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Attn: Jim Marrs - Question regarding Nazi search for artifacts

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posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 09:47 AM

I am positively fascinated by the possibility of the Nazi regime actively searching for any religious or occult oriented artifacts, as I'm sure you an others here are.

I am not the kind of person who "believes" much of anything. Rather, I keep an open and constantly analytical mind.

I am posting this thread to ask for specific information. I know one thing about the Nazi's, and that is that hey were fanatical record keepers. Hell, they even contracted IBM to create an advanced adding machine or basic computer if you will so as to keep better track of the prisoners in their camps. Are you aware of any actual documentation from the Nazi regime that specifies search teams, what they were searching for, and the dates and troop movements of such searches?

I'm a little tired of the "woowoo" results my searches come up with. Fascinating reading for some, but I'm interested in seeing if there is any beef left on the bone.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

While I don't actually buy into everything Jim Marrs says, I do find him interesting.

I've tried to get books authored by him through the library system were I live and they don't have anything. Needless to say, I find that disappointing.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

Ive been reading his book "Rise of the Fourth Reich" and it has touched upon this subject. you might like to check it out....

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:03 AM

reply to [url=]post by SadistNocturnu
While I don't actually buy into everything Jim Marrs says, I do find him interesting.

I've tried to get books authored by him through the library system were I live and they don't have anything. Needless to say, I find that disappointing.

Hey, thanks the reply to my thread

You know, I've never read any of his books. I've heard him on Rense and I've read some of his material online. I'm not looking for his thoughts so much, but rather, I cannot help that he would be a valid source as someone who might know OF and WHERE such actual Nazi documentation might exist.

Now Jim, if you're reading this, please don't think I'm attempting to discredit you. That is not the case at all. Merely, as originally stated, I'm looking for a specific *type* of information that supports the possibility if not the probability of this kind of search actually taking place.

And btw, if anyone else knows of the kind of information I'm seeking, hey, pipe up!

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:05 AM

reply to post by SadistNocturne

Ive been reading his book "Rise of the Fourth Reich" and it has touched upon this subject. you might like to check it out....

Yeah, I hear you. But I'm looking for supporting documentation of the fact that the Nazi's actually performed these searches.

I'm not looking for any kind of confirmation that Hitler handled the Spear of Destiny, or that the Ark of the Covenant was found. Not at all. Not that I'm saying these things couldn't have happened, rather I'm looking for supporting documentation that is of an ancillary nature to the artifacts themselves.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:05 AM
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edit on 13-10-2013 by SadistNocturne because: Umm, I F$%#%d up....

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

In the book he mentions that 100's of people were on top of a mountain and witnesses a German plane making a Celtic cross in the sky the day after the treasure was found. maybe he mentions some other eyewitnesses too, I don't recall.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:09 PM
Didn't Brad Pitt make a movie about the Nazi's in Tibet?

The Nazi Bell crashed in Kecksburg, PA - a theory i heard maybe it was Jim Marrs & we copied the Horten Brothers flying wing for the stealth bomber.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:35 PM

reply to post by SadistNocturne

In the book he mentions that 100's of people were on top of a mountain and witnesses a German plane making a Celtic cross in the sky the day after the treasure was found. maybe he mentions some other eyewitnesses too, I don't recall.

Ok, I'm tired and a little frustrated at this point, but I feel like nobody has truly read what it is that I am requesting.

I am not interested in eye witness accounts. I am not interested in Die Glocke or whether or not Himmler handed Hitler the Spear of Destiny. I've seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, so guess what, we all know that the Nazi's die because they were arrogant and opened the damned things without closing their eyes like Indy and the female lead did. I'm not interested in ANY of this at all.

I am simply looking for documentation, which is a trademark of the Nazi regime, as to the specific search efforts for such religious or occult items.

To me, *this* is a logical starting place for FACTUAL information. THIS is what I am asking for, DOCUMENTATION of the MILITARY EFFORT to physically go about the process of ACTIVELY SEARCHING FOR THESE ITEMS.

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