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The New World Order/Community

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posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:10 PM
edit on 15-6-2014 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Annee
A world government is inevitable.

I'd put my focus on who & how --- not what if.

But all governments in history have failed.

How could any new one work?

They are making progress however.

The worldwide central banking system is evidence.

As soon as they get all the countries with "worthy enough" resources on board financially, they will move to the next step of total herding & compartmentalization of people.

You prefer anarchy?

The animalistic behavior of survival of the fittest? I've seen "NO ESCAPE".

One would think, humans, the supposedly most evolved species, would have elevated themselves beyond the survival instincts of lower life forms.

Apparently not.

LOL of course I said nothing about anarchy.

How could you mis-interpret so wildly?

Besides, "Humans" in current "civilized" forms haven't existed long enough to make a single government on a "civil" basis.

The ongoing NWO efforts are being forced. It is not "evolving" naturally.

btw, can you name the oldest current government?

I'm very aware you did not mention anarchy.

But, if all governments fail, and there is no government ---- what would you call it?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Annee

I'm very aware you did not mention anarchy.

But, if all governments fail, and there is no government ---- what would you call it?

LOL Anarchy usually is achieved by force not failed government.

Usually failed governments are taken over by other governments or other forms of government.

Can you tell us what governments have never failed?

Can you tell us what form of government will work on a Global scale?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: Annee

One would think, humans, the supposedly most evolved species, would have elevated themselves beyond the survival instincts of lower life forms.

Another one would also think differently.

Everything humans do is survival of the fittest. Sometimes its not obvious. This is due to our nature being suppressed by government and other social institutions. Its like squeezing a balloon. You can squeeze part of it, but a bigger, more unnatural swell is going to show up where your hands aren't. It is survival of the fittest and always will be. We just magnify it with our governments. The magnification (the swollen balloon) shows up in things like war, marketplace competition, and global destruction defense (meteors, global warming, etc.). All technology (clothes, cars, roads, fences, houses, etc.) is subject to and derived from the Darwinian natural law of survival of the fittest.
edit on 15-6-2014 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-6-2014 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: smithjustinb

This world isn't designed to be perfect; that metaphor exists on the other side in the lighter dimensions of the 4th, 5th and 6th. This one is/has always meant to be a form of "trial" for all that incarnate here in the heavy third where you are solid matter (one would think this would be understood) NOT. Its just a test, a play, a film you are acting within; none of it is real.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: smithjustinb

This world

Is real.

isn't designed to be perfect; that metaphor exists on the other side in the lighter dimensions of the 4th, 5th and 6th. This one is/has always meant to be a form of "trial" for all that incarnate here in the heavy third where you are solid matter (one would think this would be understood) NOT. Its just a test, a play, a film you are acting within; none of it is real.

isn't real.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

My political beliefs are actually pretty extreme, which is why I don't really discuss them here.

It's been awhile, but I did read the PNAC, or at least portions of it. It's something that can be interpreted differently depending on perspective.

It does seem to me the real (unseen) global powers are trying to equalize the world economy, by building up 3rd world countries, and lowering the economy of power countries such as the USA.

Is it a good thing to equalize global economy. Everyone is on one side or the other when the pendulum swings. So again perspective.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:48 PM
originally posted by: smithjustinb
originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing
a reply to: smithjustinb

Do you pay for the experience of seeing yourself being/acting as a human being? Cos-play, video games, major motion pictures seen at theaters, NETFLIX? Do filter your news watch CNN; FOX, or watch the current war scuffles; strife, starvation/disease, senseless random crimes in your/or others countries? Do you perceive this as NORMALCY? No it isn't, this is a set up world to experience everything (you name it your soul as it is supposed to progress has to offer). This is the only 3d world existing within this galaxy. Its a virtual world. It is a game; and if you think this was entirely an accident you would be wrong. The SUN (radiation life force was first created) Earth was created secondly to be able to coddle/support Every specie that exists in the higher dimensions and had a hand at creating this WHOLE thing; including their own footprint: (animals, plants, insects of all species) You MAN were the last to be introduced. This is a virtual world that was created for your entertainment; well not really more so for the testing of your individual souls meddle; your INSIGHT as to what this situation really is (you are right smack dab in the middle of experiencing).
edit on 15-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: JokerThe1st

