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evolution realy? how?

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posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:21 PM
I am asking questions, that you know the answers to. I am not confusing you.

Answer the questions I asked above? Please. I even showed you where in the bible you could look. You can look elsewhere if you want too.

This is all relevant to the topic of creation and evolution by the way. So, please answer the questions. (now shes getting mad because I am right, so she wont answer anymore)

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by ninki
actually people were known to live much longer pre flood, and post flood. also if the point of evolving is just to better the brain...whats up with monkeys? they live with us, we can show them things, but we cannot breach the gap...why? they are not, and will never become human, just as we are not and never were, monkeys.

You say folk lived much longer, but you cant provide evidence or scientific explaination to why they lived longer, is this tied in with your oxygen theory? does that mean we should be living shorter and shorter lives? were not are we.
Monkeys are still evolving perhaps, evolution takes a LONG time. We didnt go to sleep in our cave one night and wake up the next morning all modern and with a caddy in the driveway!
By breach the gap you mean what? communicate? we can. Not only are chimps a social animal forming family groups etc they also use tools. Gorillas and chimps have been taught to express themselves using sign language, and prove to be intelligent thinking beings. Google it and see.

Seapeople, go ahead with your answer.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:46 PM
sorry seapeople i dont think ninki is mad because she cannot answer the question.. i think it is more that she is annoyed with your condesending questions.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:47 PM
An answer to the question, "why are we not living longer, and why are we not more beautiful"

Truth be told Ninki, just to start off here. We are living longer. WE are more beautiful. You see, humans, as it stands today have eradicated evolution in themselves. We have attained a point of balance. We have also obtained something called sympathy. We control our environment now. There is no more needed, therefore evolution will be slowed dramatically among us. Now, when say sympathy, I am referring to many things. Lets take really stupid people for instance. 1000 years ago, if you were not smart enough to create ways to hunt and eat, you would die. Therefore your stupid genes would not be passed onto the next generation. And hence, people became increasingly more intelligent. Now, to the contrary, the smart people help the stupid people survive. And we even allow them to breed and make more stupid people. So, as a result, you will see generation after generation become more and more stupid, ugly, and other such things. ( I am ugly, and short, and I am sure that I would not have been "mating" 1000 years ago as a result). 1000 years ago, if our bodies were not as resistant to cold, we would die. If we couldnt stand the heat, we would die. Now we have total control.

But, what is still happening, is the evolution of all other animals that do not control their own environment.

Now, one other thing that is commonly mistaken, even by people I agree with, is this. Humans could not have evolved from monkeys. BUT!!!!! I would place my life on the line with your God that monkeys and humans evolved from a common ancestor....IE the missing link.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by jeshua
sorry seapeople i dont think ninki is mad because she cannot answer the question.. i think it is more that she is annoyed with your condesending questions.

Condesending??? My questions are direct and to the point. I am straightforward. Its the fact that she has to answer them in a way that she knows doesn't agree with her beliefs, but also knows that it is true. I push hard, I know....but what did I far???? I got a creationist to admit by her own words that:

Evolution must exist by necessity and is guided by the forces of our environment.

You and her just havent come to grasp that yet. So anyhow....That was a nice attempt to through Entropy in the mix. It's too bad you only heard it from someone, and never looked into it on your own.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:57 PM
You and her just havent come to grasp that yet. So anyhow....That was a nice attempt to through Entropy in the mix. It's too bad you only heard it from someone, and never looked into it on your own."
.. are you telling me statement like this are not condesending.. well any way besides that point.. you are not anybody to be making judgement from where i come up with what i say.. you come up with you basic idea on evolution from some man who didnt even believe his own theory in the end but knew to believe something different ment he had to alter his life.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 03:00 PM
One final question please Ninki?
If you dont beleive in evolution and you beleive in the bible word for word, to such a degree that you refuse to acknowledge common sense , abundant evidence ,and reason, Then why did you start this thread in the first place? were you hoping to be proven wrong, or were you hoping for folk to post who would agree with you and cement your beleif? If you were never going to conceed the smallest point, why bother?

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 03:22 PM
INSTAR- i like to talk..i also love the lord with all of my heart, and i want others to find him,,so i stumble through stupid discussions in hopes that someone will get an interest in finding him.-that said, my theory that men used to live longer goes right along with the bible, after the flood and men started to live shorter life spans.i also would say this is why fossils of humans had very thick skulls and bone mass ..calcium buildup from long lives lived in the nice o2.By breach the gap i mean we have not and will not ever be anything but human........SEAPEOPLE-why do you keep saying "now she is mad and wont respond" is that what you hope for?i am not mad just sometimes it takes me a while to have only accomplished something that, could have more readily been availableto you if you asked.."hey do you believe evolution inside a species can take place?" i would have said lots of time and "tests".this does nothing for my theory-do you understand that?your test..lets see#1 we have seen his glory the glory of the son of man...all who look on the face of JESUS have seen god.
#2 god does not need to repent..he is without him there is no darkness.
#3 sin was carried down through adam and eve..yes.
now get to your point..and if i do not respond right away never fear...i WILL

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by jeshua
You and her just havent come to grasp that yet. So anyhow....That was a nice attempt to through Entropy in the mix. It's too bad you only heard it from someone, and never looked into it on your own."
.. are you telling me statement like this are not condesending.. well any way besides that point.. you are not anybody to be making judgement from where i come up with what i say.. you come up with you basic idea on evolution from some man who didnt even believe his own theory in the end but knew to believe something different ment he had to alter his life.

