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Dark money and what is wrong with the American people

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posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: tavi45

Nonetheless it's quite annoying when someone takes cheap shots at the poor, and clearly know little to nothing about the country they live in.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: nukedog

Nuke what good does voting 3rd party do? If they can't get the electoral vote your vote is for nothing. You might as well stay home. I have another post on ATS about how the electoral doesn't have to vote the way their people voted in almost all states. I believe its like only 4 states that have a law stating that the electoral must vote the way of the people. The other states that have a law states that the electoral must vote the way they 'pledged'. That means whatever party that helped them get in, has them pledge to vote for that party. It matters not what the people voted. The other states let the electoral vote however they please. There is no way for a 3rd party candidate to win at all. So voting that way is a lost cause. We have to get rid of the electoral college period,in order to really have any chance at all.Then we must have ONLY tax payer funded elections. All payments to any candidate OR congressperson or senator needs to be forbidden. Yeah try that one and see how far we could get. This is where our problem starts with our government.Where it will end? Well you can't even get people to stop watching the Kardashians long enough to take a look at our government to get them to act.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Dimithae

Wow tons of great threads today. America bought into the progressive mindset and one of the major symptoms of this is apathy. Look back over the past few years and remember all the stories and scandals that came and went. The people of today are so lost in a electronic world and just trying to get by TPTB can and will do anything they want.

Personally I think many of these stories and scandals are intentionally released. We used to get upset for months........and then weeks.......and then days. Now it is hours. If they indeed did do this on purpose I have to hand it to them they are brilliant.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: Dimithae

Wow tons of great threads today. America bought into the progressive mindset and one of the major symptoms of this is apathy. Look back over the past few years and remember all the stories and scandals that came and went. The people of today are so lost in a electronic world and just trying to get by TPTB can and will do anything they want.

Personally I think many of these stories and scandals are intentionally released. We used to get upset for months........and then weeks.......and then days. Now it is hours. If they indeed did do this on purpose I have to hand it to them they are brilliant.

Oh, they are not just pros at manipulation and programming, the are masters. I fear their ultimate goal is to be Masters of the Universe. We no longer provide a worthy challenge for them.

They have erased our primordial ability for thought and reason, even our basic survival mode. We are programmed to auto response mode, to react as they desire to certain trigger words, and being hardwired for apathy and the elimination of responsibility. Look how they have succeeded in getting a whole planet to actually believe that "one" race is superior to "all other" races on this planet. How they have succeeded by providing a sacrificial race for all the other races to use as a foundation to build their ramp to their tower of superiority. Elevating them above the lowly reject of God, and all men, and lifting them closer to the great Godhead of our planet.

They are so successful in their endeavors, that even people that are of that sacrificial race, hate themselves, and try desperately to eliminate or minimize any traces of heritable connections to their race. How amazing a feat this is. Think about it, but don't think too hard or long about it, because you will start to see the cracks and the dangers that riddle this great accomplishment. Once you start to see the cracks, you become aware of the gaps, then the holes that lead to crevices, tunnels then canyons that will have you falling down the huge dark abyss, that is the center of their amazing deception. They have you well controlled and you are of no threat as long as you continue to follow the steps and the paths that are laid out for you.

Your constant quest for getting ahead, moving closer to those that have convinced you that you are less than and can only be better than those that you can cast below you. The great ones can rest well, both day and night. When you build your kingdom on the bodies of those that you have been trained and conditioned to hate, the enemies of the Godhead, the Great and Powerful Oz, your kingdom is built on a foundation that will swallow you, if and when "you" reach your prized position and goal. When you wake up and realize you are nothing more than a tool, a dispensable tool, used as each of us are when we make the choice to be greater than our brothers or neighbors.

