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A scramble for the spoils: A description of America's ongoing collapse

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posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 04:24 AM
I see the decline of many things taking place almost every day. Last night, I saw it in a young couple at the grocery, both obese, the young woman, wearing tight pants with rolls of fat hanging out of a wife beater. Piercings everywhere, looking completely filthy, both had their hair bleached and multi colored, the woman not wearing shoes on her feet, the man, wearing none either. People, slobs, who really don't care about how they look. Slobbing around town, in bare feet and dirty clothes.....

When it was check out time, she rolled her big basket of junk up to the conveyer, emptied it, swiped her EBT and nearly went insane when the balance came up zero. She screamed, yelled, cried, freaked out.... while her husband stood on his feet shifting back and forth staring at the floor. She kept up this drama until... the manager let her have the groceries in exchange for her drivers license, with a promise to return with the $56.06 that she owed them. It was the most ridiculous insane thing I have ever witnessed.

You see, all you have to do is live off welfare, and if your EBT card goes to zero, go to the store, then pitch a big fit and your food.

America has gone straight into hell, and I wonder if it will ever come back.

I see too many people living off EBT. Too many people, not giving a damn about how they present themselves to society. Too many Godless idiots...

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 05:05 AM
S&F for a very well-put together post. I agree.
For more than half a century I along with my family have watched the decline of this country. The coming collapse and its causes are so very obvious to someone with the perspective of time and a little knowledge of history.
Yes moral standards are almost nonexistent. 60 million abortions. 1 out of every 4 deaths in the US is an abortion. 2 million families are waiting to adopt. Pornography has taken over the internet and our young peoples' minds. Video games have destroyed the work ethic. Words like dignity, honesty, and integrity are hardly heard let alone acted on.
Most people can name at least 5 professional sports teams, but ask them who their 2 state senators are and you get a dumb look. But then everyone is eager to blame Washington, and rightly so, but how much of it is our fault? It's a culture of instant gratification and entertainment and sex now, and it cannot sustain itself in its current condition.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Thanks for the personal story Intrptr,. You witnessed something firsthand that many of us have only sensed indirectly. I'd imagine that your story is a good illustration for many other U.S. industries that went belly up.

Star for that one and I rarely bother with stars and flags.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: six67seven

I like how you address our western cultural decline across the board. I often find myself focusing on moral or financial decline, but you can see it across a broader spectrum as you point out here.

I have tried to determine some kind of timeline for collapse, but would never tie it to a fixed date, so your "scramble for the spoils" concept is a good last sign of the eventual collapse. There does seem to be an order of events leading to the fall of an empire.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: Zedski
a reply to: intrptr

Fine. Pack your bags now then. If you are so sure of that, why waste any more time here, or income potential. Hope your Chinese is good.

That was my point…. the predilection to send everything and everyone overseas.

Lets send manufacturing over there, lets start wars over there. Lets send Americas blood and treasure over there. We kinda have to now, less and less to steal here.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
a reply to: six67seven

I have tried to determine some kind of timeline for collapse, but would never tie it to a fixed date, so your "scramble for the spoils" concept is a good last sign of the eventual collapse. There does seem to be an order of events leading to the fall of an empire.

We can thank Rome for the step by step manual.

I'm just following the breadcrumbs.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
I''ll tell you what partially led to this downslide, for I was a witness to it, indeed I participated in it.

I think the low tech industries saw this first, before there was even computers. American tools were the best, no one and I mean no one made better hand tools than America. Now pretty much everything is made overseas with the exception of the truck based tools that visit auto shops.

I went out a few years back and tried to buy a set of jack stands that were made in the US, after two weeks I gave up and just bought the same Chinese stands everyone else had just packaged differently. You are right it is a sad commentary on US policy.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: intrptr

My post meant for you to personally consider that, so you can save yourself.

Obviously, you feel so strongly about it you should show everyone by your actions.

Plenty of inexpensive real estate in India.

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: six67seven

[muh-nop-uh-lee] Show IPA

noun, plural mo·nop·o·lies.
exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. Compare duopoly, oligopoly.

an exclusive privilege to carry on a business, traffic, or service, granted by a government.

the exclusive possession or control of something.

something that is the subject of such control, as a commodity or service.

a company or group that has such control.

