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Ohio prosecutors mull charges in ice bucket prank

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posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 02:13 PM
There's two sets of laws; One for the rich and one for the poor.
They will probably be let off for affluenza. Poor kids would be in juvy.

When I was younger, we all knew that the handi-capped was off-limits. These days, anything goes.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: Baldryck

How about instead of fixing my OP, I just link to a couple of other local news articles? Because it happened in my area, I have read and heard plenty of stories about this in the past few weeks.


BAY VILLAGE — Comedian Drew Carey is offering to help police find those involved in dumping a bucket of urine and feces on a special-needs teen who was reportedly told the prank was part of the “Ice Bucket Challenge.”


BAY VILLAGE (AP) — Outraged police in a northeast Ohio suburb are pledging to bring charges against those responsible for dumping a bucket allegedly containing feces and body fluids on a special needs student who was told it was part of the “Ice Bucket Challenge” fundraiser.


The autistic teen thought he was participating in the challenge benefiting the ALS Association and the fight against Lou Gehrig’s disease. He thought he would be getting doused with ice and water but instead someone on a garage roof dumped feces, urine and spit on him, the boy’s mother has said.

Finally, watch the news story containing a clip of the actual video.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: halfpint0701
If he is in the "bad range" of autism(don't know the technical term, but not high functioning), how did they get him alone without the caretaker/parents though? My cuz is never allowed to go anywhere without his buddy(caretaker when his parents are not around) or parents. Did they kidnap the kid? Does his parents let him roam around?

How do they know what the liquid was that was dumped on him? So many details not given. Could be "crick water" for all I know.

edit on Fri, 19 Sep 2014 21:40:47 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

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