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Intriguing Petroglyphs - Easter Island Statue

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posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 05:20 PM
I thought I'd pop in and post an image and a link to a page I've found interesting to follow.

They have been working on the following statue which has some intriguing petroglyphs for a few seasons, I know there was an image posted here before that showed a 'Sailing Ship' which was carved on the back of one statue sometime after the inhabitants were first contacted by European sailors. This however appears to be from a much earlier period before that contact period. I thought I'd post it for our members speculation


Click on thumb for larger view

Easter Island Statue Project

This report is another in a series of reports dealing with the excavation of statues RR-001-156 and RR-001-157 in Rano Raraku quarry, Rapa Nui, Chile. The previous reports were filed with the appropriate Chilean and Rapa Nui agencies and also provided to the general public on the Easter Island Statue Project web site ( This report deals with the continuing excavation of statue RR-001-156 to the base and Square 4 of RR-001-157. These activities took place during Season V (November 2011) of the Easter Island Statue Project Conservation Initiative.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: SLAYER69

An old favorite each time I've gone to RN I always visit RR-001-156. As a distance ancestor paid some attention to the same moai long ago.

A better image of the back can be found here

The link above has an analysis of the possible meaning of the symbols on its back on my firefox browser the text is disrupted but in IE it is okay.

A photo from Slayers first link

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: SLAYER69

I knew these statues went underground and I was following this excavation but did not find out until now that they had pertroglyphs.

According Originally printed as Abduction to the 9th planet by Michel Desmarquet. Easter Island is the last piece of the continent of Mu.

These statues were the stylized representations of Angelic Race of 9 foot tall Hamaphrodite aliens that openly visited Earth and its inhabitants 16,000 years ago when Mu was still above water and when our civilization was highly spiritually, technologically, & materially evolved enough to accept extraterrestrial family.

These Easter Island heads lined the roads all around the continent of Mu. Their roads were laid out like a giant Spider web and at the country's center was a pyramid that was 440.01 meters in height that could control the weather. Making the country a veritable paradise.

I believe that if they continue to dig they will find the roads not to far away from the giant heads.
edit on 24-9-2014 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: Typo

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:04 PM
Amazing .

I wonder if the statues were buried torso down to preserve the messages on their backs ? The people of easter island surely saw wind / weather erosion of glyphs / exposed carvings etc over time ? Genius if it was intentional.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: pot8er
Amazing .

I wonder if the statues were buried torso down to preserve the messages on their backs ? The people of easter island surely saw wind / weather erosion of glyphs / exposed carvings etc over time ? Genius if it was intentional.

The giant gaseous belts underneath the continent of Mu in the Pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic cracked and ate the entire continents in a matter of a few hours. The oceans boiled and tsunamis wiped out most of civilization in other parts of the world. This deluge according to Abuction to the 9th planet caused such an upheaval of the land that it created the Andes mountain range in just a few weeks. That's why the former Oceanside town of Tiwanaku are up so high in elevation when prior they were harbor towns.

This deluge of course buried these anciant Easter Island Heads.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: pot8er
Amazing .

I wonder if the statues were buried torso down to preserve the messages on their backs ? The people of easter island surely saw wind / weather erosion of glyphs / exposed carvings etc over time ? Genius if it was intentional.

Or maybe they were above ground and some point but ended up covered over the years

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: pot8er
Amazing .

I wonder if the statues were buried torso down to preserve the messages on their backs ? The people of easter island surely saw wind / weather erosion of glyphs / exposed carvings etc over time ? Genius if it was intentional.

That group of statues is at the base of the Rano Raraku quarry (an extinct volcanic cone)

With the loss of trees and ground cover the soil from the extinct cone has flowed in the last centuries down to the base of the volcano.

I believe this a photo of the excavation from the north looking downslope.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:21 PM
The lower portion appears to be a stylized g-string.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: Thiaoouba Prophecy

originally posted by: pot8er
Amazing .

I wonder if the statues were buried torso down to preserve the messages on their backs ? The people of easter island surely saw wind / weather erosion of glyphs / exposed carvings etc over time ? Genius if it was intentional.

The giant gaseous belts underneath the continent of Mu in the Pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic cracked and ate the entire continents in a matter of a few hours. The oceans boiled and tsunamis wiped out most of civilization in other parts of the world. This deluge according to Abuction to the 9th planet caused such an upheaval of the land that it created the Andes mountain range in just a few weeks. That's why the former Oceanside town of Tiwanaku are up so high in elevation when prior they were harbor towns.

This deluge of course buried these anciant Easter Island Heads.

Ah, hello TP

Mu is modern creation and Atlantis an old one, but I was wondering how you 'know' the follow?

The oceans boiled and tsunamis wiped out most of civilization in other parts of the world. This deluge according to Abuction to the 9th planet caused such an upheaval of the land that it created the Andes mountain range in just a few weeks.

Your source for this other than the TP?

I believe you are a Velikovskian Saturnists are you not? It might be helpful for you to do a thread of that in forum instead of dropping little bits and pieces in other's threads, just a suggestion, we don't want to take Slayers thread off topic.

