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HELP please! (Graphic card Died)

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posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by LvSLoLo

PowerColor HD 7850 2048MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card [AX7850 2GBD5-2DH]

That's the card I would get.

Or these:

Great cards all around.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:39 PM
This is what is annoying me i know bare minimum about pc's especialy graphic cards i bought my last hoping it would last a few years and now im back to square 1, ive never had a ATI GPU and i cant find any bf3 benchmarks anyware and i cant compare the ATI 7850 to the GTX 570 anyware

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by LvSLoLo

The standard benchmark game they still use is Crysis. The probability of finding those benchmark results are far higher that bf3. It's not that demanding of a game overall.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by LvSLoLo
This is what is annoying me i know bare minimum about pc's especialy graphic cards i bought my last hoping it would last a few years and now im back to square 1, ive never had a ATI GPU and i cant find any bf3 benchmarks anyware and i cant compare the ATI 7850 to the GTX 570 anyware

You aren't likely to find many GTX 570 reviews that cover bf3 because the game was released more than half a year after those cards hit the market.
Like I said before, if your last card did what you want, any card better than that one will.

GTX 560ti < GTX 560ti 448 < GTX 570 < GTX 580 < GTX 680

The drawbacks you get from a 560ti 448, 570 or 580 are power draw. you will need a powerful powersupply to manage a card like that.
ATI's cards are typically better on power draw and perform on par for the most part.
the new 7xxx series from ATI is very impressive, but the new GTX 680 is faster, cheaper and more efficient when idling and at full load.

if you really want to learn about computer parts you should no be asking ATS. you should be checking computer hardware sites that do reviews.
For technical info if you want to learn about it, check
for good reviews and opinions go to, and I would also suggest checking out
all of these sites do hardware reviews and know their stuff. for the most part the opinions given here are clearly from people not in the know. Maybe they have a friend or family member that helps them out or gives them opinions, but there haven't been many knowledgeable suggestions in this thread.

seriously do yourself a favor and ask people who know what they are taking about. ask this question in hardocp's and you'll have much better info to make a decision with.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Pumcy
Nvidia release the GTX 680 this week and it is priced cheaper, and will keep up or outpace AMD's best card in pretty much every game.

That's not entirely accurate. I just got done looking at the benchmarks for the GTX 680. The 680 did a good job beating AMD's 7970 in the DX9 tests, but once the tests got to DX10 and DX11, the AMD card started to shine. It was close to 50/50 with the 7970 beating the 680 in some games, while the 680 beat the 7970 in others. So, I would say that they are about equal.

One thing Nvidia did with the GTX 680 (which surprised me a little) was used only 256-bit memory bus instead of 384-bit. That would've pushed the 680 over the top of AMD. Maybe Nvidia is going to release the 690 soon with 384-bit bus?

Plus the GTX 680 only has 2GB of GDDR5 while the HD-7970 has 3GB. So, 384-bit and 3GB of GDDR5 for $50 more than the GTX 680? You bet. And if you set the clock and memory speeds on the 7970 to the same speeds of the 680, then the 7970 will pull ahead. Thus AMD is still winning the video card war at the moment.

Originally posted by Pumcy
the new 7xxx series from ATI is very impressive, but the new GTX 680 is faster, cheaper and more efficient when idling and at full load.

Again, the clock and memory speeds of the GTX 680 are faster, but the benchmarks are close to equal. The GTX 680 has 2GB of 256-bit memory and the HD 7970 has 3GB of 384-bit memory. Turn the clock and memory speeds of the HD-7970 up (in the Control Center) to the speeds of the GTX 680 and HD-7970 will outperform the GTX 680 in most everything.

If I've got $500 to spend, I'm going to spend the $50 more and get the card that has more memory and faster memory bus.

Which is what I did and why I'm rocking the HD-7970. Plus most everything of mine is AMD anyways.

Originally posted by autowrench
In both Windows, and Linux, drivers for ATI cards are a nightmare. Nvidia makes the best, and easiest to install drivers for.

That could be a matter of opinion, or (errm) user error. I've been using AMD CPU's and ATI/AMD video cards for close to 15 years and have never had a driver problem. There are glitches once in a while, but that's with any CPU or video card manufacturer.

As far as easiest to install, AMD drivers install just like any other drivers. The new AMD Vision Engine Control Center will now tell you when there is a driver update and even update them for you if you choose. Can't get much easier than that.

edit on 2-4-2012 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:25 PM
Yup well ive asked on other websites and i only got 1 answer after 3 days of waiting and it was completely useless...i want either the gainward GTX 570 Goes Like Hell edition, EVGA 570 HD Superclocked edition or at a push a ATI 7870

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Pumcy
for the most part the opinions given here are clearly from people not in the know. Maybe they have a friend or family member that helps them out or gives them opinions, but there haven't been many knowledgeable suggestions in this thread. seriously do yourself a favor and ask people who know what they are taking about.

