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Does Anybody Have Any Thoughts About Jason Silva (The Singularitarian)?

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posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 12:11 AM
i agree to an extent but greed and money still have way to much control on the world. science is very money motivated from everything I've read (be it not very much)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio

I hear you but I guess I feel this progression of openness and connectedness is inevitable, kind of like the internet, a medium that can/will be used for both good and bad, but, like the internet may serve humanity in hugely significant ways. Real anonymity is so 20th century anyway it seems. The question is, I guess, is this idea being orchestrated or is it just our natural path in this cradle of burgeoning technology? While I could certainly fathom it being a nefarious plan to have total control over us, I personally feel it will be what people want because of the high novelty factor, and technology could be so advanced at some point that this singularity idea, or even an expansion of it, may seem as natural as turning on the computer to surf.

I am kind of imagining here, speculatively that one day we will all be unified in our thoughts or circuitry. This brings up the hive mentality issue, which I feel less comfortable with but am also open to what benefits it could have for us all instead of just for me. Ultimately I would hope for a balance, in that we could all be hyper connected and yet unplug to nurture some independence too. Who knows man, it will be a crazy ride, but remember that the more they know, the more we know they know. Emerging technology may be so effective at unveiling truth, that no one can hide, us or them. Just pondering….

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: speculativeoptimist

I kind of like the idea of a highly technological society too, but I just hope that it's a safe world for everyone. That's all.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio

Me too, and I realize technology could either be our salvation or our demise and I am not sure which direction it shall go, but I still have enough faith in humanity to move in the right direction. I am amazed when I think about what a fantastical future we may be heading towards. I would embrace a new paradigm as long as there is altruism and transparency involved. Something tells me that the future may include more division too because I don't know if emerging tech will only be available to those who can afford it, or will tech be so widespread that we all get sucked into it, for better or worse. It is a struggle at times, but at this point my glass is half full.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: speculativeoptimist

Well I think that it's sort of that way now. The ones who have smartphones are those who get paid a little better, or that pretend to have money. I suspect that it may be a continuation of what we have now. But I'd like to be an optimist like you are.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 01:24 PM
Do you think that a primal tribe leader or member in South America is more or less happy then the richest technocrat in modern society?

Do you think they define the world less than you would with a computer or smart device?

Does the march toward the merging of technology with humanity become like a new religion and the singularity its rapture and people like Jason Silva a spokesperson or if you will a priest (Kurzweil is its pope mind you...) in this post modern form of worshiping the self, humanity and its desire to transcend death through its own creation?

Technology doesn't just free us, it enslaves us, makes us dependent, it doesn't just solve problems, often it creates new ones! It often creates complexity where none is needed, it often expands its own needs for existence (technology for the sake of creating new technology not solving any of humanities needs), it uses more and more materials, but doesn't have a real pay off or return as expected, predicted or promised!

The Cake is a Lie
Working in IT for 20+ years I have found it rarely meets any needs (what you need to live/survive), but does create many more wants and artificially (note that word) creates a never ending perpetually increasing desire in unmet wants with a promise of something better, faster, stronger, smarter just around the corner!

People who do not understand technology, TRULY Understand it! Do not see Transhumanism and the Singularity as the modern day promethean snake oil for what it is...

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: abeverage

I definitely do think that it's built up to be something without taking into of account the elite's misusing of it.

There was something that you said that I didn't quite understand. What did you mean by this:

People who do not understand technology, TRULY Understand it!

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: brazenalderpadrescorpio
a reply to: abeverage

I definitely do think that it's built up to be something without taking into of account the elite's misusing of it.

There was something that you said that I didn't quite understand. What did you mean by this:

People who do not understand technology, TRULY Understand it!

Basically it is something like this. I put toast in a toaster push the slider down and in about 1:00 I get toasted bread.

Most everyone including myself these days are all USERS we use technology often unknowing of the complexity of its workings. It permeates so completely in our everyday lives. The average person has little inkling of how a smart phone works but just like toast they expect it to!

I thought the Internet would see a profusion of IT minded people, but actually the opposite has occurred! People are completely unaware nor do they care how something works!

Technology has its problems and will grant you no more immortality than organics.

Any transhumanists reading, do you really believe you will be uploaded? LOL How?

Perhaps someday a Copy of you could be made, but then it will think like you, it may even believe it is you, but it will not be you! IQ can be quantified, your brain can be weighed, your voice modulated and duplicated, but still Consciousness cannot be measured or transferred...
edit on 29-4-2014 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: abeverage

Those are excellent points. Thanks for clarifying.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: brazenalderpadrescorpio
a reply to: abeverage

Those are excellent points. Thanks for clarifying.

I have been pondering something...

If the rapture is to Christians what the singularity is to Atheists/Agnostics non-believers. Then is technology the false and organic the reality of transcendence in line with a biological creator?

Makes me wonder I mean seriously. If you transcend from an organic state to a digital one would you still be you? Not only that, but where does that leave heaven or alternate realities or an afterlife?

I used to believe in a digital heaven via transhumanism but as I become more involved in IT I see there is a potential for it to also be a Digital Hell, and at the very least offers no different experience of this mortal coil other than the potential (at a cost...) of longevity albeit a counterfeit immortality if your consciousness is not perpetuated.

Think about this...if I become a Digital consciousness (lets say I actually can be transferred instead of copied (which I do not believe is possible)). Now I am a machine (no longer biological) I am however still dependent on resources for my existence. Perhaps now I am dependent on companies for upgrades of my parts (they will wear out!) or maybe I need more memory, more energy, upgrades, etc. My brain now digital is still susceptable to errors, virus, degradation and now other intrusive counters like hacking, hijacking, and DELETION...

Do you see the pipe dream of the singularity?
edit on 29-4-2014 by abeverage because: of hacking my brain

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: abeverage

I think that the only way is if the scientists can unequivocally, and almost tangibly prove, that not only have they found out what consciousness is, but that they can prove that they can engineer consciousness. With our level of understanding at this moment, it seems like a hard thing to be able to prove. I think that we would even have to evolve for that to be able to be proven to the common person. Our brains as they exist now cannot have this legitimately proven to us.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio

I added a bit more to my response to you. It is a pipe dream, the singularity does not equal immortality, only another level of existence! One which it is inconclusive to being better than this one we currently inhabit...

Or perhaps it is smoke an mirrors a distraction from looking inward for true spirituality?
edit on 29-4-2014 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: abeverage

It seems to be more along the lines of your last sentence. Good one! It seems as if people who are devoid of spirituality are always looking outside to solve their problems. If only they knew that traditional science is a maze.

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