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A new party for the USA "Common Sense Party"

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posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I would like to add government perks and salaries should be held to a GS level, proportionate to the level, time in service, to the office .

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: sheepslayer247
I agree with a lot of things you have on that list, but many I do not. The problem is that each of us will have a different definition of what is common sense.

The things we could do if our priorities were a bit different would amaze the rest of the world......but we are not ready for the "common sense" it takes to so.

If not now - when?

If we don't try

No one will like the result,

no one likes the results now,

no one

and it will only get worse

if we don't at least try

and try NOW

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: grandmakdw

I would like to add government perks and salaries should be held to a GS level, proportionate to the level, time in service, to the office .

Thank you, I'll add it in.

My time to redo the OP is done.

So in a little while, I'll take ideas like yours

and redo the platform

in another platform.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: luciddream
This is like 90% republican ideologies...

A country where... there are children without parents running around, no welfare of course, where marriage is between men and a women. The kids are homeschooled and brainwashed by their parents mindset, everyone can have a gun, including mentally unstable person.

edit: poster history does suggest republican.. not suprised.

Perhaps you should do a line by line critique.

Might be interesting to compare the results.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

Count me in as a member of your fledgling party.

I have to applaud and encourage anyone who can come up with solutions!

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: lonegurkha
How about abolishing lobbyists and lobbying. Do away with executive orders and return to the constitutional limits on executive powers.

Abolish the 14th amendment, and return powers to the states. Strengthen state and individual rights.

Just a couple of thoughts.

Abolishing lobbyists interferes with the 1st Amendment, and would create more issues than end them.

As an alternative, how about complete transparency or all lobbyist activities?

I don't have a problem with them presenting their views, but how honest do you think they would really be? The lobby payoffs are one of the biggest problems with the government. The corporations and people with money can buy the outcome they want whenever legislation is proposed.

Perhaps it's my age, but I no longer trust anyone in Washington. That goes for Albany as well. There is no honesty where there is money involved.
edit on 10/11/2014 by lonegurkha because: aliens made me do it

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I agree. We have to do something and if we are able to set aside certain issues to push for change, I think it would be a great movement.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

How about this: In order to vote for 2015 You would have had to file tax paperwork for 2014. Those currently on Assistance will have the option of receiving a "raise" This 'raise' comes in the form of birth control but You do receive $100 more a month..

ALL U.S. military is withdrawn from ALL foreign bases and spread out along both borders. ALL prisoners that are currently incarcerated under a "Life Sentence" will be released into a military transport where they will be shown military videos under the auspices of "training" IF they survive this 'engagement' their sentence is fulfilled but are NO LONGER welcome in the U.S. and will/would be shot on sight. Those who have a "long stretch" can 'volunteer' and are FREE after the war, if they are caught in the U.S. they go straight to jail and do NOT collect $200. Their sentence begins anew. This should clear the cells for the murderer, rapists and robbers can do their "full bit"

ALL U.S. citizens over the age of 65 will receive $3,500.00 USD to spend on anything they want. If married, the surviving spouse would receive the $3,500.00 until their death. If EVERYONE played their cards correctly what would happen? They too would become "old" Who has the 'time' to spend the $$$ but are 'stuck' with a pension that was geared towards 1989.. Meanwhile, the Mom has to leave the 'kid raising' to daycare and the end result is ????

Edit: That is $3,500.00/month That'll stimulate the economy...

edit on 11-10-2014 by JimNasium because: addendum

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: lonegurkha

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: lonegurkha
How about abolishing lobbyists and lobbying. Do away with executive orders and return to the constitutional limits on executive powers.

Abolish the 14th amendment, and return powers to the states. Strengthen state and individual rights.

Just a couple of thoughts.

Abolishing lobbyists interferes with the 1st Amendment, and would create more issues than end them.

As an alternative, how about complete transparency or all lobbyist activities?

I don't have a problem with them presenting their views, but how honest do you think they would really be? The lobby payoffs are one of the biggest problems with the government. The corporations and people with money can buy the outcome they want whenever legislation is proposed.

Perhaps it's my age, but I no longer trust anyone in Washington. That goes for Albany as well. There is no honesty where there is money involved.

Good point, why I didn't call for abolishing lobbyists, just limiting their ability to pay off politicians. They can talk to politicians all they want, it is a constitutional right, but buying them is not a constitutional right.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: JimNasium
a reply to: grandmakdw

How about this: In order to vote for 2015 You would have had to file tax paperwork for 2014. Those currently on Assistance will have the option of receiving a "raise" This 'raise' comes in the form of birth control but You do receive $100 more a month..