I do admire your positivity on a topic that is bound up in so much cynicism. Trying to establish a vision for a better future that is practical and realistic is not easy. With so many powerful forces at play a lot of what does go on is out of our hands as we just sit at our keyboard sad or angry by decisions that are made, trying to understand.

The rise of social media is helping to shine some light on our social workings, promoting what is working and identifying some problems. In terms of just who is top dog, I put the UN security council in terms of military and political strength with the G20 through the IMF for economic strength. At the moment there is a big mix of agreements and disagreements going on.

Corporate multinationals are having some problems with there legal shopping capabilities and growing stateless existence. It kinda of puts them in a legal black hole where self regulation and trade complexity has its limits, so they stand or fall based on profits. How money does account for resources and defines social organization there is a lot at stake in its rules and regulation. How money can bring out the best and worst of humanity does make it a challenging and complex topic. How the G20 does resolve is current currency issues will set the path for where a lot of this new world order or community does go.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: smithjustinb

originally posted by: Annee

One would think, humans, the supposedly most evolved species, would have elevated themselves beyond the survival instincts of lower life forms.

Another one would also think differently.

Everything humans do is survival of the fittest. Sometimes its not obvious. This is due to our nature being suppressed by government and other social institutions. Its like squeezing a balloon. You can squeeze part of it, but a bigger, more unnatural swell is going to show up where your hands aren't.

I tend to shrink government down to a small family unit.

Say you have 3 kids, and 2 parents. You need to balance and juggle so everyone gets what they need, and fair share of goods and attention.

Are the kids contributing to the home unit? Meaning, while one gets his needs met, does he allow/help in making sure the others get theirs?

What if one is a spoiled brat, and only cares about his own needs. How does that affect the whole of the family unit?

What if one is lazy, does nothing, doesn't care, and just gets by?

Now multiply that by a billion people.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: Annee


Is PNAC your "plan" ?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Annee


Is PNAC your "plan" ?

My focus is a healthy, sustainable planet. By force if necessary. I'm not talking Tree Hugger.

As said, first you need to know your focus.

Seems to me the "Men Behind the Curtain" ---- PNAC are of the crowd "He who owns the oil, owns the world". So, no, don't think I'm with them.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Annee

My focus is a healthy, sustainable planet. By force if necessary.

Well at least you admit "force" is your way.

How much "force" will be necessary to get to a Global government?

And better yet...what kind of "force"?

How far are YOU willing to go with your own sacrifices?

Are you scared of becoming an unwilling victim?

Or is this just a "philosophy" ?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Annee

My focus is a healthy, sustainable planet. By force if necessary.

Well at least you admit "force" is your way.

How much "force" will be necessary to get to a Global government?

And better yet...what kind of "force"?

How far are YOU willing to go with your own sacrifices?

Are you scared of becoming an unwilling victim?

Or is this just a "philosophy" ?

Yeah, FORCE --- not really a compatible word/position for ATS political discussion. It would make ATS a negative place for me, so I rarely venture into political discussion.

I know this will sound like the Nazi and other grand plans that went astray but, For the Better Good. That's why I say " How and Who" --- because we all know Power Corrupts. Checks and balances have to be put in place. Am I naive to think they are uncorruptable? No.

Until we can colonize other planets, this is all we have. Sacrifice? I'm more of a long time value person, then an instant gratification person.

I am actually willing to live with the basics. I remember the gas rationing. Pain in the butt, but if it applies to every person (wealthy or not)' I'm OK with it. How about we bring back neighborhood markets so we can walk to get our groceries.

