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Is the U.S. exaggerating the ISIS threat and using the beheadings of two Americans to create fear t

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posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:20 PM

(CNN) -- The mother of James Foley -- an American journalist beheaded by ISIS militants -- said she is "embarrassed and appalled" by how the U.S. government dealt with her son's case, telling CNN that officials even suggested family members could be charged if they raised ransom to free him.


Could it be that the U.S. government expected the horrific death of her son and used it to create fear and drum up support for another war in the Middle East? You have to wonder if they were preventing her from getting her son released. We've gone through this fear tactic before with the Bush Administration accusing Saddam of moving aggressively in developing nuclear weapons.

I'm sure everyone remembers this famous quote from Bush..."The smoking gun...that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud."

I'm as mad as anyone else about the horrific deaths of two Americans at the hands of ISIS. What I do question is how threatening ISIS really is. Is it just a coincidence that we continue to go to war with the same people we've trained or supplied arms to?

I still have questions on how a band of desert and cave dwelling terrorists could have pulled off the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Not only that, we still have been left in the dark on many questions concerning 9/11.

Am I the only one who is questioning if ISIS is really a threat to the U.S.? If it truly is, why haven't the Arab states lead the charge to eliminate the immediate threat that's on their door steps?

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Man do I feel for this Lady and what her family had to endure

Thanks for sharing this and it does make one wonder why it went down like it did, not allowing the family to raise ransom money and threatening them if they did

What was the governments purpose
There is always an agenda at the expense of civilians regardless of who is in office

And what is with 'We won't exchange for prisoners' ?
Hell, they exchanged 5 Gitmo prisoners for 1 AWOL soldier, which his story is very unclear and controversial

It doesn't matter if Clinton, Bush, Obama or whoever is in office
If TPTB want war, they will create/find a reason for war

It's just sad that they used this woman's son for a possible end-game strategy to get one going

Of course, there is no proof, this is just my thoughts
Please, no one get offended

Our government through the ages has shown that they can't be trusted and this time is no different

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:19 PM
The US government sponsored it. Was it a real execution? Either way, it was CIA to the core.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:26 PM
America will not negotiate and they will not come to your rescue.

About as useful as tits on a boar.
edit on 12-9-2014 by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: lynxpilot
The US government sponsored it. Was it a real execution? Either way, it was CIA to the core.

The CIA has paper trails. This was much deeper. Like cancer man deep

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:31 PM
Of course it's exaggerated. It's more of the same Problem-Reaction-Solution theater thats been running on the boob-tube of America for decades. However, it seems this episode of PRS has hit a snag at step R. Not quite reaching the fever pitch that happened in the wake of the twin towers destruction. If "they" dont get the kind of reaction they want/need from the American public soon, then "they" will just keep spitballing more spectacular plot twists at us: bigger, more numerous, more heart-wrenching, until we're once again dropped to our knees, begging our puppet-in-chief to invade and murder en masse.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:33 PM
If you work under the assumption that the MSM is merely the PR arm of the gov't, as I do, then yes, they are stirring the pot. If terrorism's intent is to instil fear, one has to ask, who ARE the terrorists?

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:43 PM

And what is with 'We won't exchange for prisoners' ?
Hell, they exchanged 5 Gitmo prisoners for 1 AWOL soldier, which his story is very unclear and controversial
a reply to: snarky412

That's a good point. I also can't believe what this family went through. If it were my son, I would do anything I could to bring him back home. It just seems to me our government likes to spin fear to get Americans on board to supporting a war.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:57 PM

If you work under the assumption that the MSM is merely the PR arm of the gov't, as I do, then yes, they are stirring the pot. If terrorism's intent is to instil fear, one has to ask, who ARE the terrorists?

a reply to: intrepid

You're right, our foreign policy in the Middle East has been stirring the pot for the last 3 decades. We've created more terrorists and enemies with our presence and involvement in the Middle East. You have to wonder if there's a game plan.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: SerratedSoul
Of course it's exaggerated. It's more of the same Problem-Reaction-Solution theater thats been running on the boob-tube of America for decades. However, it seems this episode of PRS has hit a snag at step R. Not quite reaching the fever pitch that happened in the wake of the twin towers destruction. If "they" dont get the kind of reaction they want/need from the American public soon, then "they" will just keep spitballing more spectacular plot twists at us: bigger, more numerous, more heart-wrenching, until we're once again dropped to our knees, begging our puppet-in-chief to invade and murder en masse.

God, I hope this doesn't mean another 'attack' on our soil

That is the only time our country actually United as One, and yes, the public wanted revenge

Please, let's hope that our government isn't that desperate for a war
No need to hurt more innocents, just for their agenda

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: intrepid

instil fear, one has to ask, who ARE the terrorists?

