our international partners," he said, AP reported.

I wonder if Afghanisitan are doing this in foresight of an IS led invasion...

Troops are not being sent to Iraq & Syria...

But boots are already on the ground in the Afghan region of the Middle East.

Publicly, Washington said the US troops would not be sent into battlefield operations anymore and their engagement would be limited to training of Afghan security forces and reconnaissance missions.


A secret order extending the direct combat role for US troops was signed by President Barack Obama, according to a New York Times report.

The Taliban still control parts of Afghanistan and that's who the Afghan military are primarily fighting against...

But I can help but assume it's also on the table that IS will attempt entry into Afghanistan at some point in the next 12 months.

Especially since some factions of the Taliban had sworn allegiance to the self proclaimed Caliph Al Baghdadi.

As a sub-topic...
Having just recently applied for a role as a Soldier in the UK Armed forces, I'd be willing to step foot on the ground to protect the people of the Middle East.
I'm worried that hearing voices will stop me from being eligible despite the fact the voices do no control how I act.
Any Armed Force vets on ATS have any information or advice for me in that respect would be much appreciated.
I'd love to serve my Queen & Country.
Would this be best left for another thread?
I don't mind starting one of that's the case!
edit on 23-11-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Stated.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Great..That means I'm going back to Afghanistan...

Gonna be another rotational deployment theater like Korea or Kuwait.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Abba Song

Money Money Money....

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Well of course they will, they approve of anything America tells them to. God the man in control them if he didn't do as he is told.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: WineWithIce5
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Abba Song

Money Money Money....

Yeah, what I read was:

Blah, blah, blah, no battlefield operations (read: guarding pipelines and poppy's) with a secret caveat of different combat roles (read: defending pipelines and poppy's).

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
RT Source.

I'm worried that hearing voices will stop me from being eligible despite the fact the voices do no control how I act.
Any Armed Force vets on ATS have any information or advice for me in that respect would be much appreciated.
I'd love to serve my Queen & Country.
Would this be best left for another thread?
I don't mind starting one of that's the case!

Um....pretty sure across the pond here the simple answer is: "No, never, none".......period. Not sure if that's how you guys role but sometimes things are better left unsaid.

Have you ever done drugs? No

Have you ever received counseling? Never

Do you hear voices? No

How many times a day do you hear voices? four, .......wait. Damn....Never!


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