I am not a darwinist. I believe that evolution occurs. There is a difference.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:25 PM
if people lived longer, wouldnt they have less bone mass.
osteoporosis - USUALLY age related. Pritty much, the older you get the less bone mass you have, this is why old people break bones so easily.

this doesnt make sense to me? calcium build up because people lived longer? Wouldnt it be infact the opposite? decline in calcium levels the older you get?

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 08:51 AM
CHEESER- sorry its a no go...i will use one of your own theorys to proove my point...
Neanderthals (i like to call them early human, fully human ancestors)..anywhoo..what are the characteristics of these so called early humans?
#1 brain size 1500 cc larger
#3 larger cranium
#4 larg front teeth
#5 short body shape
there you have it, i believe these humans were stumped from age and osteoperosis, arthritis etc..and the thick bones, come from calcium buildup that would have most certainly accumulated with a long life span.

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ninki
Neanderthals (i like to call them early human, fully human ancestors

It would be incredibly difficult to call them our ancestors when they existed at the same time as us.
They even had music/culrure apprently.. but DNA testing has proven that they are NOT human. We probably share an ancestor.. as we do with chimps.

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 01:13 PM
RILEY- The recent recovery of mitochondrial DNA from the right humerus of the Neanderthal remains from Neander Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany, has been of great interest to evolutionists and creationists alike (Krings et al., 1997).

Based on the comparison of modern human mt DNA and that taken from the Neanderthal, evolutionists have argued that the "Neanderthal line" diverged from the line of "hominids" leading to modern humans about 600,000 years B.P. without contributing mt DNA to modern Homo sapiens populations. This strongly implies that Neanderthals were a different species from modern humans.

However, the above noted interpretation is not scientifically justified. Lubenow (1998) has pointed out that the use of a statistical average of a large modern human sample (994 sequences from 1669 modern humans) compared with the mt DNA sequence from one Neanderthal is not appropriate. Furthermore, the mt DNA sequence differences among modern humans range from 1 to 24 substitutions, with an average of eight substitutions, whereas, the mt DNA sequence differences between modern man and the Neanderthal specimen range from 22 to 36 substitutions, placing Neanderthals, at worst, on the fringes of the modern range.

this is taken from an online source named you may go there if you wish...and i still stand by my theory, neanderthals were human, there was a flood, and yes the earth changed the way all life exhisted after the flood.

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 06:46 PM
Ninki I cant help but to post again! You keep mentioning oxygen. could you please provide a link to some information about o2 saturation on earth in previous times, it really is intresting.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by ninki
CHEESER- sorry its a no go...i will use one of your own theorys to proove my point...
Neanderthals (i like to call them early human, fully human ancestors)..anywhoo..what are the characteristics of these so called early humans?
#1 brain size 1500 cc larger
#3 larger cranium
#4 larg front teeth
#5 short body shape
there you have it, i believe these humans were stumped from age and osteoperosis, arthritis etc..and the thick bones, come from calcium buildup that would have most certainly accumulated with a long life span.

i to believe that the neanderthals where stumped from osteoperosis, arthritis etc... but for a different reason. for the reason the they didnt live past 50. Because they where the hunted.
Ninki may i ask? do you understands what aging is? do you understand what causes us to? You do release that every, every cell in your eye you used to look at this computer screen a yesterday, have been replaced. Your whole body gets places "x" amount of time every year, not including ur brain.... that is ireplacable, because i spose in theory, if your brain replaces itself, you'd loose your memory quicker?

may i ask, was adam and eve homo-sapien or neanderthals?

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 08:59 AM
Cheeser- hey i dont believe that adam and eve were anything but human and so i dont realy think that they were like your missing link, neanderthals i think were humans with different circimstances..all human from begining untell now.....but hey, merry christmas, i am taking a break for the holidays and will return after family wishes to you and yours.this i also say to -INSTAR-RILEY-SEAPEOPLE-have a great holliday...catch you round when i am back...sure i will be deeply

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by ninki
Cheeser- hey i dont believe that adam and eve were anything but human and so i dont realy think that they were like your missing link, neanderthals i think were humans with different circimstances..all human from begining untell now.....but hey, merry christmas, i am taking a break for the holidays and will return after family wishes to you and yours.this i also say to -INSTAR-RILEY-SEAPEOPLE-have a great holliday...catch you round when i am back...sure i will be deeply

Oh, you will. Don't you worry.

Cheeser, if I am not mistaken, which I may be, the neanderthals went extinct. The Cro-Magnums...or whatever the heck they were called basically wiped them out. Well....actually thats all bull crap because we faked the skeletons and such just to make religious people mad. Much like how we keep telling them the earth is not flat and that the sun is the center of the solar system.

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