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Crimea River

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posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 01:12 AM
So with everything going on in Crimea, and Ukraine recently, I came up with a theory of exactly what is going on, and why. This is part of a deal of some sort between the US and Russia. Russia, gets Crimea,(for now), and soon the rest of Ukraine. Along with Belarus, and Kazakhstan, to join Putins desired Eurasian Union.

The US in turn already smuggled out 33 tonnes of gold from Ukraine to the US, most likely to pay back Germany their yearly repayment. Not to
mention you have China suing Ukraine for 3 billion dollars, as part of some breach of loan for a grain agreement they had. It looks like everybody gets what they want from the situation.

I do have to say that this has not been how a war is usually fought. Notice all of the war rhetoric we have heard and seen on the news every night, and now without much(if any bloodshed, Russia now has control over all of Ukraines bases? The whole thing just stinks to high hell, as with most anything anymore. Anyhow, sorry for the drunken rant, what are your thoughts ATS? Is this all just a prearranged deal between the US and Russia? Are they just going through the motions on the worlds stage?
edit on 23-3-2014 by thesmokingman because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2014 by thesmokingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by thesmokingman

Good theories.

But I would say Russia only wants an Eastern portion of Ukraine.

The EU and IMF have big loan arrangements with Western Ukraine.

Russia needs a land route to and from the MuddaLand.

Plus they need better access to their pipelines in the East.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 01:24 AM
Interesting. There was a hot theory going around a few years back about Germany and Russia wanting to establish a new currency like the Euro. This could play.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 01:29 AM

Interesting. There was a hot theory going around a few years back about Germany and Russia wanting to establish a new currency like the Euro. This could play.

I think a BRICS currency is more of a possibility....

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Perhaps. But I was really just referring to the German-Russian plan. Maybe this is part of it. BRICS doesn't seem to include Germany though.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

But I would say Russia only wants an Eastern portion of Ukraine.

The EU and IMF have big loan arrangements with Western Ukraine.

Russia needs a land route to and from the MuddaLand.

Plus they need better access to their pipelines in the East.

Wow!! This makes total sense!!!

edit on 23-3-2014 by thesmokingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 01:41 AM
Under this Bric's theory (which i don't discount) why is the Indian Government putting major restrictions on gold for their citizens?

I don't get it - China is pushing for their citizens to own gold but India is putting a limit on it...not sure why?

India allows more banks to import gold in easing of curbs

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by thesmokingman

Very interesting perspective well done.
A testing of the water to see how we react to border shifting into super-powers.
Money is at the bottom of it. Seems more like a (dodgy) business deal gone bad and the investors trying to get what they can out of it before washing hands off it.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 02:25 AM
is it a bad thing?

Russia has never been more stable, i think the Ukraine need it.

The EU has no major interest beyond resources, let Russia sort them out.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by thesmokingman

Love the play on words in the title!

What the OP proposes is entirely possible. I was just thinking on the actions of Nazi Germany and what they were supposed to achieve and only an insane person would see those particular actions as a way to achieve those ends.

Most political shennanigans seem to me to be similarly insane and illogically motivated.

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

I don't see Russia as the ones who instigated this.
I mean, they lost Yanukovych in Kiev, they lost their guy that was running Ukraine..
Seems like an odd position to sacrifice when your trying to gain control over a small section of Ukraine.

But, I don't think the west was behind the over throw either, I don't think they expected it personally... by the time they got men on the ground and involved, the mob had already taken over Kiev!

This feels more like a reaction!
Kiev fell
Yanukovych fled
Russian forces in Crimea were ordered to position

It was a strong move, played correctly! this situation could have gone deadly, quickly! but Russia contained it properly.
Crimea votes, everyone's allowed to walk home, no one dies!

Imagine if this had of been the United States?...

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Possibly correct.

I was talking about the aftermath and the future, not the past involvements.

Russia will get paid in full when the new loans to Ukraine go through. I think THAT was "agreed upon" and fully understood by all concerned.

Russia needs to keep full control of that one main pipeline that originates in Russia and goes through Eastern Ukraine and back down into Russia.

edit on Mar-23-2014 by xuenchen because:

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 03:35 AM
Yes I think this is all a play......the actors strut the stage...but they are mouthing words put into their mouths by the real power behind the governments.......It totally gone insane out there...and some over controlling force seems to keep the politicians doing the irrational, thing....
Logic is false for the many reasons de etre we get rammed up our buts....the game is fixed by the guys behind the guys behind the guy....

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity


Interesting. There was a hot theory going around a few years back about Germany and Russia wanting to establish a new currency like the Euro. This could play.

Believe me, those in Germany who prepare and work for a souvereign currency are by no means willing to replace Brussels/IMF with Moscow and their Mob. That would totally defeat the purpose.
I'm with Xuenchen on this, a BRICS-currency (or at least multiple GRC detached from USD) and Putin's idea of a eurasian tradeunion maybe on the rise, but we want no part in this, except for trading with them.

edit on 23-3-2014 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2014 @ 08:13 AM

Under this Bric's theory (which i don't discount) why is the Indian Government putting major restrictions on gold for their citizens?

I don't get it - China is pushing for their citizens to own gold but India is putting a limit on it...not sure why?

India allows more banks to import gold in easing of curbs

Actually it's quite simple, China is increasing its gold holdings as fast as it can without causing the markets to increase the price per ounce. Also China has a policy that all gold that enters China remains in China. So it becomes quite obvious that by pushing the population to buy physical gold, China can and has doubled its holdings. Currently they are holding governmental and via the population around 10,000 tons plus in physical gold. They have the gold to make a power play on backing the Yuan in gold which would totally flush the dollar.

The next question is; how does this fit in with the Ukraine and Russia? In May Putin will travel to Beijing to cement a trade agreement between Russia and China with a reciprocal agreement to accept all transactions in both Rubles and Yuan. By securing Crimea, their pipeline is also secured and only the Ruble and Yuan icing is needed to finish this cake.

The US dollar and EU euro are caught in the sling thus the US and the EU scrambling into the Ukraine on damage control and trying to put their puppet in place before it all heads to Russia. Since Crimea is lost, the only option left is to try and block the Ruble/Yuan linkup by sanctions on the banks and backers of the trade agreement. Russia and China's response is to pull the financial plug on Kiev while cutting the US and the EU off at the pass. Obama is a soft ball little league player trying to play ball in the major hard ball league against pro's.

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