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What are some ODD sleep anomalies you have had??

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posted on May, 24 2014 @ 08:00 PM
A few things for me..

I'll "sleep walk" - But not really. I'll HALF wake up and see things. I'll see thing moving in my room, floating etc etc. I try to get them and stop them, and then I fully awake and realise nothing was actually there. It's almost as if my body and mind are not in sync and one of them is still asleep (my brain) - It's very odd!

I also get migraines with aura - very trippy. I DREAM about having a migraine before I wake up to realise I have one. In my dream I can feel/see my aura (flashing lights etc) and it's almost like my brain is telling me to WAKE UP and deal with the migraine.

I have to take my mental state in to consideration. My sleep "things" seem related to stress/anxiety. In the past 5 years I have struggled with health anxiety to the point of being depersonalized/derealized - I'm not surprised I get the odd strange event in my sleep or when awake. I'm 90% better now and live a normal life. But it'll catch me off guard at times, and sleep seems a perfect time to manifest itself...

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: Danowski

To tell the the truth, Danowski, I envy some people too. I've seen some wierd stuff, but I envy those who have actually seen true unidentified crafts flying around. I've never seen one. People very close to me did while living in or near that town. At best i think maybe I was hot on their trail once or twice. Some of the things I've seen may have been just as strange, but you know, but it's like the difference between seeing some wierd little statues in Egypt and actually standing in front of the Great Pyramid.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: Danowski

To tell the the truth, Danowski, I envy some people too. I've seen some wierd stuff, but I envy those who have actually seen true unidentified crafts flying around. I've never seen one. People very close to me did while living in or near that town. At best i think maybe I was hot on their trail once or twice. Some of the things I've seen may have been just as strange, but you know, but it's like the difference between seeing some wierd little statues in Egypt and actually standing in front of the Great Pyramid.

posted on May, 25 2014 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: cestrup

HAve strange dreams all the time, last night I dreamt I was flying over writings; just before I woke up I flew over "Foras Cept"; I Google'd it and it's Latin for "The Market Rules". I don't know much Latin, so I was surprised that it actually meant something.


posted on May, 25 2014 @ 10:38 AM
Several times I had dreams that I was flying (not too uncommon) but this wasn't just flying around like Superman, this was flying around like I was in a reconnaissance aircraft looking straight down through crosshairs and taking pictures of a well-defined map. Even in the dream I felt like I was aware it was a dream, but was looking for something, and the dream was providing the visual.

In my earliest dream like this, I was flying over Spain, about 100 miles up. Then I zoomed right in one shore and suddenly was riding a black horse on a beach at night in the moonlight. Another time the dream started the same way, only I was flying over the west coast of South America, and then zoomed in on a country which I think had to be Peru. Then suddenly I was riding a black horse in the moonlight on the beach there. It's been about 20 years since I had those dreams, but 6 years ago by chance I met woman from Peru and now she's my wife!!!
She has been to Spain and loves it there, and she grew up in a town on Peru's coast where the only thing to do was go to the beach.

I had one other dream where I was flying like that, at lower altitude, just a mile or two...but I was over a river near my old hometown in NY. Suddenly I was on the ground next to the river in the woods with a path in front of me which took me to a research facility in the woods. It turned out a good friend of mine was there, and government scientists were studying him, but he didn't mind and said he was ok. It supposedly had something to do with ESP. INcidentally, my hometown of Pine Bush is well known for it's UFO's and strange phenomena.

Anyone else have dreams about aerial recon, maps, or detailed coordinates or locations?
edit on 25-5-2014 by brofjw because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2014 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: MrConspiracy

I have to take my mental state in to consideration. My sleep "things" seem related to stress/anxiety. In the past 5 years I have struggled with health anxiety to the point of being depersonalized/derealized - I'm not surprised I get the odd strange event in my sleep or when awake. I'm 90% better now and live a normal life. But it'll catch me off guard at times, and sleep seems a perfect time to manifest itself...

