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Post Nuclear War Survival Down Under

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posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 09:50 AM
If the Northern hemisphere managed to do the unthinkable and blow itself to hell, would Australia be spared the nuclear holocaust as shown in this film?

Or if WW3 does break out would Australia sink along with everyone else?

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 10:03 AM
I've always loved that movie "On The Beach". I think back when the movie was made, Australia wasn't that big of a player on the world stage. Now it is different.

The movie also makes the assumption that fallout will circle the globe and everybody will die eventually. However, the amount of fallout necessary to kill everybody on the planet is probably more than what would occur in a "standard" limited nuclear war. But since we've never gone there *yet* it is anybody's guess as to how horrific it would be.

I'm more likely to believe that there would be pockets of people who would survive on every continent.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Great movie, and I just watched it again the other night, had not seen it in years. This is a remake of the original which was back in the 60's.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Does someone need to mention you are talking about a movie, and not a scientific documentary? The winds in Australia comes from somewhere else, the currents arrive from somewhere else, the rain comes from somewhere else. Certainly there will be areas of lower and higher radiation but we only have ONE atmosphere and our oceans and seas are interconnected.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by jaxnmarko

And so? I still think it is a valid question. And by the way I happen to have a degree in Environmental Studies so I do happen to know a few things. But I don't have knowledge of nuclear warfare/fallout. I hope I never have to.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:42 AM

Wirral Bagpuss
reply to post by jaxnmarko

And so? I still think it is a valid question. And by the way I happen to have a degree in Environmental Studies so I do happen to know a few things. But I don't have knowledge of nuclear warfare/fallout. I hope I never have to.

Its precisely the environmental-meteorologic expertise what you need, nuclear fallout follows dominant winds. Then again, you thought gorvachev was dead, so not really sure what to make of this.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:50 AM
Come on, you Auzzies l gonna go mad max at the first opportunity.

Either that or Youll build a utopian society based on the teachings of Les Hiddings. Cos really, if anyone's gonna survive anything, it'll be him.

On a more serious note, if no nukes go off in Oz, then I'd imagine you'd be ok, it's a big place, there'd be large areas of low radiation. Maybe Alice Springs?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by jaxnmarko

Well put.

One of the factoids I logged in my memory long ago is that



that all of us breathe at some point, part of the breath of everyone else who has ever lived.

That's an INCREDIBLE finding, imho.

It has long appeared that relatively few people realize the truth of that research. Otherwise, they wouldn't be sooooooooo terminally stupid and genocidal in terms of what they dump into the atmosphere.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by SprocketUK

Isn't Pine Gap near Alice Springs? Not likely to go untargeted.

I've often wondered what the Southern part of Tasmania would be like in a SHTF scenario.

And then . . . given that China plans to take over Australia . . . [according to my own well connected sources when I lived there] . . . Would Tasmania be a hold-out retreat of patriotic Aussies . . . and what would China do about that, remembering Taiwan. LOL.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

No idea mate. Only said Alice Springs cos it's in the middle

My personal plan is to head for the open ocean in my pirate hat.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by SprocketUK

If china to take Australia id say it wouldn't take them long. Have you seen our government? Seriously spineless #s they are. Ppl will rise but against Chinese military and drones we only a needle in a hay stack. Yes our troops will do they best but sorry to say we don't have the man power or the technology to stand a chance. China wants us for one reason, already been pointed out "utopia" and minerals extraction.
How I see it Russia, china and their allies are dam strong, to strong to execute in one go. War has started not as we know it but yes it began long time ago.

My opinion on survival while it's still free
Will be ........ I don't know

Fight if I must I'll fight
Work if I live I work
Die if it's a choice I'll shall not take it

Let them come I say, we will raise as one and we will stand as one. WE WILL PREVAIL!!!

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by wan7ed

That's a pretty bleak picture you paint mate.
To make things worse, I can't see anyone helping in that event either. UK and USA are too into Chinese money to do the right thing.

Maybe it's time you built some of your own nukes?
Don't worry about the UN, British veto will stop any sanctions.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by SprocketUK

Bleak or not, I don't see much help either from the big boys. We always have NZ to help out and don't forget Tasmania, that's a breed of its own
no offence. Nukes won't help. Gorilla warfare won't help either. We got very little forest an one we do have we are logging down

We are limited in terms action of defence.
Against drones we pretty much in the open

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by wan7ed

nukes always help. No one can win a war of conquest against a country that has a couple of dozen nukes. I'm not saying that you'd win either, just that oz would be a no go for invasion The cost would be far too high.
A bit like picking a fight with chopper Reid. You might win the fight but he'd have bit your nose off.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 06:44 AM
I put my savior on some guys who tend to be underrated. Only for the fact that they are comic book characters. AU already gets hit with global warming and oppressive regulations on a man. Another el nino and the fact that an entire desert has been resorted to a lordship still... Retarded post by me.

I think that if the better part of AU is already a resemblance of a nukular wasteland, possibly, there is a better chance of it's inhabitants survival, than say a, New York, Miami, LA, etc.

Technically, we are told that Australia was founded and developed by thieves, murderers, and rapists, obviously why they took your guns away.

My thoughts of survival in sake of Australia... Do what your doing. If you didn't suffer too bad this last year, you are most likely to be able to survive a conventional war that won't be brought to your shores. You might be asked, probably, to participate, yet nobody is going to be harmed on the continent, other than what already goes on.

You guys got gun laws. Why do youse always get dead by knives? Ask China... They aren't sure either. UK knows.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 08:19 AM

reply to post by SprocketUK

Let them come I say, we will raise as one and we will stand as one. WE WILL PREVAIL!!!

I agree ! This is why i love being Australian! like because in any time of crisis at all we always manage to band together and unite, always have eachothers back's even strangers, its just in our nature. Also we keep soldiering on even when stuff gets eff'd up, just look at past natural disasters & you can see that.


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