*raises hand*

Um, the US Government????

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: WeRpeons

I've been giving this some thought.

I must agree with you.

We know ISIS is doing horrible things to many.

So did Stalin.
So did Pol Pot.
So did multiple warlords in Darfur.
So did many who killed four in Benghazi.

It appears as though, to my tiny brain, that ISIS is a media-generated war. It's a war made-for-tv. It's a shallow, superficial war from a shallow superficial media and led by a shallow superficial president.

And the solution will be just as shallow and superficial.

In my humble opinion.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Why should we expect our government to actually care?

What about the Marine in a Mexican prison that the governor of California wined and dined the prez of Mexico and didn't say a GD word to him about his prisoner?

What about the fact that our State Department, (John Kerry) hasn't said one damn thing about getting our soldier out of a Mexican prison..................

Are we gluttons for punishment?

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Is that the imprisoned marine who almost definitely was guilty of the crime he was arrested for?

It's actually interesting to see how Google works the same way as news networks. When I first heard about this guy in August the article I read talked about how he'd crossed back and forth over the border several times previous to his arrest. It also mentioned his excuse was he got lost on the way to a friend's place.

I actually can't find any English version of this article with Google anymore. If someone else could find it that would be fantastic. I did find a mexican news article that is similar to the one I read. One must have plagiarized the other or something. The article is in Spanish but Google translate does a pretty solid job with the translation.

It's a very interesting read especially since now almost all results for this guy returns propagandized versions which proclaim his innocence and fault Obama and the governor of California not helping him.

This is a contributing factor to the militia group blocking border crossings with mexico in current news. Funny since the Mexican article added to the known details of the situation a bit about respecting Mexican laws something America has almost never done.
edit on 13-9-2014 by tavi45 because: forgot link to article

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 08:05 AM

I've been studying informally and formally the ME situation for several years. The regional goal is to secure US hegemony, of course within the context of global hegemony.

We have seen over the past 15 years or so a meditated re-ordering of the ME, and the recent targets are Syria and Iran. Syria has proven much more difficult than Iraq or Libya to change regimes. The US has been itching to increase weapons, funding, and military action in Syria for several years now.

I think that the ISIS situation is the new reason to do exactly that.

The goal still is regime change for Assad.

originally posted by: WeRpeons

(CNN) -- The mother of James Foley -- an American journalist beheaded by ISIS militants -- said she is "embarrassed and appalled" by how the U.S. government dealt with her son's case, telling CNN that officials even suggested family members could be charged if they raised ransom to free him.


Could it be that the U.S. government expected the horrific death of her son and used it to create fear and drum up support for another war in the Middle East? You have to wonder if they were preventing her from getting her son released. We've gone through this fear tactic before with the Bush Administration accusing Saddam of moving aggressively in developing nuclear weapons.

I'm sure everyone remembers this famous quote from Bush..."The smoking gun...that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud."

I'm as mad as anyone else about the horrific deaths of two Americans at the hands of ISIS. What I do question is how threatening ISIS really is. Is it just a coincidence that we continue to go to war with the same people we've trained or supplied arms to?

I still have questions on how a band of desert and cave dwelling terrorists could have pulled off the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Not only that, we still have been left in the dark on many questions concerning 9/11.

Am I the only one who is questioning if ISIS is really a threat to the U.S.? If it truly is, why haven't the Arab states lead the charge to eliminate the immediate threat that's on their door steps?

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 08:08 AM
At a minimum the British rapper who cut the two heads off should be getting his estate in order, because the U.S. won't let up until they give the guy something to really rap about.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: intrepid
If you work under the assumption that the MSM is merely the PR arm of the gov't, as I do, then yes, they are stirring the pot. If terrorism's intent is to instil fear, one has to ask, who ARE the terrorists?

Waking up includes realizing that if someone is a "terrorist" for attacking military and civilian targets for a cause, then governments attacking other countries and individuals, including causing death through drones and bombs, is also a form of terrorism.

This girl I was dating blew up on me one night when I asked what the difference was in reality between Hamas firing rockets and Israelis and the US government bombing and attacking all kinds of other countries and peoples? She flipped a lid. She is Jewish so I hit a button about Hamas.

But it amazes me that the average person rails about them horrible terrorists causing some civilian deaths in their asymmetrical warfare against bigger fish (governments, conventional militaries, etc), but think it's perfectly okay for our government or others to cause far greater amounts of civilian deaths in questionable wars. It's like no critical thinking is involved.


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