I have enjoyed reading about everyone's experiences, but Mr. Conspiracy's statements about stress/health being related to some of these events hit home with regards to many of my experiences.

The most embarrassing of my odd behaviors while sleeping has got to be several times when I have apparently decided to urinate somewhere other than in the toilet, usually against the bathroom sink or wall. The sound of liquid splattering has awakened me and I realize what I have been doing... fortunately, only my mother has caught me in the act.

The most remarkable event for me has to be when I had a very vivid dream, woke up and knew that something was wrong with my mom- the next day I confirmed that my mother, who was on the other side of the planet (Japan), had just been told that she had been told she had an unknown illness and was on her way back to Seattle. The mother/son bond, apparently, can affect dreams in a very convincing manner.

Family members that aren't around anymore are common 'actors' in my dreams. Often times my dreams take place in my past, complete with 70's & 80's styles, and hairdos. It is frustrating to wake up after dreaming and not be able to completely remember what it was that I just experienced. I suppose Dr. Walter Bishop could invent a machine to convert dream state impulses to .avi format...

posted on May, 25 2014 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: MrConspiracy

What you are describing is a night terror, and yes you can be walking around with them. There is one documented case where a man killed someone during his night terror, and he was found not guilty.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: Stuship

I'm not scared during them, and I remember them. I'm not asleep. I'm in some kind of 1/2 way trance between awake and asleep. There's often no fear - Sometimes I'll just wake up and think its morning so start getting ready... And I remember doing it! Until I realise what I'm doing and go back to bed. It's very strange... But that's just me. A little odd.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: cestrup

Waking up at the open refrigerator door with both hands and a mouth full of food just hammering whatever. The strange part...usually i had just eaten a few hours before.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:25 AM
Sometimes I'll wake within a dream and there will be the most incredible buzzing. My whole body will buzz as well, like an electric shaver. Then I'll jerk wake, sometimes sweating, sometimes not. The buzzing will be gone, but I will be momentarily stunned.

Other times I get a similar buzzing when I'm drifting off to sleep.

Both situations are quite strange and irregular, but not uncommon.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 11:13 AM
=Sleep paralysis is actually pretty rare for me, the last time it happened though I kept hearing a voice screaming "I WANT YOU TO DIE, WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!", which normally wouldn't of scared me, but with the factor of not being able to move, this was quite terrifying.
=During sleep my mind sometimes creates false memories, so I would be able to recall something that never happened in a dream just as I would be able to recall could happened last week now.
=After accidentally stumbling upon a method to induce lucid dreaming, although sometimes it takes mid dream for me to control what happens, before that weird things like, random teleportation, passing out randomly in a dream, though it's less common now, sometimes it still happens.
=OOB was a really creepy experience the first time I had it, because I was a little sick the first time so I thought I had died, heh I was a little bit silly looking back on it.
=Astral projection has always weirded me out, seeing as it almost never happens voluntarily and before it happens it feels like my consciousness is exploding and for some reason I usually end up in the past and somehow usually come to the conclusion that I fell into a alternative universe/timeline instead of coming to conclusion I am dreaming.
= One time I was able to tell I was about to wake up from a dream so I somehow grounded myself and forced myself to stay asleep a little longer, but that probably wasn't a wise thing to do.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 10:43 AM
Okay, so I had a really weird dream/sleep anomaly last night. I had gone to bed, fallen asleep and then had obviously started dreaming. In my dream, I then went to bed, fell asleep and then started dreaming, but the dream I had (in the dream, if you're following what I mean lol) was more like an OOB experience. I felt my body lift up and wind flowing through my hair, it was a beautiful and calming experience, I didn't feel afraid, also as this was happening, I could see my hair and my clothing floating in this breeze, but it was almost like seeing it through a grey filter, much the same way as you see things when in sleep paralysis mode.

