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No more Bulls**t. What Isis REALLY is

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posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 01:39 PM
Tired of reading these posts of what people think they know.. There isn't any proof of the Alphabetical agencies funding these terrorist groups.
You people on here always blame America for everything, I know they aren't innocent all the time..but it's getting old..and with False Flags?? wow go ride Alex Jones.. It's you people that ruin the conspiracy world.
Gees any person can go and make a bomb and blow something up, and your first reaction would be "FALSE FLAGG"..ya no..
ISIL or ISIS or IS is a fked up terrorist group, that needs to be bombed to pieces and many other like it..Interesting to read that Al Qaeda and the Taliban are even against this group and don't believe in what they do, and are even Enemies to IS.

Don't you think these groups would give proof of America funding them, after America bombs them??
edit on 1-9-2014 by live2beknown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: live2beknown

Apparently you don't agree with John F. Kennedy, or any of the presidents that warned of these secret societies being in control of everything.

You can try George Carlin, for a more recent witness, who also passed away shortly after speaking against the NWO.

edit on 1-9-2014 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: live2beknown
Tired of reading these posts of what people think they know.. There isn't any proof of the Alphabetical agencies funding these terrorist groups.
You people on here always blame America for everything, I know they aren't innocent all the time..but it's getting old..and with False Flags?? wow go ride Alex Jones.. It's you people that ruin the conspiracy world.
Gees any person can go and make a bomb and blow something up, and your first reaction would be "FALSE FLAGG"..ya no..
ISIL or ISIS or IS is a fked up terrorist group, that needs to be bombed to pieces and many other like it..Interesting to read that Al Qaeda and the Taliban are even against this group and don't believe in what they do, and are even Enemies to IS.

Don't you think these groups would give proof of America funding them, after America bombs them??

I've been seeing a lot of 'what should the U.S. response be' when it comes to this ISIS and overall 'terrorist' threat. Many people on radio shows, facebook, and comments on news websites believe we should just 'bomb them.' The thing is, you can't. If that worked there wouldn't be any more terrorists...I mean we've been 'bombing them' for over a decade.

You can't go to war with an idea, you can bomb as many so called terrorist safe houses or training camps as you want, it will not make you safer, it will not make anything better. No matter how many terror group leaders or #2s or whatever we kill, it doesn't change anything at all.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Government engineered false-flag terrorism is a historically established fact.

Got this far then gave up.

ISIS is not some group created by, it is a group with its own rich history and its own roots that do not involve any of the US alphabet agencies helping them along.

ISIS and groups like them exist because bad people get really pissed of when they do not get their own way and do bad things.

its not difficult.

and its not a false flag.

Great post.

The ones who love to hate the West want to turn this into propaganda. They ignore the easily followed historical path ISIS has taken throughout the ME. From their inception in Jordan to topple the King there to their exile to Saddam's protection and use as thugs. From there to Syria and the whole eclipsing Al Qaida into the entity they are today, self sustaining with land, money and resources. They made connections to former military brass from the ones who defected out of Assad's army to Saddam's former commanders.

ISIS are the plainly obvious disenfranchised,
which is the total opposite of what this disinfo thread claims that they are the total franchised US/US allies/EU puppets.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: live2beknown
There isn't any proof of the Alphabetical agencies funding these terrorist groups.

When it comes to criminal conspiracies, since WHEN has there ever been proof?

Like 'crankyoldman' says: "Do not ask for proof, you will never get it - ever."

originally posted by: crankyoldman
The word "proof" is a major problem. What you mean by proof is a way to show you in ways that are agreed upon as proof. Currently this written, science, or first hand. There is plenty of that, an inordinate amount of it, some found on the web, most not. So proof isn't what you are after, as there is more then enough of that to be easily had.

There are no conspiracies, none, there are only plans, that, when they are all put together can equal what we call a conspiracy, but that thread that connects the plans is weak as the plans are sadly seen in parts, rather then a whole.

The key to understanding what is really happening is to look at the great symbol. The all seeing eye. It stands for the unseen, not the bilderberg or any such stuff, but the unseen folks who control this reality - they see all. They also control all. At the top of the NWO as you describe are beings largely beyond your comprehension, in fact they programmed you not to comprehend them, so they may remain hidden. Their agenda is something beyond those of the stooges they employ. The NWO, CFF, Trilateral etc. are all made up of employees of these unseen. Most have zero idea about that they have gotten themselves into, and most will never know, but they are simply doing the bidding of the unseen, and, were the unseen to ever return to physical reality (something unlikely at this point) they would all be killed first as they sold out their own people for money and the unseen do not trust them.

