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Solicitor General: Israel Has No Claim to Jerusalem, Just as Russia Has No Claim to Crimea

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posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 02:43 PM
On a long enough timeline nobody has a right to anything,I dont see the comparison Russians settlers aren't stealing Ukranian houses and Russian developers aren't building estates for Russians in the Ukraine either.

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: buster2010

The people of Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. The people of Jerusalem didn't vote to rejoin Israel.

The people of Crimea had their referendum while they were under armed occupation. If Israel held a referendum in the West Bank under similar circumstances, would you accept the results if they voted to become part of Israel? Somehow, I doubt it.

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: buster2010

The Ottoman Empire is long gone Palestine still exists. Just because some people controlled it in the past doesn't give them the right to take it by force. But seeing how you are an Israeli supporter I know this is falling on deaf ears.

In between the fall of the Ottoman Empire and now, the geographical area corresponding to what was called "Palestine" in ancient times was administered by the British and French. A deal was worked out that would allow for a "Jewish Palestine" and an "Arab Palestine." The Arabs could never accept that, even though Jews had been living there for millennia and the first settlers from Europe purchased the land they settled on from the legal owners. It was only after Arabs who rented the land they lived on were displaced that violence began. Eventually, Israel was admitted to the United Nations with the understanding that there would also be an Arab state called "Palestine." Unfortunately, the "Pan-Arabism" of the time made it politically expedient to keep the Palestinian Arabs as refugees, rather than helping them build a nation. But seeing as you believe yourself to be a Palestinian supporter, I know this is falling on deaf ears.

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: samsamm9

All I'm saying is.....

This is what things should look like, except for the UN Admin BS.

Kind Regards

Except they got attacked by Jordan and Egypt and took land to protect themselves. If the Palies want Jerusalem back let them fight for it just like Israel did in the 6 day war.

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