They have succeeded in deceiving us and we have willingly chosen to travel the path of the yellow brick road. We joyfully sing with great pride and parade our superior status as Munchkins and Lollipop Kids under the spell of protection of the Great and Mighty Oz, hidden from us by smoke, mirrors and fantastical visual projections that fill us with awe. The Great and Powerful Oz that protects, provides and punishes as we each deserve. The price for the prestige of living in the magical land of the great Oz, is a steadily growing tithe that will always just be just a finger length out of reach. A gold ring that you spend your entire life trying to grasp. Even when you come across someone that by birth, deceit, foul play and or shear luck, has succeeded in grabbing the ring, and it it clearly obvious that the ring itself is also just another level on the elaborate and all encompassing deception, we "still" continue on our life consuming quest for the illusive and imaginary golden ring of brass.

Unless otherwise chosen, we all are part of the illusion. All a part of the great deception, the great lie.

You can

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: ladyinwaiting

I live in a war zone called Memphis,Tn.We usually have the most murders/crimes every year.

Just like almost every other city that has been completely controlled by race pandering liberals since the early 80's.

Every single day,I get to see the result of the welfare mentality-rape,robbery,and especially murder.

I live it.

Hell,look up our crime stats yourself.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: FalcoFan
a reply to: ladyinwaiting

I live in a war zone called Memphis,Tn.We usually have the most murders/crimes every year.

Just like almost every other city that has been completely controlled by race pandering liberals since the early 80's.

Every single day,I get to see the result of the welfare mentality-rape,robbery,and especially murder.

I live it.

Hell,look up our crime stats yourself.

A single example of the results of their successful operations and a single rottening beam in the foundation they have deceived so many into constructng with belief of being better than, smarther than, greater than.

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Well said. People attach themselves to groups, foundations, charities, ect. without even knowing what they are there for. The ice bucket challenge for example. a couple of weeks into it people who were supporting it when asked why they came? They said for support. When asked what charity it was drawing attention too more then half didn't even know. So they were there to support it by their own admission but didn't even know what it was raising awareness for. lol

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 03:15 AM
Since I'm not Americain it's hard for me to comment on such topics but, I found the following article could perfectly fit in this thread :

A Flood of Late Spending on Midterm Elections

Politics and big money ... seasonal topic isn't it ?

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting

originally posted by: FalcoFan
a reply to: Dimithae

The low information voters outnumber the intelligent ones.

That's what happens when people are paid to breed.

One of the more appalling comments I've read lately. Amazingly vile, pure outrageous prejudice, with nothing whatsoever to back any of it. None of it. But let me ask the perfunctory questions, do you have demographic data to back up that the majority of voters are uneducated? And what people are paid to "breed"? When have people ever been paid to "breed", other than perhaps surrogate mothers?

Just because something is pathetic doesn't make untrue.

In many areas its a fact single welfare Moms with get additional money from the government for each additional child they have. There are legitimate situations, but many abusers as well.

The popularity of many inane shows and that they run past a pilot is evidence of a significant mass of uneducated, unconscious people who are barely above the animal state and who the extremely educated/wise founding fathers of the US would be ashamed to call fellow citizens. How else can you explain such societal trash like the Kardashians, Honey Boo Boo, TMZ and much else?

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: buster2010

"Fifty-four senators, all Democrats and independents who caucus with the Democrats, voted Thursday for the amendment to clarify in the Constitution that Congress and the states have the authority to do what they did for a century before activist judges began intervening on behalf of wealthy donors and corporations: enact meaningful campaign finance rules and regulations. But forty-two senators, all Republicans, voted no. As a result, Udall noted, the Republican minority was able to “filibuster this measure and instead choose to support a broken system that prioritizes corporations and billionaires over regular voters.” The Republican opposition effectively blocked further consideration of the amendment proposal, since sixty votes were needed to end debate and force a vote. And, even if the Republicans had not filibustered the initiative, actual passage of an amendment would have required a two-thirds vote."

Interesting that nobody commented on this. I'd wager because it disrupts the running theme that Democrats and "leftists" are ruining America, while "good ol' boy" conservatives are representative of liberty and freedom and the "real America".

Of course this is patently false, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of a good fabrication. Half the people on here claiming to be independents or libertarians are just Republicans in sheep's clothing. Read some comments and that becomes very clear.

Anyway, nice post.

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