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Russia pulls back troops from Ukraine border (LIVE UPDATES)

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posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Flatcoat

I've yet to see much aggression in Crimea. In fact I think only one person has died in Crimea during this whole situation. To my mind, the Crimeans are the lucky ones.

Not many shots being fired there are there? No burning of tires or buildings with people in them. No swarm of American "diplomats" and "advisers" buzzing overhead like vultures.

A flock of vultures don't gather over "nothing".

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:43 AM
I see this as a ploy to get the Pro-Russian people all stirred up and begin a insurgency with vigor, thusly giving Putin the excuse to roll on in.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: intrptr

"For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together."

follow the money.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: TDawgRex
I see this as a ploy to get the Pro-Russian people all stirred up and begin a insurgency with vigor, thusly giving Putin the excuse to roll on in.

Thusly giving the west all the excuse they need to justify another humanitarian intervention. Waiting for the next Ukrainian atrocity in Western Media…

As an aside, I was musing that this could also be a quest for vengeance on the part of the US.

The West (US and NATO) wanted a UN mandate to establish "no fly zones" in the skies over Syria. An excuse for that kind of "humanitarian" aid (a la Libya) was vetoed by members of the UN Security Council, among them Russia, time and again.

What a gloating moment the US delegation would have if they got to veto the same request by Russia to intervene in Ukraine? Feel me?

Considering how far back the enmity towards Iran (abdication of the Shah and US embassy hostage crisis), I think feelings of reprisal generally run deep in US Hierarchy.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: BobAthome

"Mr. Presidentt, we must not allowww… a mineshaft gap! --Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson, "Dr. Srangelove"

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I feel that the rest of the world, rather than the US, have feelings for reprisal over generations. The US is still a young country, and you have to admit. The average US citizen has the attention span of 30 seconds it seems. Hell, out of all the ATS US members, 26% did not know anything about MH370.

Does the US and NATO see a opportunity with the Ukraine? Oh hellz yes! A conflict there now would see a defense budget increase in every country, even if they don't get involved.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Victims: FOUR

Two died before the western-called invasion, or humanitarian mission:

Armed men storm government buildings in Crimea; two dead, 30 injured during confrontations (UPDATE)

Ukrainian source, so be careful. One had heart-attack, another was trampled.

...and two after the invasion:

2 killed in shooting near Crimea military research center

Russian source, so be careful. False flag attack: sniper shots a ukrainian soldier and a self-defence "terrorist".

Have we any "official" aggregation of casualties from the "government" (junta) of "revolution" (Majdan, minimum 100), "self-burning" (Odessa minimum 46) and "anti terrorist operation" (East Ukraine, minimum 50).

Is the new hard lined and western-supported legal democratic leaders providing true numbers? Officially min 200

...and the number of disappeared residents increased exponentially...

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: BobAthome

"Mr. Presidentt, we must not allowww… a mineshaft gap! --Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson, "Dr. Srangelove"

my fave,, lol

""Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"


irony he was the best.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: TDawgRex

Gotta agree with some aspects of what you are saying. War is business and business is guuud. Yous set em up and we'll knock em back.

Then we can clean up the mess and start all over. Arms to destroy, loans to rebuild. Round and round we go.

Ordinary Americans aren't responsible for this or any other mess. Its the management. Like a rogue elephant with really good memory for who has harmed them, the leadership of this country seems bent on flailing about trumpeting and stomping everything into dust. Someone get a gun. This beast needs to be put down before anyone else gets hurt.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: BobAthome

my fave,, lol

""Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"

I tried my best to pick a favorite line from that movie and I can't. They all run together into one of may favorite movies as a whole. Love your avatar, good pick.

Might be kind of pertinent or even more so as time goes on. Sure the technology has changed (a little) but the players are the same, as well as the irony.

…we'll meet againnn, some sunnyyy dayyyyy…

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: maghun

Sorry for the delay. Thanks for putting in the work.

From your RT link about the sniper shootings in Crimea…

At the moment two people are dead as a result of a provocation, a sabotage. The situation allows me to conclude that the same techniques that were used at Maidan are being used now because most likely one attacker fired at both sides – one Ukrainian serviceman and one man from the self-defense forces of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea were killed.”

Emphasis added.

There it is. Nothing in the western media reflects this, surely a clue. A sign of manipulation from outside both countries. Subterfuge at its lowest best. Good thing it didn't work in Crimea like it did in Kiev.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 04:57 AM

originally posted by: Flatcoat
a reply to: Rocker2013

it's not such a leap to identify exactly who is the aggressor here - here's a hint, IT'S RUSSIA

I'd say the aggressors are the ones killing people, hence the term "aggression". I've yet to see much aggression in Crimea. In fact I think only one person has died in Crimea during this whole situation. To my mind, the Crimeans are the lucky ones.

Russia invaded Crimea. That is aggression under international law and you know it.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Rocker2013

So, let me get this straight.

Then you proceed to twist my meaning to support your agenda.

Done here with this with you for now….

I didn't twist your words at all, I merely pointed out your hypocrisy. But then you know this, which is why you chose not to confront it and answer.

You claim that one representative of a country visiting another is some kind of suspicious act, while supporting the physical invasion of another country by a military force.

How can a visit by a diplomat be considered "meddling", but rolling armed military into another country, seizing military bases and local government, then running an illegal "referendum", be anything BUT meddling?

I would love to know how you explain this, but I have a feeling you can't, so you'll just ignore it.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 12:10 PM
Who guessed that?

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: CalibratedZeus
I have heard they said they pulled back, yet no evidence has been actually seen of them pulling back.

Well yes but I saw no proof of this so called build up in the first place like satalite images or anything but that didn't stop the talk so maybe Mr Putin is playing them at there own game or would you like to explain how you can move something that is not where someone says it is ?

Don't get me wrong Russia has every right in the world to build up forces along the border but its just that I never saw hundred of tanks all waiting in a line so maybe they was them new stealth tanks.
edit on 13-5-2014 by VirusGuard because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: VirusGuard

Russia acknowledged they had a larg enumber of troops on the border with Ukraine. That info came out about the time Putin was stating the green men with no insignias were Russian military.

Satellite images were shown once...

Updated ones have been released now.

Russian military assets are on the border.

Also - Military buildups work both ways. Russia cant deploy that many troops on a border and then get pissy when Ukraine moves 15k of their to counter. It also means Russia needs to sit down and shut up when it comes to NATO deployments in NATO countries.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 07:50 PM
Regarding crimea not having casualties, you do realize thyre under total russian military control and they never had "an uprising" the likes of which east is dealing with.

If east ukraine had 20-30000 ukrainian armed troops take over BEFORE any uprising, if they would have guarded their borders properly, the east would be busy voting for separation instead of having street shoot outs.

Then the numb nuts tried that bs in Odessa and that was a bad move logistically. Most of eastern europe would love a run at russia given the opportunity for the good old soviet slavery days, but its nit gonna happen. If russia would even be successful at breaching the NATO perimeter, they will have an afghanistan on their hands to deal with, except the entire population would like to see them dead, not just guerilla groups.

Russia NEEDS crimea. They dont need eastern ukraine. They will however use it as a buffer and a satellite country in terms of military strategy.

As for NATO, theres no interest in Ukraine, theres more interest in waking up from being dormant for almost 2 decades.

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