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Humans Control the Land and Aliens control the Sea !

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posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 04:59 PM
So there are cities underneath the sea, all over the world, huh? Why is it, then, that no divers have seen them, none of the countless submarines we have down there have seen them, and they have not been picked up by any of the satellite or sonar mapping of the sea floor that we've done? But, oh, a 'witch' studying in a city at the bottom of the Bermuda triangle is perfectly plausible.

What in the world has happened to critical thinking?

posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: AthlonSavage

There is a very simple answer to all of your questions.

All over the world, and especially the American Southwest, there are vast amounts of petroglyphs and rock art panels that depict the true history of this planet. I have personally been to many of these panels, and have studied exactly what the American Indians SAY THEMSELVES what they mean.

They are called the Ant People and they are said to reside within the earth.The Hopi believe the Ant People came from within the earth during the last cataclysm, and saved their ancestors by taking them underground where they lived for a long time, and then emerged a few thousand years ago. There are so many different forms of life on this planet, I don't see why it would be so hard to believe that there are insectoid and reptilian versions of bipedal beings that evolved on this planet, just like humans are the mammal version.

In fact you can bet on it. It would not be difficult at all to go unseen if they live under the surface, especially if they never needed to emerge.

edit on 3-3-2015 by roncoallstar because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2015 by roncoallstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Anyone studying coastal terrestrial areas thru Google Maps, and has wandered off to study the nearby ocean bottoms thru the Satellite version of Google, has seen 90-degree angle outlines and other artificial structures on the sea bottom. I do it all the time. I've even found huge concentric-circle formations on the bottom of the Atlantic, due west of the Angolan capital of Luanda (Africa), resembling the legendary Atlantis.

So there are plenty of curious "artificial settlements" on the bottom of all our oceans. The question then becomes, are they our ancient native settlements, abandoned after shifting land and sea flooded them? Or are they extra-terrestrial settlements in a part of the planet where we can't reach them?

One theory about the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines 370, is that we know exactly where it rests: on the bottom of the ocean west of Australia, which was the first and primary hunting-ground. But it is in an area "claimed" by hostile ET forces we are at war with, and we don't know how to rescue it, at present.

"Critical thinking" only works if you have the correct pieces to try and put together. But if your version of reality and your world-view are extremely limited, all the "critical thinking" skills in the world won't solve the conundrum for you.

edit on 3-3-2015 by MKMoniker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: MKMoniker
If true, that certainly might lend some credence to these theories. In reality, however, those straight, 90 degree 'formations' are artifacts that appear as a result of the mapping and stitching methods that Google uses to create their maps. More detailed explanations of the phenomenon are readily available with a quick search, including statements from the Google engineers themselves as to why such artifacts appear.

edit on 3/5/2015 by AdmireTheDistance because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Many others have also found strange formations on the ocean floor. So Google's Earth Maps used sonar data from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UC, San Diego) a few years ago, to "update" their undersea mapping. And Scripps students spent three years "erasing" or minimizing "blunders" that show street-like grid patterns.
Side by side Google photos of an underwater city-grid was minimized - but is still visible as a grid pattern. And clearly does NOT show evidence of stitched together overlaps.
Goggle tries another suspicious "explanation" that these several-blocks-wide tracks were really just "ship tracks" made by echo-sounding ships. If so, the ship's captain must have been smoking pot, since the "tracks" show no semblance of order or methodology. (Also notice all the darkened or fuzzed-out features on and under these bizarre tracks.)

And some underwater anomalies can't be explained away by map "stretching and stitching", or sonar ship "tracks," since they have been verified by divers, and photographed over and over from different angles:
Including underwater once-cities dating back 10,000 years.

edit on 6-3-2015 by MKMoniker because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 11:51 AM
And I thought the trees, the oceans, and the skies were bound to the laws of space and time.

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