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What happens when you bring pounding electronic music to the menonites..

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posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 01:02 PM
I smile is what!

this video is so cool and creative in so many ways. i dont have any background on it so i cant tell you if its staged or not but the Canadian film board title in the beginning and the genuine looks on the faces of the participants makes me think its genuine.

the joy some of the people are feeling is just contagious and it comes out right through your screen and speakers! i hope this can bring a smile to someones face like it has mine, my face is literally getting sore from watching it so many times

edit on 26-4-2014 by mindseye1609 because: wording

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: mindseye1609

Its a mockumentary, dig deeper and you'll find that out.

But no, please don't do that. Please smile and keep yourself dumb to things. Like the fact that it's mocking hardworking and decent people. They don't come to our society and do stupid s**t that, they actually have lives that mean something.

After seeing garbage like that, I can understand better why they keep to themselves.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: mindseye1609
In the last part its mostly staged for sure...i guess nobody responded to the music how they expected so they had to stage a bit..
Still it made me smile, thanks, but crap music..
edit on 26-4-2014 by mindtricks11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 01:37 PM
The fine line between brilliant and stupid. That chick wearing a long dress on the motorcycle was courting disaster. Ideal scenario, she could be stripped and we could get a nudie flash...worst case, she could get hurt. Oh yeah, in my own personal opinion, the music can go eat a bag of rotten cabbage.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: DeepImpactX
a reply to: mindseye1609

Its a mockumentary, dig deeper and you'll find that out.

But no, please don't do that. Please smile and keep yourself dumb to things. Like the fact that it's mocking hardworking and decent people. They don't come to our society and do stupid s**t that, they actually have lives that mean something.

After seeing garbage like that, I can understand better why they keep to themselves.

wether it being staged or not doesn't detract from the emotion that the director is able to convey. mockumentary tho? where did this come from?

i dont see anyone being mocked. i see a group of people that live their lives very very differently from modern society being introduced to a very modern invention. where is the mocking? even the director kept himself very genuine throughout.

the dim mak crew is one of the more creative crews in all of music right now and i wouldn't put it passed them to be able to make this feel so real and it be completely fake really, they are some very very creative people. regardless its pretty awesome.

still makin me smile

and the whole amish people being all extra special cause they work hard is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. yea they work harder but thats their own choice, no need to reward stupidity. mind you modern technological dependance isnt very smart either, like most things its a more moderate approach thats needed and will be found someday.

and since the amish mafia is on like its 10th season or whatever at this point I'm pretty sure they open themselves up for mocking and "legitimate" media.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: skunkape23
The fine line between brilliant and stupid. That chick wearing a long dress on the motorcycle was courting disaster. Ideal scenario, she could be stripped and we could get a nudie flash...worst case, she could get hurt. Oh yeah, in my own personal opinion, the music can go eat a bag of rotten cabbage.

definitely not my favorite song thats for sure. well composed but so abusive. the video goes well to it tho i give them props for being able to "Lighten" up the song. its kinda dark and mean but the introduction of the converse menonites and their naive gentleness makes it a weird paradox that just gets the brain tingling i think. GJ dim mak.

I'm pretty sure the girl in the sunroof and the girl on the bike are ringers. beyond that i just dont know. the old man and the little girl feel so genuine lol.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: mindtricks11
a reply to: mindseye1609
In the last part its mostly staged for sure...i guess nobody responded to the music how they expected so they had to stage a bit..

Yeah, I think that nails it. I don't see how that's being creative, but I guess some people do.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: DeepImpactX
Still think it's a good thread that could spark some discussion, despite the authors opinion of what the video represents to him.
do those people have any musical tradition ?
What religion they embrace ?
Are they all that inocent and humble or just cowardly secluded and ignorant from the luxuries of life ? Did any of those people made the choice to leave the city behind and start a life there ?
My opinion, if they were born in this society they would probably be just as nasty...

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: mindseye1609

Are you sure it's not mocking them? Are you in a position to understand how they might view and feel about the video? One of the issues of being within a minority is that the majority have a tendency of not standing in their shoes on a subject. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be down with images of purported Mennonite women dancing stripper-type dances because of some electronic music. If I really wanted to be a wanker about it, I could ask how does the filmmaker view women in general if they are implying that, if a Mennonite woman will dance like that to their music, then all women will. Ergo, all women will dance stripper dances in the maker's mind.

Overall, it was cute up until the end. Definitely isn't real. The two farmers and the girl scenes were definitely staged as how in the heck would they know popular dance styles being Mennonites? It would've been cuter if they had just left it to odd dances and head bobbing. As it was, it started to grate on my nerves real fast.

As far as the Mennonites go, I'd say that they are probably better than us in a lot of ways. They certainly have more practical life skills than you and I probably do combined as we both rely on technology as a crutch. Not to mention that they probably have a far lower carbon footprint to boot. As we go ahead and create massive landfills through our gross consumption and pollute our air, they are still living with nature in many ways so one has to ask--who are the real dummies?