ALL U.S. military is withdrawn from ALL foreign bases and spread out along both borders. ALL prisoners that are currently incarcerated under a "Life Sentence" will be released into a military transport where they will be shown military videos under the auspices of "training" IF they survive this 'engagement' their sentence is fulfilled but are NO LONGER welcome in the U.S. and will/would be shot on sight. Those who have a "long stretch" can 'volunteer' and are FREE after the war, if they are caught in the U.S. they go straight to jail and do NOT collect $200. Their sentence begins anew. This should clear the cells for the murderer, rapists and robbers can do their "full bit"

ALL U.S. citizens over the age of 65 will receive $3,500.00 USD to spend on anything they want. If married, the surviving spouse would receive the $3,500.00 until their death. If EVERYONE played their cards correctly what would happen? They too would become "old" Who has the 'time' to spend the $$$ but are 'stuck' with a pension that was geared towards 1989.. Meanwhile, the Mom has to leave the 'kid raising' to daycare and the end result is ????

Edit: That is $3,500.00/month That'll stimulate the economy...

Interesting ideas.

But controversial issues like these would encourage division rather than a platform that people in the middle ground would be more likely to support.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:24 PM

a reply to: grandmakdw

Change tax structure:
Abolish income tax completely for people and companies
Institute a national sales tax
(Allowing for people under a certain income per person in the household to apply for a refund of sales taxes paid, based on legally obtained income, including investment income, trust fund income, all forms of money gained or grown in a year)

Start with retail sales.

But it's not enough compared to current government revenues.

Add other "sales" like?

Percentages ?

Total US Retail Sales Top $4.5 Trillion in 2013

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

A sales tax is really more than enough to run the government. Consider all the people, especially the uber wealthy who manage to circumvent income taxes altogether, perhaps the very worst offenders are the very rich. With this method no one above a certain income level would be able to avoid the taxes, unless they stop purchasing anything, all forms of income are considered for exemption (a trust fund or investment income for example would count for income when it came to formulating who can apply for a rebate from the government), forcing the uber rich to pay their fair share of taxes.

Also, compliance would be much easier. Most people would never have to file anything. Only businesses would have to file, eliminating much of the IRS. Saving a lot of money.

A business would have to collect sales tax every time they sold a good or service, including "middle men".

While prices would rise, the average worker would see their take home pay go up close to 20% immediately, spurring economic growth.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:59 PM
The trouble is, a "Common Sense Party' wouldn't have too many members, if you made every applicant prove that they had common sense before applying.

Unfortunately, Common Sense is not very common any more, and what one person thinks is just plain common sense (like capping salaries of CEOs at a rate no greater than the salary of the President of the United States) others will think is nonsensical.

After all, some people think it's Common Sense that there is an all knowing being in the sky that knows when you're good or bad, and will punish you for being bad.

Others know Santa Claus (haha you though I was gonna say God) isn't real.

Of course, I think that adults who believe in God but not in Santa are absolute nonsense, but millions think this just makes sense.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 04:08 PM
Revised platform based on suggestions of previous posters:

"Common Sense Party"


Change the way federal regulations are created.
Abolish ALL federal regulations that have the force of law behind them that were not approved directly by a Congressional vote within the past 40 years.
Allow agencies to submit in the form of bills, new regulations to replace the ones abolished to be voted on by Congress after a 30 day public posting waiting period.

Abolish all law enforcement branches of agencies that are not designed or designated as law enforcement agencies.

Consolidate the NSA, TSA, Border Patrol and Homeland Security into one agency. Limit what they can do to American Citizens without obtaining a warrant.

Limit the power of FEMA to disaster relief and disallow purchases not directly related to disaster relief, close all facilities not directly related to disaster relief or preparedness.

Create laws that severely punish Politicians and Journalists who are proven to have knowingly lied to the American public Create laws that severely punish Politicians and Journalists who are proven to have knowingly lied to the American public for any reason other than those directly and severely affecting national security and the military, or FBI, or CIA.

Make the FDA approve all medical drugs and procedures that are approved for use in European Union countries, within 6 months of approval in European Union countries or show cause to congress as to why it has not been done.

