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What in the World is Going on!?

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posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 12:33 PM
It's been an interesting year.

However, in regards about World War 1 hasn't been considered a world war until years later? Or even bringing it in conversation with the world events of today.

Are you kidding me? That war was absolutely Insane

Did some completely look over the scale and battles like Verdun? Somme? Gallipoli? Etc.

Battle of Verdun alone was one of the most insane battles in human history.

I just woke up and drinking coffee. What's been going in the world this year is horrible but it doesn't add up or even remotely compare to a single battle of WW1. And thank god.

I'm not trying to make it a a measuring contest I'm just saying thank god. WW1 was an absolute meat grinder sorry to say.
edit on 17-8-2014 by Imhere because: some spell check

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: Not Authorized
God doesnt bless an entire country.. Americans often tend to think they are the only ones decent folks.. I think perhabs because of media propaganda etc... But It doesnt work that way.. Its an individual matter. Could be that you were being ironical and i didnt get that, if thats the case, then im sorry

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