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Malaysia Airlines hijacking -- of staff -- by families of missing flight passengers!?

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posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 03:19 AM
This is unbelievable.

Ten Malaysia Airlines staff were held at a Beijing hotel against their will for hours by Chinese relatives of flight MH370 passengers, the airline said yesterday.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: lindalinda
This is unbelievable.

Ten Malaysia Airlines staff were held at a Beijing hotel against their will for hours by Chinese relatives of flight MH370 passengers, the airline said yesterday.

I don't find it unbelievable in the least. I'd have done crazy stuff had I been in those poor families' situation. This is also not a normal plane crash situation and furthermore, lies have been fed to everyone from especially the Malaysians and the treatment of the relatives of the dead has been absolutely atrocious.

Surely you don't actually think these poor, wretched people aren't incapable of losing their minds just a little bit?

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: gusdynamite

I kind of agree.... but one indecent act doesn't validate another.
edit on b1717424 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 04:16 AM
if it was my family and i had to listen to things like CNN wondering if it was a black hole
id want to do something drastic too

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:44 PM
Stuff like this is irrational and only emotional.
You can see something similar with the Korean ferry, people blame the government, even though they mobilized all possible forces to try to save as many people as possible.
This is what happens in such extreme situations, is it right? No, of course not, but who are we to judge the traumatized families?
How would you react? You dont know until you are in such a situation.
It is extreme and the behavior of the Malaysian authorities and the airline did not help that situation, it made it worse.
So these people just look for scapegoats, even though the staff has nothing to do with it.
Sad, but this is life... stuff like this always happens. Not on this level, but like I said look at the ferry disaster.
People need a valve to let out some of their emotional pressure

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:47 PM
Well, a lot of people are dead. They shouldn't be. Whatever the cause, they shouldn't be and that's all family knows or likely is thinking about. I can't blame them, I suppose. They ought to be helped with grief counseling and support though.

I think this is part of the concerns and reasons why that is offered in many forms after a major tragedy in a number of nations. Folks need help when nothing makes sense anymore.

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