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"Tone-Deaf" Obama Mocked By NY Times For Vacationing While World Burns

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posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 09:09 PM
I don't think the world cares about our speeches as much as our political pundits do.

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: sicksonezer0
Former service member eh? Heard that phrase one to many times.

I took the line

originally posted by: sicksonezer0
If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.

as a bit of kitchen humor.
After a long 10-12 hours in a 105°F kitchen there was a tendency in the weaker-willed to lean on the nearest wall while the hardened veterans scrubbed away the evidence of the 1400 dishes sold.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: Bassago
This detached behaviour is much like what George Bush was doing in the school classroom while awaiting the articulation of 9/11. If he doesn't appear engaged, he appears less culpable of either having things done or allowing them to be done.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 02:42 AM
I`m sure he has strong opinions on more than just gay rights, but he`s a mouth piece for the people really calling the shots.I remember Valerie Ferret telling the press that Obama would spend more time in his 2nd term travelling and glad handing the public(as if possible).She is his immediate keeper and she is calling the shots.But who is her keeper?That`s the question.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
and that it was always a working vacation. because it was working vacations. Both Bush43 and Obama took 'vacations' .. but different kinds ...

How do you know they were different kinds? How do you know all of Obama's were not "working vacations"?

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Bassago
i cant stand the man either but in all fairness WE DIDN'T SHOOT DOWN THE PLANE russia or the ukraines did. yes there might be a few americans aboard but i imagine he is enjoying watching putin look like a donkey. still he does take vacations at drop of hat yet i a hard working american can honestly say i havent been on vacation since clinton was in office,

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: proteus33

i cant stand the man either but in all fairness WE DIDN'T SHOOT DOWN THE PLANE russia or the ukraines did.

True but we did have a hand in the destabilization of the country and overthrow of it's democratically elected leader so I think it's fair to say we are partly to blame for this mess.

I'm not against the idea of our presidents taking vacations (at least someone can) but I still expect them to do their job. Doesn't seem like that's really on his schedule much though.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: Bassago

eh; let ww3 come at last.

it wont be the end, it'll be fought conventionally, sorta like ww2, korea, or vietnam.

nuclear weapons will be a "retaliatory strike"-type option. like poison gas was during ww2.

in the end, perhaps it'll be a catalyst for reshuffling the power-structure of the world, probably breaking the back of the US, just like ww1 destroyed the ottomans, austro-hungarians, russians, etc. and ww2 broke the french and british empire. these empires had been decaying from internal cultural issues, issues that were systemic to the government, but also in the economic sector.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: 3v0lv3r
a reply to: Bassago
This detached behaviour is much like what George Bush was doing in the school classroom while awaiting the articulation of 9/11. If he doesn't appear engaged, he appears less culpable of either having things done or allowing them to be done.

Have to call BS on that one. Bush was putting on a calm face for a bunch of elementary school kids, so as not to alarm them. That was the right thing to do. That is a far cry from going on vacation all the time, at ginormous expense, while telling us to cut back. Bush went to his ranch to work, which is basically relocating his office. O flies all over, his family flies all over, and all he does when not amusing himself on these trips is fundraising.

Year six of this guy in office, and some are still playing the "blame Bush" game? That's sad.

Fact is, this clown is wasting taxpayer money for his own self gratification, and no amount of trying to shift blame will change that fact.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 11:11 AM
Guess it's not just the New York Times anymore. Now it's being talked about in the UK. Obama does seem to have "checked out." This is positively shameful for the US in general and the office of the POTUS in particular.

Barack Obama has already checked out (of his job)

Rubbing elbows with the rich and elite is fine enough. Unfortunately, the work suffers. The degree to which he is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term – is astonishing.

And based on his recent handling of situations much more serious than a possible post-presidential move to sunny California, it seems as if “No Drama Obama” is no longer even worried about keeping up appearances; he doesn’t care enough to fake it.

The only thing that makes sense is that he is exhausted and, perhaps, has checked out of the job early.

If Nero fiddled while Rome burned, then Obama is dining out, golfing, and raising money while the world collapses.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Bassago

Dear Bassago,

You'll forgive me if I can't remember whether I'm supposed to agree or disagree with you, but you've brought something valuable to the discussion of the reality of the world. It's this sentence:

If Nero fiddled while Rome burned, then Obama is dining out, golfing, and raising money while the world collapses.

Nobody cares whether the leader of Nauru (Pop. 10,000) is golfing. Or the leader of Kiribati (Pop. 100,000), Djibouti (879,000), Serbia and Montenegro (9,856,000), Spain (47,000,000), but that's enough. The point is that the author believes that the US is something special, dare I say "Exceptional?" It, as Rome was, is the power in the world, and the author expects the US, and it's leader, to be working on repairing the world.

That is the vision that Obama lacks, and that many in the country are losing. The US is the great country, not because Americans are any better, the reasons can be found in our basic government structure, and our (failing) economic health. As conceited as it sounds, the US is Number 1, and if we fail to use that power to bring peace and freedom to the world, we'll have failed.