Gosh I wonder if the OP ever heard of this one.
Gardening may be much easier for them.
Don't think they have a clue

posted on Jun, 2 2014 @ 10:07 PM
So every decade since... well the revolution somebody delcares the end and makes the same list and tells the same tales and yet America keeps on going. I know this is going to disappoint many of you but, when the time comes none of you will be around to see it.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: Zedski
a reply to: intrptr

My post meant for you to personally consider that, so you can save yourself.

Obviously, you feel so strongly about it you should show everyone by your actions.

Plenty of inexpensive real estate in India.

If I don't like something, I speak up, I don't leave.

You're the one that seems bothered by others sharing their life experience here… what are you adding to the thread? Besides telling others to "leave" (shut up)?

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Zedski

You're just butt hurt because nobody was swayed by your business as usual, continue with head stuck in the ground nonsense.

Yep, you must be a member of the oh everything will be fine generation? That is exactly how we got into this mess to begin with, pretending that everything will continue to be just peachy.

No accountability is the symptom of decay. I mean it's not like the signs have not been shining in bright Vegas style neon lights or anything. ~$heopleNation

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 08:53 PM

It's important to understand that we must compare America to America, not America to the rest of the world, for It is the current empire and It is currently in decline. -
a reply to: six67seven

It's important to understand that America is not any current empire nor has ever had an empire.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 09:14 PM
I suppose when America falls by the wayside China will step up to the plate and we will all become athiests with little choice in the matter and red will take the place of blue and the internet will become an enducational tool in idealogy and rice will be the main item for dinner, oh and lunch and breaky, and speaking English will be barely tolerated and the most basic bicyles will be the main mode of transport and full employment will be mandatory for everyone over 13 unless privillaged. A future to die for, before it arrives preferrably.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:36 PM

On tonight, live from 10PM Eastern time!

Show thread with listening information

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: learnatic

originally posted by: six67seven

Sex! Should we cover how much internet traffic is due to porn ...............

A scramble for the spoils!

Porn is often used as an example of imorality and I have a problem with this. First of all lets agree that kid porn rape exts is not porn anyway but plan ole child abuse and sexual assault respectively and is not considered by mainstream people as porn anyway.

To watch consenting adults either on the screen or live, engaging in normal everyday human sexual behavior is not immoral.

I think those who associate porn with immorality have much to learn or are deliberately muddying the waters for the own agenda.

The people who are deliberately muddy the waters by making this association are usually bible bashers and like all bible bashers they just want to rule other people and try to portray themselves as superior beings just because they are religious.

Such people do not seem to realise that in order to be a free, individual sovereign human being, one must first of all be free of religion and go to religion as an act of free choice as an adult. To be indoctrinated into religion as a child is nothing short of a form of child abuse and mind control but then I guess that's what religion is all about isn't it?

^ This one watches lots of porn.


posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Morg234
Does an empire have to conform to the form of the late British empire? America created the FED which started the dollar hegemony. In the 70's they tied the sale of petroleum to the dollar. Through the Vietnam war and the Afghanistan war the Al CIA Duh has tied illegal drug sales to the dollar. This is all backed up worldwide with military force or the threat of military force. This has has allowed the FED to print almost unlimited fiat FED Reserve notes and export inflation to the rest of the world. Dollar hegemony is no different than Roman taxes across their empire.

Now the tide is turning. The BRIC nations are becoming powerful enough to defy the U.S. They are doing direct currency swaps, direct barter trade deals, creating new settlement (non-$) systems, and stockpiling gold. More nations will wake to the fact that the BRICS are creating a more fair economic system that doesn't export inflation or depend on military intimidation. These nations will shift their allegiance to the BRIC alliance and the decline of the U.S. Will accelerate.

I expect Germany to defy the U.S. Over Ukrainian sanctions very soon as they do more trade with Russia than the US. The current puppet gov of the US is scrambling to contain the rise of Russia and China by encircling them with missile bases, creating unstable environments in bordering nations or allied nations (Syria, Iran, Ukraine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Philippines, etc). Even the secretive TPP and TAFTA are just a last ditch effort to lock in trade partners to the FED $ at the expense of the American people.

The TPTB behind the US gov will keep it all afloat for longer than we expect but a certain tipping point will arrive when the rest of the world will understand just how bankrupt and corrupt the US power really is and then the decline will accelerate.

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