How much force? I mentioned rationing above. If implemented as an plan that applies to everyone, is that force or cooperative need? If people do it willingly, is that force. Well, actually yes as they can't opt out, but . . .

Philosophy? Isn't every idea? No, this is what I believe needs to happen.

Victim? Me as opposed to the guy down the street?
edit on 15-6-2014 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Well in some respects you may be right but perfection was never mentioned.
You view life as nothing but a game (does this compromise one's morals?) If nothing is real then it matters not what evil i commit ??? in fact anything i do does not matter
yes the above is a base way of viewing this ideal, but to view life as nothing but fabrication is very dangerous in some respects.
Would it not be just to help as many as one can past this test???
Also to try and elevate our world to a better quality of living and progression is a wonderful ideal and can be made a reality, Do you not want a better world for the coming incarnation of souls ???

My aims include all humanity not just my own ascension, I wish to help my brothers and sisters in this journey of life.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 06:36 PM
originally posted by: JokerThe1st
a reply to: veteranhumanbeing

[I]Joker[/I] Well in some respects you may be right but perfection was never mentioned.
You view life as nothing but a game (does this compromise one's morals?) If nothing is real then it matters not what evil i commit ??? in fact anything i do does not matter
yes the above is a base way of viewing this ideal, but to view life as nothing but fabrication is very dangerous in some respects.

Earth is an experiment, it was never meant to be perfection, that is left to the higher dimensions "The Kingdom awaits" (old gospel saying)(they are not perfect either and everything experienced there is a trickle down format of those worlds problems set on a three dimensional stage). This place is just a sped up model of intensive learning (for those souls that can take it), its positively brutal as in your body physically dies eventually; don't know you are an eternal being and have to figure this all out within 75 years if you live that long. You incarnated to take this ultimate test of being a human; and you probably stood in a waiting line for eons to attain the experience as it is highly sought after (only so many allowed) and those that actually have gone through "The Human Fast Track Learning School" are very well regarded in their home communities (off planet).

[I]Joker[/I] Would it not be just to help as many as one can past this test???
Also to try and elevate our world to a better quality of living and progression is a wonderful ideal and can be made a reality, Do you not want a better world for the coming incarnation of souls ???

My aims include all humanity not just my own ascension, I wish to help my brothers and sisters in this journey of life.

I'm a cheerleader, an informant to get the information out/across. I felt for the star children at first, but they came in with more or better tools and information than say the cold warriors. Of course I want a better world, but to this thinking I'm selfish I wish it more for Earth, its flora, fauna, insects than its human populace. Oh no doubt you will ascend as you understand your souls eternity; maybe that is the message (really simple=the individual soul never dies and retains all awareness of its experiences).
edit on 16-6-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Thank you
I hope i can respond adequately as you seem to have a much better understanding (grasp) of the technicalities of the subject than myself. I can at times view things very simplistically and have very broad interests which limits detail of each subject

the situation we face here on earth is of enormous complication. To keep a positive view some may see as Idealistic and not realistic but the striving for ideals is how one elevates society.
In keeping, if we can begin to project a positive outlook on mass the reality will be positive, it will take time and lots of work and possibly a catalog of mistakes but we can get there.

Unfortunately i lack faith in the current organizations such as the U.N. or IMF but to be fair they are the sum of there parts (people) If the people change the groups will surely follow. I hope that makes sense lol

Yes money a power that could well be used in very different ways to current conditions. I do think world currency can work but not with current financial practices. The entire system of currency needs an overhaul, Interest should be scrapped straight away it is a fraudulent corrupt practice.
The other bad practice is the whole gold = debt notes thing. The real question is Why gold holds value at all and in fact why anything material holds higher value than something else ??? Is value determined by usefulness ? or maybe by rarity ? or the properties the substance holds ?
or if we really wanna stick to the gold thing then go back to real gold currency, oh wait they cant do that there is not enough gold to go around
well it would seem the ship has sunk on gold & paper time for a change.
edit on 17-6-2014 by JokerThe1st because: spelling mistake

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