Although the OP may have better luck posting on a forum dedicated to hardware and gaming, don't ever think for a second that because people read or post on ATS, that nobody here knows what they're talking about.

I find it disturbing that you would resort to demeaning others' posts and knowledge because they don't conform to your beliefs or opinions.

I can tell you that I've been building computers for 15+ years, and have been college-educated in Information Technology as well as continuing education in other IT/IS fields.

I resent and am offended by the fact that you would discount anyone on ATS from having the proper knowledge to discuss computer hardware just because we're on ATS and not a gaming forum.

Granted, there are the occasional posters who just post without the proper knowledge, but your comments were out of line and are not representative of professional computer techs.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by LvSLoLo
i want either the gainward GTX 570 Goes Like Hell edition, EVGA 570 HD Superclocked edition or at a push a ATI 7870

If you can swing it, I'd go with the HD-7870. It beat the GTX 570 in most all tests, and it has more on-board memory. If you can't swing it, I'd go with the Gainward GTX 570 just because it was clocked slightly faster than the EVGA.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by LvSLoLo
i want either the gainward GTX 570 Goes Like Hell edition, EVGA 570 HD Superclocked edition or at a push a ATI 7870

If you can swing it, I'd go with the HD-7870. It beat the GTX 570 in most all tests, and it has more on-board memory. If you can't swing it, I'd go with the Gainward GTX 570 just because it was clocked slightly faster than the EVGA.

ATM i cant find many ATI 7870 cards about that are not on pre order i need my card now so ill go with the gainward GTX 570 GLH unless you think i could OC the EVGA faster? then again i could OC the GLH aswell so guess ill be getting the GLH
and i get a free copy of street fighter for the gf lol.

Btw thanks for the fast reply and the EASY way you helped

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by LvSLoLo
Btw thanks for the fast reply and the EASY way you helped

No problem. That's what we're all here for.

Before you make a definitive decision on which of the 570's to go with, read the reviews by owners on a few sites and see which has the better ratings and go with that card.

edit on 2-4-2012 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Ok i willdo thanks, ive got a problem lol i was looking around other websites for cards and i came across some cheaper and a few 7870's that are affordable so i was wondering what you think i should get? theres a MSI 570 for £215 with 2 games for free that are pretty good

What do you think? i mean surely i could OC the MSI to 800Mhz with it been a good cool card but like ive said before i know bare minimum

My budget is between £180 and at a push £250
edit on 2-4-2012 by LvSLoLo because: addition

edit on 2-4-2012 by LvSLoLo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:22 PM
This is exactly why i get confused, ive just been on 1 website that said the ATI 7870 was better than the GTX 570 and now i look on another website and here is the results.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by LvSLoLo
This is exactly why i get confused, ive just been on 1 website that said the ATI 7870 was better than the GTX 570 and now i look on another website and here is the results.

The sites I was on also showed the 7870 to be better than the 570, but what it comes down to is preference. You seem like you've been more comfortable with Nvidia cards, so maybe that should be the route you go. I'm an AMD nerd, so I'll always choose AMD anyways. But I'm not above buying an Nvidia card if AMD were to slip behind in the game.

Grab a GTX 570 and be done with it.

On a side note, the factory overclocked cards usually come with different fans and heat-sinks. So keep that in mind when deciding whether to choose an overclocked card or try to overclock your own.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Ahh ok well thanks for the help again
right now im stuck between 3 cards lol.

I would get 2 games with the MSI both games i want but with the GLH GTX 570 i would get street fighter that my gf is nagging me for lol...then again theres the ATI 7870 for £250 that MIGHT out perform both of them depending on what benchmark tests are correct, what graphic card do you own? and i know im asking alot but out of the 3 ive shown what would you get?

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by LvSLoLo
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Ahh ok well thanks for the help again
right now im stuck between 3 cards lol.

I would get 2 games with the MSI both games i want but with the GLH GTX 570 i would get street fighter that my gf is nagging me for lol...then again theres the ATI 7870 for £250 that MIGHT out perform both of them depending on what benchmark tests are correct, what graphic card do you own? and i know im asking alot but out of the 3 ive shown what would you get?

I know with the MSI it has good cooling so i could OC the card to 800mhz like the GLH 570 i hope anyway
edit on 2-4-2012 by LvSLoLo because: (no reason given)

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