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Near death experiences Without an experience.

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posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:43 PM
People who have a NDE and have a religious experience tend to share them with people and on web sites like this. I figured to even the odds a little, I would start a forum for people who have faced death and not had a religious experience.

Here's mine......

I was electrocuted by a 210 line heading to a boat house. Was in ankle deep water and reached over to steady myself by grabbing a suspension cable hoisting the boat out of the water. Zzzzzzzttttttt and I'm stuck. Took my buddy a couple minutes to knock me off with a 2 by 4. When it happened and my eyes closed I really thought that was the end of me. My main thought was " oops I guess this is how you go... At least it doesn't hurt"......afterward I just wanted to see my daughter and her mother.

No Devine feeling. No prayers for salvation.

Anyone else have similar accounts?

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: ArtemisE

Had seizures and most likely a stroke due to medication. Don't remember anything. Heart stopped, I stopped breathing. Nothing. I dont even remember the incident. Just waking up in the hospital three days later. I guess I was in a coma for a day or so. But the day before I recall anything, my girlfriend had visited and I was just chilling in the hospital room in a chair with my feet on the bed. Took me three months to get any short or long term memories back.

No come to Jesus thing, tunnel of light...

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: ArtemisE

I was given an experimental anesthetic under the care of a military dentist during dental surgery. It was the weirdest feeling going under, like a huge spider crawling up the inside of my spine over my head and closing my eyes. I stopped breathing, my heart stopped and I died on the table, after which it took three attempts to paddle me back out. No memories, no white lights and tunnels, no dead relatives, nothing. I did however hemorrhage from my sinus cavities for about 10 days afterwards.

My fault though, I should have never put the .44 to the dentist's head when he stuck the "freezing" needle into the opened nerve canal of my abscessed molar. Oh well, die and learn....

Cheers - Dave

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:41 PM
Sorry ... I got noth'n ...
the handful of people I know with NDE's all had out of body experiences.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Yea you only ever hear about the NDE's that lead to aaa tunnel of light. Never the ones who have no experience.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: ArtemisE
Yea you only ever hear about the NDE's that lead to aaa tunnel of light.

I've read a bunch who went 'the other way' ... the deep dark tunnel to hell.
But you are looking for stories about 'nothing' ... so ... I got noth'n ....

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:59 PM
Two of my relatives have had NDE's and two had 'visions at death' by reacting to things we could not see nor hear before they permanently died.

However, my father experienced nothing. He died for a couple of minutes in an ambulance while en route to the hospital when I was a teenager. I asked if he experienced anything and he he was actually irritated he hadn't had an NDE. lol He said it was just like having dreamless sleep.

That has always bothered me because my father is not a good person at all and it made me wonder if that was significant.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: AshleyD

Well some people claim to have visions of if your father wasn't heaven worthy he should have had a demonic vision... Assuming that the visions mean anything at all. That's the reason it's more probubal it's just misfiring synapses. NDEs are the vast minority , but we only hear about those so it seems universal.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:44 PM
According to a class I took in Psychology, the bright white light is neurons bursting like electrical sparks. Any NDE without light means you have a good chance of coming out of it okay.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: Lynk3
According to a class I took in Psychology, the bright white light is neurons bursting like electrical sparks. Any NDE without light means you have a good chance of coming out of it okay.

Yeah...I get those...usually means I need to back off whatever I'm doing because im going to either pass out or have another seizure. It all starts with the fireworks. People with oxygen deprivation report the same. I'm just glad I realize it now and can lay down. Although I havent had a seizure in about a year...thank the Universe.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Military dentists are the worst, and for some reason are extremely aggressive, careless and incompetent when it comes to anesthesia and sedation. A friend's 4 year old daughter was having a relatively minor procedure done on a military base and she died while under anesthesia. Who the hell puts a 4 yr old completely under for a dental procedure? And of course the family had no legal recourse as it was military.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: Hendrick99
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Military dentists are the worst, and for some reason are extremely aggressive, careless and incompetent when it comes to anesthesia and sedation. A friend's 4 year old daughter was having a relatively minor procedure done on a military base and she died while under anesthesia. Who the hell puts a 4 yr old completely under for a dental procedure? And of course the family had no legal recourse as it was military.

I agree there, but about the child, that's terrible, how the hell does someone deal with that??? I really feel for the parents in a case like that as that should never happen.

In my case though, it was deliberate, something about when the job is done, so are the engineers and scientists, I just gave the dental surgeon a valid personal reason to do me there ;-) I should have known better as it was the Chief of CI's (my CO's) dentist (pulling out my own personal ass kicking pillow again).

Cheers - Dave
edit on 5/2.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:36 PM
Yep. Last thing I remembered was being taken via gurney down the hospital hall and seeing the lights on the ceiling go past and hearing the doctors/nurses say "She's not breathing, she's not breathing." The next thing I knew I was waking up in the room days later on life support, with the tube stuck down my throat breathing for me. That truly is the weirdest feeling. When you open your eyes, you try to breathe, but whenever you try to breathe with that tube down into your lungs, it shuts everything down and you get no air at all. Thankfully, a nurse was there when I woke up and told me to just calm down and don't try to breath. Ha! That's easier said than done. Just laying there watching your chest go up and down. Anyway, I saw nothing and had no experience at all. One of my friends asked me afterwards, "Well, do you think that's hell?" Which really upset me because I hadn't thought of it like that before. Maybe so ... maybe if you're "good" and go on to an afterlife, you have the white light and tunnel experience, but when you don't, well, you're just dead, and that would be considered hell, not having an afterlife.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 09:48 PM
There really is no "should have" when it comes to this. Its something allowed for a certain percentage to share the info afterwards but technically its a bit of a cheat and a peak under the veil of life and would interfere with many people's tests if they absolutely felt they knew the answers there, so its more like a gift. I don't believe that memory is often given, along with other paranormal experiences.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 01:39 AM
I've had a couple. I just wrote them out the other day. I don't consider them religious experiences, but they sure made me think. Here's the link:

Near Death Experiences and Conscious OBE - A Personal Account

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