Allow interstate sale of everything, including insurance policies without restriction on the sale. Insurance policies would have to meet the regulations of the state they are selling in. No company will be restricted in any way from selling the same product to any state, except to meet the regulations of that particular state.

Change tax structure:
Abolish income tax completely for people and companies
Institute a national sales tax
(Allowing for people under a certain income per person in the household to apply for a refund of sales taxes paid, based on legally obtained income, including investment income, trust fund income, all forms of money gained or grown in a year)

Abolish Obamacare, allowing the current exchanges to stand and people enrolled to be grandfathered into keeping the policies.
Write new legislation with the bill striking down the ACA, disallowing an insurance company from denying coverage to a current enrollee for a pre-existing condition, keeping family coverage to age 26. (The interstate sale of policies will drive the prices down significantly). Keep Medicaid for the impoverished and lower the threshold for enrollment into Medicaid.
Limit medical malpractice awards
to cost of care for life plus average US annual individual income for life,(put into an annunity with no ability to transfer payments), in the case of death a maximum of cost of care plus $1million.

Exempt start up companies from paying any taxes to the federal government for a period of two years from date of start up, allowing them to file for total rebate of taxes paid using business receipts.

Term limits on all federal political offices. A limit of 12 maximum total years spent in each office held. However, a congressman could serve for 12 years and then become a senator for 12 years and then become President for 8 years. No pension for politicians, however, institute matching 401K plans that offer the average match of the average employer in the USA. A politicians government perks and salaries should be held to a GS level, proportionate to the level, time in service, to the office .

Term limits on all federal employee upper level management positions held. A limit of 10 years spent in each position above GS 15 or it's equivalent.

Forbid all lobbyists from contributing money, goods, or services to politicians, or the sponsoring organization employing a relative of the politician as long as the politician is in office, or employing any former politician or political aide or former government employee. Forbid all gifts to politicians, politicians relatives or aids in any form, to include travel, food, lodging, tickets to events, clothing, special privileges or discounts.

Abolish executive orders and return to the constitutional limits on executive powers.

Strengthen state and individual rights and freedoms.

Abolish and leave to the states:
Department of Education and all federal school programs; divide the money spent per student and give to the states to give to the schools on a per student basis
Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol and Firearms; and Drug Enforcement Agencies; divide the money spent per capita and give to the states to handle each issue as they find is best for their state

No stand on: things best left to the states
illegal drugs
gun control
social issues that affect individuals rather than the country as a whole
No stand on: does not mean forbidding federal law on issues,
it means that
the party will take no stand at all on social issues or issues that affect individuals, preferring to leave the legislation on these issues to the states, if a vote comes up in congress the party members are free to vote as they feel their constituents want them to.

edit on 4Sat, 11 Oct 2014 16:11:25 -0500pm101110pmk116 by grandmakdw because: highlight

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:57 PM
This all sounds very libertarian, which is a good thing since the nation's millennials are already moving toward a libertarian mindset.

Luckily this libertarian revolution is already taking place in the Republican Party under Rand Paul's leadership and political/media savvy. Check out Time Magazine's cover story on Rand Paul as the Most Interesting Man in Politics.

posted on Oct, 27 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: eLPresidente

It is very libertarian.

Which completely and utterly scares the established government.

Unfortunately the libertarian party is also in my opinion too old and has done too little to be a viable alternative third party.

The Tea Party started out as a viable third party, and both parties dug in to destroy it and to destroy the people in it by parading the fringe elements that are in every party as the norm and the leadership.

It is only when a third party emerges that steamrolls ahead with a positive agenda and giving real hope through concrete proposals and stated actions for a return to privacy, states rights, and deregulation of all of society that we might save the US.

It will take a great deal of strength and determination to stay on the offensive and never be defensive. Once one gets defensive they lose. That is what happened to the Tea Party, people got tired of being attacked by the political establishment and their crony media and gave up. Leaving the party to the fringe elements, thus "proving" the establishment right about them.

So to win they need to never ever react defensively but rebut on the offensive, and with positive goals and a positive message that is rooted in reality and firmly stated goals.

Not a nebulous, change and hope, but this is what we will do to create a more positive society, no weak and ineffectual pie in the sky statements but concrete statements of actions to be taken.

This is not the way politics has been used to operating. So it will take a large group of very strong individuals, willing to slough off all the nasty, exaggerating and lying attacks that WILL come their way (from all established politicians and the crony mass media), and to remain positive and on the offense.

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