To grasp what I have said you need to be able to comprehend the entire picture, not the way it has been presented to you, but the way it is. You have to be able to use senses beyond your standard system, and you have to be able to understand symbols that you have no programming for and this is not easy as there is so much going against it.

Do not ask for proof, you will never get it - ever. Ask to "know," as to "understand," ask to "feel," but don't expect another to show you something you cannot comprehend yet as that is impossible - you need to understand the language first, before you can see what is happening on the levels you question.

edit on 1-9-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 06:52 PM
The op and what many of us say is the west DOES NOT SUCK in the ME, that the goal is not stability at least for now, and many of these groups are either created or used as scapegoats across news pages to get your average person to consent to whatever military action the gov wants. It's all smoke and mirrors.

originally posted by: whyamIhere
We just suck in the ME.

We tell them when we are leaving. They waited and planned.

Though I agree with much of your OP.

Stevie Wonder could see this coming. Certainly ATS did.

We don't understand their Culture or their Religion.

So now we see the result of our countless policy and military mistakes.

I would leave and draw a real line in the sand. Cross it, and it's ashtray time.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

The ISIS is an prefect excuse to be used for them to use it agaisnt Iran and Syria.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 07:22 PM
So what if certain US agencies are funding the spread of sharia in the Middle East! Israel will eventually sort that out.
As an American i would be more concerned with the Islamification of America. Certain US agencies are definitely funding that!

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: sacgamer25

As I'm not American, but I did like and think JFK was the best president! Bush would be my second as hes like soo dumb that it's funny haha

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: abe froman
So, if ISIS is a creation of the west, especially an American invention, are you saying that Obama is backing ISIS? Or is it somehow still Bush and the Republicans fault?

Its my buddy Abe
I do enjoy our debates.
I don't want to speak for who you where asking that question.

But that line of thinking is what gets us into such division. Bush or Obama. They are both puppets. And give people someone to point their fingers at to blame.

When truth be told. I would say this is what Ron Paul warned us about.. Blow Back.

Bush sends in our troops. The people say.. "bring our troops home"
Obama gets elected and pulls our troops out. Leaving behind USA Hardware, and gear.
The people we are fighting, comes in and loots everything we left behind.

Now they are sending them back into that mess.
See what a cluster F this is turning into.

I could not sit here in good faith, and point the finger at Bush, or Obama. They are just following the orders that their shadow masters have given them.
Who are the "shadow Masters" you might ask.
Private Bankers, Private Corporations. We also have the other side, the Middle Eastern Elite and Private Bankers.

These are the people Funding ISIS. Big Elite and Wealthy Middle East Families.
US/WEST funding them via Private Bankers. And "accidentally" Left stuff they could get their hands on.

But the whole Right VS Left blame game.. Gets us no where. It turns us into dogs chasing our own tails...

It is the Wealthy Elites. And its not some grander master Illuminati group either. There are at the very least 4 Big players right now.
We are the Cards. Money is a card. War is a card. Ect ect. So we have at the very least 4 Big Elite players, who are using ISIS as just another Card in this game.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: zysin5
But the whole Right VS Left blame game.. Gets us no where. It turns us into dogs chasing our own tails...

Here here, that deserves a toast...

I'm always amazed by the fact that so many on ATS appear to be completely unaware of this fact.

This is achieved by a Hegelian dialectical process of creating adversaries. Domestically, the illuminati dialectic is mirrored by George Soros who funds the left, and the Koch Brothers who fund and control the right. The radical Left and Islam are also funded by corporations through the Tides foundation. You can bet that this funding extends to media control through ownership or advertising. It also extends to universities, foundations and think tanks.

Revealed: Illuminati Bankers' Control Strategy

The the Hegelian dialectics which once you take the deductive way of reasoning you see the thesis, antithesis, synthesis all over the globe. When George Bush said: 'Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.' he made a thesis (we the good guys) against the antithesis (they, the bad guys). Like in All Star Wrestling which was nothing but an exercise in dialectics. Hulk Hogan went from one camp to the other, but there never was a third choice. In propaganda this called a false dilemma. As in reality you can be with both, against both, be neutral with one and with/against the other. All in all, there is many more choices. But people usually fall into the trap and choose one or the other.

What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

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