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NASA Satellite Captures Dozens Of Fires Burning In North Korea

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posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:05 AM

On April 25, 2014, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite observed dozens of fires burning in North Korea. Actively burning areas, detected by MODIS’s thermal bands, are outlined in red. Fields and grasslands appear light brown. Forests at lower elevations appear green; at higher elevations, forests are still brown at this time of year.

NASA Satellite Captures Dozens Of Fires Burning In North Korea

The satellite image on that page is haunting.
It also looks too wide spread to be natural forest fires.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: Cyprex

It is not forest fires.

What you are seeing is likely a combination of wildfires, and deliberately set agricultural fires, meant to destroy the remains of last years crop, and nourish the soil so that a new crop can be planted.

If you look at the right hand side of the article page, you will see historical support for that hypothesis, since similar images have cropped up (did you see what I did there?) periodically of the same region, with a great amount of smoke coming from it, on many occasions previously.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: Cyprex

orders from the fat muppet " advance under a smoke screen "

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: Cyprex

Given there record regarding mass murder and detention camps lets hope it not pyres of Human remains that's burning!

edit on 2-5-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 04:43 AM
NK looks like it's turning into a desert.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Do we have reliable evidence for the claims made about North Korea or is the evidence conveniently lacking due to secrecy? If the evidence is lacking how do we know for sure?

Wacko theory number 4721. The UK Foot And Mouth Epidemic Was Deliberately Started So Entrepreneurs Would Willingly And Without Arousing Much Suspicion Develop Efficient Means Of Burning Large Numbers Of Corpses Using Readily Available Fuels. Also Mobile Incinerator Design Was Stimulated.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Kester

"Do we have reliable evidence for the claims made about North Korea or is the evidence conveniently lacking due to secrecy?"

Lets just say, western hyperbole aside, North Korea is hardly a modern day utopia or place one would desire to reside in this day of age. Secrecy is one thing however there are also plenty of witness testimonies by former North Korean citizens that have shall we say relocated that tell of the atrocities that are occurring in said nation. Then there is the satellite imagery that also suggest the state the country is in.

Not somewhere i would want to be right now.

Maybe my comment regarding pyres of human remains burning was in poor taste. Still one has to wonder as to what's actual transpiration regarding the multiple fires in the area.
edit on 2-5-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: DerbyGawker

That is an interesting observation, and perfectly possible to boot. Hyper aggressive agricultural methodology can result in desertification. The Chinese had massive problems with such things not too long back in fact. Rural farmers who were part of generations of farming families, were finding the land becoming drier and harder to grow on, purely because they were producing so much that the soil itself was becoming stripped of all its mineral value.

However, a team of researchers had put together a plan to reclaim land which had been affected in this way, by a carefully modulated program of planting hardy vegetation which could put up with the terrain conditions, which would then die off after a time and replenish a certain amount of the nutrients in the soil, followed by a new, different batch of plants to build on top of that, and slowly re-invigorate the area under its control.

The method has been successful in some regions of China, and Yemen I believe. I think there was a thread about it on ATS many moons ago.

The reason that I mention all this, is that North Korea is heavily populated, AND cannot trade with many other nations, due to the foreign policy it has toward other nations, and the policies and sanctions upon it from outside. So it has to produce a vast percentage of its own edibles which means that agriculture there will focus largely on high volume, and will not necessarily allow time for the soil to replenish its reserves of water and mineral richness, and it is precisely this sort of farming which causes desertification.

Desertification also means that there are going to be places where what vegetation does exist, will be dry as a bone, and that will only add to the problems of wildfires, in addition to fires set by farm operators there. If a certain percentage of the regions arable land becomes a desert, then the consequences could be catastrophic, since the land would no longer be able to support the population. The governments response to that could be an attempt at expansion, before their resources disappear completely, or population reduction with the intent of dropping the number of mouths to feed to a level which is supportable given the resources at hand.

Neither bodes well if you ask me.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

If I had the ability I'd set up a poor taste version of ATS so we could really thrash things out.

Having a good idea of how much careful fakery goes on I can't take the links you gave as evidence. It's easy to put words with a picture and claim dreadful personal accounts are true when they could have been written in an office in GCHQ.

The other side of the story...
"North Korea is only one of a few places that the banksters have not infiltrated. Could this and this docu. info. be the reason why the west do not like North Korea and perhaps want to silence them?"

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: Kester

"If I had the ability I'd set up a poor taste version of ATS so we could really thrash things out."

Me to mate, after all it does seem to be rather sanitised hear on ATS these days.

There is plenty of evidence doing the rounds that suggests as to the current state of affairs transpiring in North Korea. If you don't like the links I provided I can only suggest doing some research on your own pertaining to the subject.

The place is most certainly no land of milk and honey(No better where i hail from, just a different form of control and more food)! And the poor souls who managed to escape the place relating there tales of abuse, torture and totalitarian rule can't all be government paid shills!
edit on 3-5-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

It isn't a case of not liking the links it's just that I need to see real evidence. I know for a fact there are many junior staff here making up the news. It's their job. It's the only subject I won't give details on because innocent people who I love could be killed to cover up. If you look at my work as underterraingrunter and MrChinasyndrome you'll see I risk my own life frequently on the truth train. I'm not going to put others in that fine mess. (I'm a pro-constabulary political activist. Very nasty people think I'm a traitor. And that's just a fraction of it.)

I'm sure many abuses occur in North Korea, just as we see here. It's just different types of abuses here. Euthanasia for grandad for example. My relatives saw a shocking scene in the local hospital when an elderly man dragged himself off his deathbed and tried to break the window to jump. No nurse was at hand and two other dying men dragged themselves off their deathbeds and restrained him, "Don't do it George! Don't do it!" Not long after that a 'patient' there did successfully break the window and jump.

The elderly relative being visited was euthanised, murdered, through deliberate withholding of life's necessities. We need to sort our own stuff out.

Hurriedly getting on topic before Cyprex takes out a contract on me. Yes, it's probably primitive farming practices and possibly a way of temporarily obscuring satellite imagery while dodgy things go down.

I'm aware visitors to North Korea report being shown approved sights and kept from exploring on their own. There's likely much to be ashamed of there. But having looked again at your links I sense the usual unprovable stories, calculated to tug at the heartstrings, that scream of fiction based on truths and mixed with truths. My apologies to any North Koreans who are infuriated by my doubts.

Does North Korea have a huge export industry that depends on slave labour? We'll see the products if that is so, perhaps with hidden notes crying for help. Brings to mind a story about my brothers friend who used to package food that was sent to the Greenham Common airbase. He used to sneak in little notes saying "Greenham Women are everywhere."
edit on 3 5 2014 by Kester because: Punk tuation

edit on 3 5 2014 by Kester because: More Punktuation

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