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: DeepImpactX
a reply to: mindseye1609

Its a mockumentary, dig deeper and you'll find that out.

But no, please don't do that. Please smile and keep yourself dumb to things. Like the fact that it's mocking hardworking and decent people. They don't come to our society and do stupid s**t that, they actually have lives that mean something.

After seeing garbage like that, I can understand better why they keep to themselves.

Hmm. I was going to disagree with you, but I thought better of it because you have a good point. Is this taking advantage of these people? In a way, yes. Although I highly doubt there was any malicious intent on the part of those making this film. But if people just wish to be left alone, should someone really go and do something like this? And couldn't they have picked a better song? That song is enough to keep anyone away from that type of music, lol.

Not all of these people are as ignorant to the outside world as one might think. Especially the younger individuals. There are certain human characteristics that are difficult to keep at bay when they are right under your nose, including an emotional response to music. Most music, especially if there are no lyrics, since it is not as often people will dislike a song that just contains instruments and no vocals.

They say this is a social experiment, but I don't see what the actual experiment is. Maybe I'm missing something though. I am kind of torn between this being something that is acceptable and this being something that should not be done, ie going out and bothering people who wish to keep to the fringes of modern society. And who can blame them? Things are so different in the US than they were just 50 years ago. I mean you can turn on the TV today and see advertisements for "male enhancement" products, and other crap like that, and people find this socially acceptable. Maybe it is, but part of me thinks there is something inherently wrong with that. Because for those who wish to raise their kids in a different environment it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so. And that is why I think it may be better not to push ourselves or our culture onto people like this.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:47 PM
Well, that was a horrid song! Not sure that it is really "taking advantage" of the culture though - Rumshpringa at 16

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:53 AM
Well I thought it was pretty funny. I think the everyone running away part was real but the people enjoying it, esp the very sensual red head girl was fakery. I can't imagine good honest. Christian folk making dance moves like that....

P.S If the Menonites are offended or people on ATS are offended on their behalf , why as a Catholic am I not allowed to be offended every time someone slags off at us on ATS?

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 06:42 PM
I've spent enough time working with video to know that every person in that video signed a piece of paper stating they are completely OK with everything that was filmed and the director/editor could use it any way they see fit.

now if these are real menonites that signed the "release" or not is still in the air. i agree with many of the posters that the first several scenes are probably the only genuine ones and then from their the director took some "Creative" freedoms to living the video up a bit.

remember one thing with a music video folks. its a commercial. A music video is meant to inspire a feeling of want inside us a feeling of want what the performer has. if they can get fans to want what they have and how they have it fans will do what they say. this is the magic of music. I'm sure some music videos are just done in an attempt to try and get the idea of the lyrics into a visual format but those videos aren't being released by anyone attempting to make any sort of income off their music. kids doing it for the love and whatnot.

just had a thought... maybe they didnt sign releases... the director probably thought "Heck, they won't ever see it!" lol JK JK

the sex appeal is your basic music video base. its very music video 101. I've worked on several productions that didnt use one bit of sex appeal in them at all but i tell you right now none of them come close to the views and popularity of videos that have some sort of sexy reference. SEX SELLS!

for all those who dont see the creativeness i see ask yourself this. if you would of heard this song as is without the video would you of thought to do what the director did? for what reasons would you do it? i feel like the director really nailed this one with the dichotic line being blurred for an interesting effect.

I've seen a million videos with ladies shaken their lady lumps in so many degrading and silly ways and it rarely even looks sexy. dare i say that this director took it so far above and beyond your normal "Sexy" with the 2 females he chose to use. the pale thin redhead is not your typical bombshell by any means. she is actually pretty far from it at first glance but the deep thought the director attempts to portray as she thinks about the lives she is battling with while just doing what "feels right" makes for some narly sexual tension. then you got the girl with the slightly larger then average body model and she's doing exactly the opposite of what she's supposed to be doing. she's just a big ole girl having a big ole ball of fun! no insecurities to be seen for miles. Confidence, another type of sexyness thats not normally portrayed.

idk maybe its just me but in todays world of straight up nudity and just plain non intellectual sexyness i thought this video stood out above most.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: LadySkadi
Well, that was a horrid song! Not sure that it is really "taking advantage" of the culture though - Rumshpringa at 16

thanks for that. i just looked into this rumshpringa and id be willing to be its what all these tv shows are about.

you seen breaking amish? they take a group of amish kids in their teens to early twenties and cut em loose somewhere with cameras on em. everything from spring break fallouts puking everywhere to candle lit devil worshiping ceremonies... makes for some pretty outrageous tv lol.

seems in the prime of a young amish persons life the reigns are let up just a little so they can go out and really figure out what its like outside their little farm communities. its really a great idea. kinda a sales tactic on their part IMO. how many kids are gonna go running face first into a wall when you let them loose in their teens lol. i know i woulda came crawling back to a little amish hideaway if i coulda lol

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