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I found the Ark of the Covenant

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posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 07:04 PM
And so can you...

In the OT the first covenant given was to Abraham. This is by faith, a path available since the beginning of time for anyone who would ask why? But not just asked why, we all wonder why, but those who realized that the why was the only thing worth living for. So they pursed the why, knock and the door will be opened.

The second covenant was given to Moses, the physical covenant, physical signs, physical miracles. A physical, perfect, Christ to fulfill the requirements of the law. If the Ark had any power certainly that covenant ended in 70 AD.

The next covenant, Christ, faith to obey the teaching of the Holy Spirit within. Believe that Christ lives in you and can and will teach you all things.

Spiritual Ark.
Mana - stomach - bread - Jesus Christ
Staff - backbone - strength from within
Scroll - Word - love- breath of life, Holy Spirit
2 Stone tablets- law written on 2 halves of heart
2 cheribum - 2 halves of one mind
With God in the center of your mind, even in reference to the penal gland.

The NT says God is love 2 times, and maybe love is much more e than we can comprehend at this time, but it is not unknown. Can anyone know the unknown?

Love lives within you, how do you know this? Because you have the desire to love and be loved. Even when the world has held you down you did not give up on love. This love within you is the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ within you to take you by the hand and lead you to perfection.

edit on 28-8-2014 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: sacgamer25

Respectfully that you think youve found it....what do you intend to do with it (what you believe youve found)?

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 07:14 PM
Give it away, as my free gift to humanity.

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 07:14 PM
Double post
edit on 28-8-2014 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 07:24 PM
This old man found it too...

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 07:26 PM
Interestingly, the Cherub/im is represented by The Ankh. Draw out an Ankh and put 2 eyes in the circle.. What have You now?

Also, at The Vatican there is an altar where One can pray to the 'Pine Cone'. The Pope has a staff carved into the staff is a 'Pine Cone' (PINEal Gland..)

And in closing... You'll find the 'more You use, the more You'll get'


posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: sacgamer25

When the Templars broke into Al Aqsa, they were disappointed to discover that the rumors of jewels and treasure were entirely false. What they did discover was a scroll and not a beautified one like the Jews parade around today, just a worn, old, plain scroll, a contract of sorts. Nothing about it was remarkable really, nothing that you cannot find in scripture, except for a pronunciation guide for four little letters to be used at the height of a celebration once per year, a rhyming game that any lover of slang would be proud of.

Anyway, they fled and fled and fled and fled some more and then around 1400 with the aide of the St. Claire, Ross and MacGregor families, they came into what is now called Nova Scotia. Where the scroll exists today, no one knows. Maybe try lake Titicaca. lol. I think there were some copper mines in that area that were of some interest or another. But, the ark of the covenant itself was never recovered.

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: Nechash

Ats link

Your post made me think of this thread.
I'm on my phone so it's hard to tell what's still working - old thread and links. But I wish someone would just seal off all the water traps by building a temporary dam around the island. Something is down there and it seems more want it to stay hidden then found.
edit on 8/28/2014 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

That was Ross family vacation ground. Ask Toby Keith. He might know. ;p

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 01:18 AM
ark of the covenant is in ethiopia....theres a lot of evidence that points that it is there

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: sacgamer25

Yes you are correct that these are types given that point to you and me.

"Don't you know you are the temple of God? "

"He entered through the veil ( into the holy of Holies) that is his flesh"

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: sacgamer25

Why would you-- or anyone for that matter-- like to be reduced to a gilded container with a heart of stone?

ETA: S/F for the initiative and creative efforts
edit on 29-8-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: rephrased

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

Lol, that was good. I'm not sure anyone wants a heart of stone, but it sure seems many have one.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: sacgamer25

The effect of that dog eat dog world out there I suppose. The stone hearts I mean. That, and following bronze-age justice while living in the future.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

The kingdom of heaven is like. ...

We don't reduce ourselves but learn about ourselves through types and shadows.

Jesus wasn't reducing the kingdom to a mustard seed, a field, a treasure etc. by saying that the kingdom is like these things.

A sign that says Paris 100 miles is not the reduction of Paris to a molded bit of metal with words painted on. It helps guide you to Paris.

The ark is a symbol. It is where the spirit manifests, between the covering cherubim. They are the same ones that cover the way into paradise.

Note the pillar of smoke in the midst of the cherubim on the mercy seat and the flaming sword in the midst of the cherubim at the gate to paradise.

The spirit manifests still in the midst of the cherubim...

When two or three gather in my name

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: zardust
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

The kingdom of heaven is like. ...

We don't reduce ourselves but learn about ourselves through types and shadows.

Sounds like the old type-antitype connection. Like shadow better, then again, sometimes the anti-type shines and as a shadow it would destroy itself, and shadows is a bit like cold, and doesn't really exist, cold is lack of heat and a shadow or darkness is lack of light. Light came to the darkness, but the dark did not receive it. Well of course it didn't, the darkness either ceased to exist being consumed by light or absorbed it turning it into heat or similar, light changes things, reveals reality. However in the common Christian soul there rests a stubborn bias that everything is black and white and that everything Jesus says is plain and simple. He was a wordsmith of sorts. And quite well informed.

Jesus wasn't reducing the kingdom to a mustard seed, a field, a treasure etc. by saying that the kingdom is like these things.

Sure it was a mustard seed? You see, mustard plants are hardly the greatest tree in the world that's all.

A sign that says Paris 100 miles is not the reduction of Paris to a molded bit of metal with words painted on. It helps guide you to Paris.

The ark is a symbol. It is where the spirit manifests, between the covering cherubim. They are the same ones that cover the way into paradise.

I believe the swinging burning sword of Uriel at the gates of Paradise/Heaven, is a thing called retrograde motion of planet Mars, when Earth moves passed it on the inside and Mars appears to swing back and forth in the sky. Adama means red ocre, and Adam means Red or Ruddy in addition to Man, and in the Midrash (?) Eden's soil was red. Take a look at planet Mars again.

The two cherubim are either planets Jupiter and Saturn or simply flying machines or spacecrafts in my opinion.

A book is valued for it's contents, not it's cover or the alphabet used. For instance; vinegar mixed with water is a great soft drink and was practically the Coke of 30AD, just not to Christians and certainly not at the crucifixion. Those Roman soldiers by the cross were saints working out the miracles of love, while saint Peter was a coward dog. There is more to truth than meets the eye. Always.
edit on 29-8-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: misc


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