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American journalist Tested Positive for Ebola Being Sent back to America

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posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 11:20 PM

An American freelance journalist working in Monrovia, Liberia, has tested positive for Ebola, his father said in a statement tonight.

Ashoka is being evacuated to the USA where he will receive the best possible treatment. The doctors are optimistic about his prognosis

NBC News hired Mukpo, 33, as a cameraman earlier this week. He went to the Medecins Sans Frontieres treatment center earlier today after learning he had a fever and quarantining himself, NBC reported.

This is getting scary! I am worried about the people here and the potential spread and how it has been handled here lately. Like Dallas for example.
link here
edit on 2-10-2014 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: Staroth

We need to stop ferrying people to the U.S. whom have the disease. Use citizens or not... Time to leave Liberia or take your chances.

Like Leo said "God left Africa a long time ago"

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: Staroth

Correct me if I'm wrong but does the decision to return a positive case back to the homeland not increase the risk of it spreading?

where he will receive the best possible treatment.

How about sending the best possible treatment to him and when he tests negative then fly him into the country.

I swear, whoever makes these decisions are bloody idiots sometimes - quarantine is not fool-proof.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 12:34 AM
I don't think people who are infected in other countries should be allowed to come back at all unless they've weathered the disease and have their ten year antibodies. I know it may sound sub human and even just wrong, but the country as a whole needs to get serious about stopping the spread of this illness and part of that is keeping it out of the country.

There are around five or six cases here already now? Fine. Keep them contained and don't let it leak out through anyone else. Someone is ill in another country and has the propensity to infect a myriad of other people on their journeys here? Keep them where they're at and medically treat them there.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:29 AM
Afaik, no one sent back to the USA after having Ebola has died. They have all recovered.

Don't worry. Please.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: sarra1833
Afaik, no one sent back to the USA after having Ebola has died. They have all recovered.

Don't worry. Please.

Don't worry? Seriously? This isn't the common cold bug, this is a monster. There is a reason that this virus has been locked up in level 4 biohazard specialized facilities. Where you must have all kinds of security clearances just to get in the building where they keep it.

You should be worried, scared and mad. Mad that they are treating this so flippantly, and telling everybody to stay "calm". Sorry but screw that, this is a monster that should be treated with the utmost fear. The people in charge should be doing much, much more in terms of trying to contain, quarantine, and eradicate this outbreak. The stupidity of even allowing infected people into the U.S.A. is appalling. I don't care what the talking heads say, this monster is contagious as hell and I for one don't believe the "calm mongering" lies that are being told. It's a joke, and unless people start treating this virus as the "scariest most dangerous crap on the planet" then it will indeed continue to spread....and possibly mutate to airborn. And then what? Yea, you should be worried, and not calm at all....ever when it comes to this monster.
edit on 3-10-2014 by AutOmatIc because: Spelling

edit on 3-10-2014 by AutOmatIc because: Level 4

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Staroth

Perhaps all the lax ebola controls to stop it from getting into the US and other places is deliberate and TPTB intention is to get it into the US.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

I said that right out of the gate when they brought the first Ebola patient here. While I do want these American citizens to recover I think it wiser to fly the necessities over to them. Obviously it will be well used!

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:18 PM
originally posted by: Myomistress

stopping the spread of this illness and part of that is keeping it out of the country

I couldn't agree more!
edit on 3-10-2014 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: sarra1833
Afaik, no one sent back to the USA after having Ebola has died. They have all recovered.

Don't worry. Please.

Well now that's because when there are only a few cases, we are equipped to handle them. But look at the mess they're making of this in Dallas. And what will we do when there are no more hospital beds left? Those are about full now with the usual illnesses and injuries.

Pile on a few thousand or even a few hundred cases of ebola, which requires BSL4 containment, which almost no hospitals even have, and you have yourself a huge worry.


The journalist is to be flown to Nebraska like the second doctor was. They are calling him the fourth, but I think he will be at least the sixth case if not seventh on U.S. soil.

There were three at Emory (one unknown name). The fourth the doctor in Nebraska. The fifth the man in Dallas. And now this, the sixth, also going to Nebraska.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: learnatic

Perhaps all the lax ebola controls to stop it from getting into the US and other places is deliberate and TPTB intention is to get it into the US.

I'm not sure what I think yet about being deliberate but what I am sure about is what I am seeing. Like the apt in Dallas with no Haz-Mat clean up all that Ebola ridden vomit and sweat all over the apt. The 2 men in the picture shown pressure washing the sidewalk with no mask, no suits - nothing. How long did that vomit sit there nearly a week and who all walked through it. The ambulance driver who wasn't told he carried an Ebola patient until days later. Ebola can live outside without a host I seen that today on the news said by Doctor Sanjay Gupta. I think America not taking this serious is going to be our downfall! At least in Africa they cover themselves head to toe and as we can see, that's still not enough. As for the people who keep saying it's only 3 or 4 people with Ebola here in America nothing to worry about...isn't that how it started in Africa as well? With just one having it.

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