I then woke up, (not really, just woke up from the dream within the dream) and went to tell my daughter about it, as we were talking, this strange breeze came back, at which point my daughter asked me if we were actually dead! I had to say to her that I didn't know. A few more things happened in the dream, e.g. we had to move to a different house, and that everything around us was so grey, dark and dirty, that we didn't want to be there, and there was just a great sadness around us. Not long after that, I woke up for real, but couldn't throw off the memory of the floating and the breeze in my dream within a dream. I really felt the cool breeze (and no, I didn't have any windows, AC or fans on in the room) it was just very real.

Now we've had a tough week in real life. We live in a block of flats and there are a couple of neighbours who are real pests and have drug and alcohol problems, and one of my worst fears about living in the same building as these people came true in the early hours of Thursday morning. The neighbour on the ground floor had fallen asleep with a cigarette and had set fire to her flat, but as my flat is the only one with a working smoke alarm, it wasn't until after the fire had really taken hold, and the smoke had made it's way to the third floor that my alarm went off, we worked out where the fire was and I phoned for the fire brigade. But we had to be evacuated from the building and it was all very stressful, and whilst our flat has not sustained any damage, we're still trying to get rid of the smoke and associated soot, so I wonder if that's anything to do with it. Also of course we and everyone else in the building (apart from the woman whose flat went on fire, she's in intensive care) are absolutely fine and unharmed, but it was a terrifying experience and if it hadn't been for my smoke alarm it could have been a very different outcome, so I wonder if this has anything to do with the strange dream of being in a calming breeze in the dream within the dream and then the breeze returning during the false awakening, which made my daughter question if we were actually alive and of course the remainder of the dream about dirty, dark houses, as the building is covered in soot.

Still it was a very weird and profound dream and I wonder if anyone has experienced anything similar or has any further explanation.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: destination now

I forgot to mention in my earlier post, once in a while I would wake up and think my teeth were broken, the point of running my tongue all over them and they feel broken until after several times I realize they are okay...I got a mouth guard from the dentist because i was grinding my teeth in my sleep.

we kept finding the kitchen light on late at time the kitchen garage, and living room lights were on, turns out roommate has a history of sleepwalking and leaving the them on!

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 05:09 PM
Awesome thread!

As a kid I used to have flying dreams all the time. It is such a magical experience that I wish I'd have a similar dream tonight.

Some of the weirdness I can remember right now:

I sometimes grind my teeth during sleep. I've occasionally been doing it since childhood. But recently I had an awful episode where I remember being in a dream - no recollection of any details whatsoever - and suddenly everything went black and I instinctively, as if provoked by something, started clenching my jaws as hard as I could. I had no control over it and woke up not long after from the pain. My jaws had gone numb. Thankfully no teeth were broken.

Another weird episode is the night I got my pet cat in 2012, I woke up in the middle of the night at about 3 am. I looked across the room to the window (note that I live on the third floor) and I saw a silhouette of a skinny, boney hand that had 4 fingers. It looked like it was doing some kind of weird sign language - went through about 10 different "signs". At that moment I felt paralyzed with fear. My heart was racing. I closed my eyes for a split second and when I opened them, it was gone. I believe this is the first dream I ever had that I can relate to aliens, as the hand looked exactly like what you would find on a gray.

Yet another puzzling alien related dream involves me walking in my neighborhood, passing a bus stop, when I look up in the sky and see a white cylinder shaped UFO passing over. It lifted me up about 100ft into the air and I woke up without remembering anything else.

I have a few other odd dreams I will be sharing later on, because now it is time to sleep.
edit on 3/6/2014 by kal1ch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 07:27 PM
After i started being attacked by voices, they gave me a dream that i was giving someone voices, and another dream of a guy on the deck of an apartment building yelling at me then i see a time distortion wave moving and i wake up

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 08:14 PM
Stressed out as a mofo atm... My life the last 11 years has been hell for real... I've seen it all. Back in 2004 i got bedridden for 8 years from a tremendous nerve damage to my body and just got rid of all the heavy medications I had to eat for ages. Spread from my arm to my enitre body. Funeral is coming up tomorrow and can't sleep at all. So here goes nothing >_

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