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It is time people know more about me.....the making of a skeptic

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posted on May, 7 2014 @ 11:27 PM
I have been here awhile now and have even posted replies and one pretty popular topic--Top Secret Transport. I visit this site every evening. I read for several hours. I am a RATIONAL conspiracy theorist. And it is time more people understood my views before I get labeled a "shill" or other term. This site's motto is "deny ignorance". That saying can be taken in several ways and cannot be simply applied to someone who disagrees with a post.
For instance, I do NOT believe that the U.S. government has technology derived from alien sources nor do they have technology that is 50 years more advanced than anything we can imagine. That being said, yes, there is some pretty neat stuff coming down the pipe in several years that will change our ways of life. It is not alien. In fact I recently read a report on cold plasma force fields...that would be great...if it can be perfected. As proof of my views I submit that I personally know many high-ranking military officers that think the same things as I. I also submit that if the United States actually had that kind of capability, then we would all certainly be worshipping the Great Obama...our great and powerful leader.
I am NOT a true atheist, but I do understand and believe in a scientific principal that all but guarantees that I do NOT believe in magic of any type. Prayer will not hurt a situation, but it will NEVER help. There is no way an INTELLIGENT creator created the entire universe for the few puny beings on this planet. A true God would be so powerful and busy as to not even begin to allow a personal relationship or communication. And He/She/It would never base a decision on love or speak Hebrew, English, Arabic or other Earth-borne languages. The proper language would be Mathematics and physics....They are UNIVERSAL languages.
As a truck driver, I have been to me, it is a pathetic little town that makes millions of dollars off of some crazy rumor started by guys wearing tin foil hats. Really, the people who believe that there is an alien base there are considered to be kooks by the locals. You must find a way to PROVE these stories...and I am sorry the National Enquirer, Huffington Post, and Wikipedia are NOT valid forms of proof. Sorry, but SETI is the only verifiable program I can find dealing with the extraterrestrial problem and it is considered to be a bunch of BS by most people.
There is no proof that the soul exists, you cannot travel outside your body, clouds are just clouds, jet contrails are just that and nothing else. Until you can find true VERIFIABLE proof to the contrary, it is ATS that needs to "Deny Ignorance"
The Government DOES lie to us. Roswell took is verifiable, but has been covered up very well. We need to find chinks in this armor and really begin to make some progress and not just use the Internet to locate supposed "proof" of alien existence or whatever...after all, the very Internet you are using was created by The Powers That you REALLY think they would have left evidence lying around?

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: tonyb1968
Wellllll-come to the crowd!
Hey! Who isn't a skeptic?
I am a skeptic of everything I don't believe in...and a believer in everything I do (believe in).
Hope we can have some pleasant discussions/encounters down the road.
I like dealing in details/specifics more than emotion...though, at times, I respond emotionally. Should I cross that line with you - please remind me to have a shot or two, and...try again. (I will appreciate it!!!!!)

Thanks for the details.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: tonyb1968

I personally know many high-ranking military officers that think the same things as I.

Please ask them if they are going to shoot us when this rogue government finally goes over the edge. Inquiring minds would like to know.

And welcome to ATS tonyb1968. Glad you're aboard!

edit on 251am2222am122014 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:03 AM
Thanks for your reply....I just think that denying ignorance involves more than donning a tinfoil hat and claiming some crazy things that cannot really be proven. I do not curse one for their ideals, simply ask that they forward some verifiable proof that I may join them in said belief. I will believe whatever can be proven as fact....beyond all other explanations. Simply PROVE that you are right and not making it up or buying into some else's delusions and I will be golden.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: tonyb1968

Well ok, anyway, welcome.
I agree with some of your op but I think a lot of it is just your opinion, which is totally cool.
Do you got some links or anything to back up your claims, i like to read and believe you might
have some info worth reading. Thanks.


posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:11 AM
I dont know why you would thing that God created the universe for man and not Himself . Oh and about science and prof of the soul
l a reply to: tonyb1968

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: Bassago

Most of the guys I know simply follow orders and it is usually basic stuff...go here, do this. yeah, the tech is a little more advanced than what we have but nothing ground-breaking. Radar is still radar and mostly it still bounces off of objects at a verifiable distance and speed...hasn't changed much since the forties....a little better, yes...but the same stuff. One must remember that we went to the moon--yes, we REALLY did go there-- with less power than a modern smart phone currently has.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: tonyb1968
Thanks for your reply....I just think that denying ignorance involves more than donning a tinfoil hat and claiming some crazy things that cannot really be proven. I do not curse one for their ideals, simply ask that they forward some verifiable proof that I may join them in said belief. I will believe whatever can be proven as fact....beyond all other explanations. Simply PROVE that you are right and not making it up or buying into some else's delusions and I will be golden.

Not bad...
I ask for proof...but will accept an honest argument.
I don't like to ridicule anyone...and, especially anyone who puts sincere effort into their argument...though, I'm sure I've missed the mark on that one from time to time.
I just don't like tearing down others' (people I don't know, and may never see or meet, otherwise) belief systems an argument.
Gotta be honest with yourself, though - if you believe in even ONE 'conspiracy' that anyone-else doesn't believe in - you should go lightly on anyone-else's 'theory'... ... ...Ya know - do unto others...and such.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

The2....nothing here proves God any way. These were KNOWN problems with quantum physics many years ago. string theory has all but eliminated them or explained them....your science is decades old and the video is produced by people who choose to find God and not answers.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: tonyb1968 Do you have a link to the info that debunks Quantum Mechanics ? I would really be interested in looking at it ....peace ETA I said prof of the soul not God btw

edit on 8-5-2014 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: tonyb1968
I for one don't welcome you at all. I'm pretty certain you know nothing.

Row row row your boat gently down the stream.....

Have a nice day

edit on 8-5-2014 by Gideon70 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: Gideon70

Well, any welcome is still a welcome. I hope I can sway your opinion on at least a few points in the future.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: [post=17896438]the2ofusr1[/pos

While not peer-reviewed and certainly not a reliable source, Wikipedia does offer a basic explanation in plain English (without all of the scientific jargon and math). It can be found at
Basically, as I understand it, quantum mechanics seems to breakdown at the Big Bang and strings and string field theories attempt to unify physics to get beyond this breakdown.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:13 PM
Steve Crothers on Failures of Big Bang Cosmology
a reply to: tonyb1968

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