Thanks for the post.

With respect,

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: charles1952

Good Morning Charles,

Whether we agree on a topic or not I always appreciate your input and civility.

In fairness the author of this article is from the Daily Caller in DC not that it matters. I guess the thing I see in this is the story is making headway in a major UK news outlet. Bad enough to have our dirty laundry laying about but when we give it to our allies it seems to make things worse all around.

As things stand with the POTUS I'd be thrilled if he even took a firm leadership role at home on something to help Americans. Like maybe seriously tackling the unemployment issue or the VA issues or homelessness.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Bassago
a reply to: Sremmos80

I agree it looks bad that he is on vacation, but if he wasn't what should he be doing?

How about meeting with the DoD, conferring with the UN and stop just blaming others (Russia) while keeping us in the loop. How about a plan to ratchet down the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine. Don't even get me started with Gaza.

Vacations, fund raisers, golf and hot tubs just really get to me. Maybe I was expecting too much from a president.

So you think he should spend his time trying to fix things that have nothing to do with the United States? He has nothing to do with Ukraine, Russia, or Gaza. This is one of the reasons our country is so far in debt, EVERY single time something is happening overseas we have to poke our noses in and fund more BS. Really tired of hearing 'what is the west going to do?' How about focus on ourselves and fix our own issues.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 03:22 PM

Another ambush by the Tea party group. Bush did the exact same thing during the Iraq war. Sure you can argue about Presidents taking vacations but it's certainly not a left/right thing.

President Bush has faced intense criticism for his insensitivity in taking a leisurely, 5-week vacation while the country is locked in an increasingly violent war in Iraq. His initial response was to defensively defend his right to relax, stating indignantly, “I’ve got a life to live.”

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Daughter2

It seems we're getting distracted here a little.

The New York Times is irritated with Obama for looking uncaring and out of touch. They wouldn't mind, of course, if he actually was uncaring and out of touch, but looking that way is part of the reason why his job approval rating in the latest poll was 39%. That makes life tough for the Democrats in this year's elections, so the paper is trying to wake him up.

Obama and Michelle look like they don't care about the US, either as a country or a vacation destination (except for Martha's Vineyard, which to the average voter isn't really part of the US.

Bush cared. We knew it, and the troops knew it. That's the difference in the vacations. Was it real? Of course it was. Now, out of the spotlight, Bush does dozens of benefits for the troops, spends time with them, enjoys and respects them.

Obama? Well, he doesn't actually spit on vets, but .....

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: FlyersFan
and that it was always a working vacation. because it was working vacations. Both Bush43 and Obama took 'vacations' .. but different kinds ...

How do you know they were different kinds? How do you know all of Obama's were not "working vacations"?

That's easy to answer, just look at the person and place.
Helping Dem's that still accept his help,,,They do need Help!

And then there's the Golf Games during his family vacations to expensive places that most Golfer's here at ATS couldn't afford the Green Fees,,,, But Obama Can,,,, I think the people here that can't afford the same fees pays for his,,,, Maybe That's Way!
One fooled played a Violin as Rome Burned, Our Fool Golfs as the World Burns and our cities are crunched under the weight of economic Ruin trying to Support the illegals Dumped in Their Schools, Shelters, Food Banks / Clothing Banks and on their Healthcare system!

What does this President Really Need To Be President?

He's Showed us!!
edit on 26-7-2014 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 01:30 PM
Just thought this was worth an update. Now the Washington Post is running a similar story. Considering that things continue to grind downhill globally.

As the criticism became public, Obama was doggedly sticking with his plans to go on vacation — a decision that, if not in the category of stupid stuff, could fit under the heading of “tone deafness.”

Obama responded with not one but two rounds of golf.

Obama stood on the South Lawn on Saturday updating Americans on the new bombing campaign in Iraq — and then he boarded Marine One for a two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard. There, half an hour after arriving at his vacation home, he was already on his way to a golf course. He played again Sunday, then had a beach outing Monday followed by a political fundraiser.
WaPo:Obama vacations as the world burns

Sigh* the guy could at least try to appear that his main goal as president is not to escape his responsibilities. Guess that's just not in the Obama card deck.
    Beach walks!

Maybe we can get Barbara Streisand to fly out to the Hampton's and put on a concert for them or something. I also heard the Biden's are out there too for their third vacation in a month.

What a winning crew we've got. /Sarc
Bidens in Hamptons to Begin Third Vacation in Month

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Bassago

Didn't he just have a vacation? I guess this week will be a concert with JZ and Beyonce

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Didn't he just have a vacation?

Biden sure did but I can't keep track of Obama's vacations anymore. Most likely if he's not at a fundraiser or doing the quick teleprompter thing then he's on vacation.

Personally I believe he's been on vacation ever since he first got elected, if not always physically then mentally.

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