That's why the former Oceanside town of Tiwanaku are up so high in elevation when prior they were harbor towns.

Lakeside and on a river, said port is for the lake. sedimentary cores go back 350,000 years showing that while the lakes waxs and wanes in size and salinity its been there quite some time.
edit on 24/9/14 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: Spruce
The lower portion appears to be a stylized g-string.

Probably a malo/maru/pareu/pareo or loincloth made of tapa.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 08:21 PM
Not an expert here...

It looks like the carvings represent a real person wearing some kind of loin thing and had a lot of tattoos. How's that technical talk for ya?

Did the folks who lived there at the time use tattoos?

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: ABNARTY
Not an expert here...

It looks like the carvings represent a real person wearing some kind of loin thing and had a lot of tattoos. How's that technical talk for ya?

Did the folks who lived there at the time use tattoos?


Rapa Nui tattoos

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Thiaoouba Prophecy

Ok now this sounds very interesting. Where would I read about this?? Do you have any links to these theories or suggestions?

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:28 PM
Nice, who'd have thought that recorded history or more lie below the base. This does resemble a boat with sails,

From an earlier source with added info: Source

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: Thiaoouba Prophecy

originally posted by: pot8er
Amazing .

I wonder if the statues were buried torso down to preserve the messages on their backs ? The people of easter island surely saw wind / weather erosion of glyphs / exposed carvings etc over time ? Genius if it was intentional.

The giant gaseous belts underneath the continent of Mu in the Pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic cracked and ate the entire continents in a matter of a few hours. The oceans boiled and tsunamis wiped out most of civilization in other parts of the world. This deluge according to Abuction to the 9th planet caused such an upheaval of the land that it created the Andes mountain range in just a few weeks. That's why the former Oceanside town of Tiwanaku are up so high in elevation when prior they were harbor towns.

So very close you are , the destruction was part of a Cyclical Earth change,one we are about to experience first-hand.

It was not a one-off caused by some random fracturing of the strata holding the gasses, it was a Global upheavel and the fractures were collateral damage,secondary repercussions.

Humanitys One True History discloses this stoy,it is all around us and impossible to miss if you are looking.

edit on 25-9-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: Thiaoouba Prophecy

originally posted by: pot8er
Amazing .

I wonder if the statues were buried torso down to preserve the messages on their backs ? The people of easter island surely saw wind / weather erosion of glyphs / exposed carvings etc over time ? Genius if it was intentional.

The giant gaseous belts underneath the continent of Mu in the Pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic cracked and ate the entire continents in a matter of a few hours. The oceans boiled and tsunamis wiped out most of civilization in other parts of the world. This deluge according to Abuction to the 9th planet caused such an upheaval of the land that it created the Andes mountain range in just a few weeks. That's why the former Oceanside town of Tiwanaku are up so high in elevation when prior they were harbor towns.

This deluge of course buried these anciant Easter Island Heads.

A few questions. Answer if you may please.

1. Where is the oldest reference to the "continent of MU"? Are there achaeological records or remains indicating that there was actually a continent and that too with the name "MU"?
2. Have you heard of Agustus Le Plogeon?
3. have you heard of James Churchwald?
4. Do you know the postulated location of this sunken continent of MU?
5. Have you looked at oceanographic & bathymetric data ?
6. Are you aware that even an atoll, when sunk or submerged maintains a contour. Have you ascertained from anything, even google earth or other maps any submerged geological anomalies which you can associate with MU?

Now pertaining to specific points in your post
1. How did you know that there were giant gaseous belts underneath the now sunken/submerged continent of MU? This is valid only if you state that you know the location of MU. On what basis do you claim that there were Gas deposits under the location of MU?
2. Could you be more clear and legible about "This deluge according to Abuction to the 9th planet ". What Abduction are you talking about? which 9th planet are you talking about? if its pluto, what specifics are you talking about?

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: dreamingawake
Nice, who'd have thought that recorded history or more lie below the base. This does resemble a boat with sails,

From an earlier source with added info: Source

This could also have been a Chines ship.

Any known figures on rates at which these statues sank or are sinking?

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 08:41 AM
Makes me wonder whether the Giant Olmec heads had bodies at some point in time looking at this.

The Taino culture which inhabited the carribean, used to use canoes to travel from island to island - just a thought i had while flicking through this, i know its a different culture but just a thought

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: dreamingawake
Nice, who'd have thought that recorded history or more lie below the base. This does resemble a boat with sails,

From an earlier source with added info: Source

This could also have been a Chines ship.

Any known figures on rates at which these statues sank or are sinking?

Hey Logarock

You might find a partial answer here
Erosion on Rapa Nui

The all important Fig. 1 cannot be seen however.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 10:41 AM
Here's my question regarding the Maui statues. Were all of them constructed to include a base with the hand sign near the navel area? What I mean is that if some of the Maui statues currently buried by many feet are super old, would the more recent ones (constructed within the past 1,500 years or so) have the same amount of detail, or would they only include the head portion since the rest of the body was already buried? I remember reading somewhere that some of the statues were constructed at a later time, but was wondering if there were any differences in the construction technique or size.

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