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Theoretical question here....

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posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Jaruseleh
I want people to think about this, and not just say "that won't happen" or whatever...but here's the question:

What if we were to find absolute evidence that Sadam DID have WMD's. Say if we found some buried in the desert, or found a paper trail showing they were shipped to Syria, or something similar?

What would your reaction be? Would your perception of our current administration change at all?

Again, this is just theoretical, and purely out of my own curiosity.

Well, no one is guilty for holding a knife. You have to stub someone with it.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 05:29 PM
IMO, the moment it was discovered that the CIA info on Iraq WMD's was not credible, the US should have immediately:
1) issued a public appology
2) pulled out of Iraq
3) Set plans in motion to repair damages

These actions would have shown that the US is acting with due regard to CIA information, and if there was a mistake, to publicly admit it and retract the military.

The fact that the US did not, and has kept going in Iraq despite no WMD's found, makes me very suspicious about the true intent of the war in Iraq. These suspicions range from oil to 9/11 government complicity to possible alien artifacts in Iraq. Basically, it opened up a whole can of worms that didn't need to be, if the government was indeed "honorable."

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Mokuhadzushi
Even if they find something by chance, the administration lied in order to start a war, which is jeopardizing national and world security, and amounts to treason. The claims about the mushroom clouds, the WMD, the aluminuim tubes, the yellowcake, the mobile biological weapons labs, and the 45 minutes claims were all either outright inventions, based on forgeries, or based on photocopies from magazines. BTW, does anyone know what happened to the FBI investigation about the forgeries ?

[edit on 2-12-2004 by Mokuhadzushi]

Let's see, you dismiss everything less than 1 million ICBM's with nuclear and chemical weapons, but even if such items are found, you say the war was still unjustified.
You claim the administration lied, although it is the same thing everyone else was saying (must I repost the list of quotes by your liberal leaders?)

Moku, rather than simple trollish garbage and typical broken record crap, why not wipe the foam from your mouth, take a walk out in the sunshine and settle down?

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 10:28 PM
Some people, naturaly, would assume these weapons to have been placed by US military/governing officials. Though consider this: When Saddam had said three times he had no WMD's, it took UN inspectors nearly 8-16 months to all of a sudden come to the conclusion he was lying. Why did no one suspect then that the UN was planting the weapons? Also, these weapons inspectors had a great deal of time and unlike our service men, they were not being shot at in pursuit of these weapons. We have been there for a little more than a year and uncovered nothing (other than an oil for food scandal and possibly more mass graves), but we've been provoked constantly by insurgents in our efforts. Why is there such a strong hold in Fallujah, maybe the WMD's are there, and why haven't any of the conspiracy nuts on this site from what I've seen jumped on this idea?

No, it wouldn't change my opinion, because my opinion of Saddam never changed, I believed like W that he still has WMD's in Iraq.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Jaruseleh
I'd just like to point out that Bush did not lie about WMD's, he was mis-informed, not only by our own CIA, but by incorrect information from allies as well.

Damn, that's a good joke, tell another one!

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Frosty
Some people, naturaly, would assume these weapons to have been placed by US military/governing officials. Though consider this: When Saddam had said three times he had no WMD's, it took UN inspectors nearly 8-16 months to all of a sudden come to the conclusion he was lying. Why did no one suspect then that the UN was planting the weapons? Also, these weapons inspectors had a great deal of time and unlike our service men, they were not being shot at in pursuit of these weapons. We have been there for a little more than a year and uncovered nothing (other than an oil for food scandal and possibly more mass graves), but we've been provoked constantly by insurgents in our efforts. Why is there such a strong hold in Fallujah, maybe the WMD's are there, and why haven't any of the conspiracy nuts on this site from what I've seen jumped on this idea?

No, it wouldn't change my opinion, because my opinion of Saddam never changed, I believed like W that he still has WMD's in Iraq.

"conspiracy nuts" will never try to uncover a conspiracy if it goes along with the govt line

if Kerry had won, pulled out of Iraq, declared a Happy St Saddam Day and stated "there were never any WMD's or ties to Al Qaeda in Iraq"...then, and only then - would the "conspiracy nuts" go to work on the vanishing WMD's

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by masterp
Well, no one is guilty for holding a knife. You have to stub someone with it.

they are - if they have a court-appointed ban from "holding a knife"

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 11:42 AM
As other's have stated... I don't really think anything would have changed. The Left would have perhaps stayed quiet on Iraq and shifted it's screaming to another topic.

Here's a question: Would you prefer that the US Government be incompetent (as in my opinion currently seems to be the case) or that they plant weapons and lie convincingly?

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 10:56 PM
Whether they had them or not is irrelevant, the US . . . with a small political coalition . . . illegaly invaded a soverign nation.

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Jaruseleh
I'd just like to point out that Bush did not lie about WMD's

I'm not picking on you at all, but how does you stating this make it true? Or is this just something you believe? In which case it holds no more weight than someone saying he lied.

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 02:05 AM
The alledged WMD its been claimed, were not the reason they went into iraq but rather to depose saddam. I did not feel their wanting to stop iraq having WMD was fair or justified, they are not the global cop, and they have so many of their own it makes them hippocrits!

I do support their wish to overthrow Saddams cruel regime and "free" the people however I do not agree with their gung-ho method!

Finding that Saddam DId have WMD would not alter whats been done nor justify it!

If Uncle sam abhors dictatorship so much, why does he try to impose his own on other nations? Its none of his Damn buisness! Lets see America dismantle and destroy its own aresenal before it points the finger at others! Sheer arrogance! Personally I hope north korea never back down or stand for U.S. bully tactics! The only reason China wont take U.S crap is because they already have enough to defend against U.S bluff , lets just see Uncle Sam try to bully china! bring it on !

[edit on 4-12-2004 by instar]

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