posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 02:26 PM
Sim,I am a member to a site that provides all sorts of info on 'Home Made' weapons,bombs and all the rest.It's most lickly that such information
easily available on the net could have ended up on their laps.
Let's face it,it's not as if these guys up in the mountains have the labs or the knowhow of creating such weapons..the site I'm talking about is a
british one....but there are countless numbers of these types of site,which some don't even ask any info about who you are or where you're coming
from..others just publish info to read,without any membership needed...
With that being said ;they ,the mujahadeen were trained by the fight the Russians..etc..distablizing the whole region..and giving rise to the's all in the history books..
Now most sophisticated Chemical weapons,created by both the U.S. & the U.S.S.R. during the cold war are'Now' available on the Black Market...;( Now
that's a nightmare...and believe you me these chemicals are Sold...through Mafia Org. that's another forum I have a membership with...
On this particular site your need first to get a seperate domain address to no connections can be made whoever posts any
sensitive posts..or atleast that's the idea..some of these chemicals can distinguish even Race through DNA...example they could release such weapons
and only effect a particular race..genetic strand...
Scary..isn't it..??..but this is not new,actually it's Old tech..I would'nt dare think of what they're capable of Now....