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Wilhelm Reich and Orgone (Life Energy)

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 04:55 AM

I need to do some more research, i want to make them and use them.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
I just uploaded it myself and edited the OP again to link to mine, which is allowed to be embedded.

Well, they've canned yours too by the looks of it.

That's a good sign! I'm going to research this more!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 05:25 AM
Some of you maybe interested in Reich/Einstein affair:

On December 30, 1940, Reich wrote to Albert Einstein saying he had a scientific discovery he wanted to discuss, and on January 13, 1941 went to visit Einstein in Princeton. They talked for five hours, and Einstein agreed to test an orgone accumulator, which Reich had constructed out of a Faraday cage made of galvanized steel and insulated by wood and paper on the outside. Einstein agreed that if, as Reich suggested, an object's temperature could be raised without an apparent heating source, it would be a "bombshell" in physics.

Reich supplied Einstein with a small accumulator during their second meeting, and Einstein performed the experiment in his basement, which involved taking the temperature atop, inside, and near the device. He also stripped the device down to its Faraday cage to compare temperatures. In his attempt to replicate Reich's findings, Einstein observed a rise in temperature, which Reich argued was caused by the orgone energy that had accumulated inside the Faraday cage. However, one of Einstein's assistants pointed out that the temperature was lower on the floor than on the ceiling.Following that remark, Einstein modified the experiment and, as a result, concluded that the effect was simply due to the temperature gradient inside the room. He wrote back to Reich, describing his experiments and expressing the hope that Reich would develop a more skeptical approach.

Reich responded with a 25-page letter to Einstein, expressing concern that "convection from the ceiling" would join "air germs" and "Brownian movement" to explain away new findings. The correspondence between Reich and Einstein was published by Reich's press as The Einstein Affair in 1953, possibly without Einstein's permission



posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:12 AM
isn't this just a form of piezo-electric energy production? seems awful close to it. they now sell flashlights where all you do is shake it for a few minutes and it produces a lasting charge.

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: bsbray11
Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian-born psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who worked with Sigmund Freud in the 1930's. He authored the book The Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1933.

Ironically, that same book would later be ordered destroyed by the FDA and US government, because it mentioned "orgone." Orgone was the form of energy Reich claimed to have discovered and learned how to collect and use. According to Reich, it was inherent to all living organisms and was tied heavily into our sexual urges and impulses, but was also vital to all life. Reich published scientific literature and produced devices able to collect and store orgone, according to his work.

The FDA held an injunction against Reich on a technical legal basis, that his lawyers were quoted as saying was "weak," and which they could easily help Reich get out of. Reich apparently took the trials as an opportunity to demonstrate the validity of his inventions, refused to argue his case on a legal basis, and was held in contempt of court. He was sentenced to 2 years' imprisonment in 1956 for contempt of court. He died the following year in prison.

After his imprisonment for contempt of court, at least some 6 tons of his books were burned, overseen by the FDA, and all of his equipment destroyed.

Here is a video serving as an introduction to his work:

Orgone devices are very simple, not unlike a simple electrical circuit that would simply produce an electrical current (which our bodies also use -- though not so directly). The most basic orgone device is simply layers of an organic material like wool, resin, etc. with metal. Reich said that metal conducted and "reflected" orgone from the environment (similarly to how metal conducts electricity), and that organic materials absorbed and stored it. The energy also seems to have a distinct pulsation or frequency component to it.

Long story short, people still make "orgone devices" and plant them all around electrical generators, cell phone towers, etc. to counter EM radiation that pollutes our surroundings and help restore balance. And the government hates it.

For anyone familiar with "chemtrails" (which the government also strongly denies, despite foreign countries admitting to modifying their own weather), orgone devices are supposed to be able to bust up chemtrails and help restore natural balance to weather formations. There are lots of people that play with this stuff on a daily basis and swear by it (look up the "Warrior Matrix" forums, for example), but you can try it yourself and come to your own conclusions. William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac were both orgone enthusiasts.

There are multiple videos on YouTube from orgone enthusiasts, who are not paranoid types of people (ie "Sensei Dennis") yet they are forced to notice that helicopters repeatedly circle their houses and fly low right over head as they are out fooling with the stuff. For what it's worth. After all, the FDA did have all of Reich's work burned as if this was Nazi Germany, so this stuff is obviously pissing someone off in the government.

If you've never heard of it, well now you have.

Edit to clarify thread title.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by bsbray11]

Well this certainly seems like a thread I can be evolved in.

posted on Apr, 27 2019 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: bsbray11

Greetings. This place exactly matches my style. Here we go. I must say, I've always been a tough skeptic. Until I came across a text in which someone claimed something unreal, and also simple to support their skepticism. That supposedly destroys chemtrails and that if we don't believe it, let's try it out and fly a black helicopter. To support my self-deception, I said, okay, I'll try it out and see for myself. However, from that moment on, I felt like I was entering a rabbit hole, eventually. he opened the pandora's box. I almost got crazy about it. You certainly know the claim that vinegar will dissolve storm clouds. It couldn't be better confirmed to me then. And I swear on anything you want me to make up! I literally burned a plate with a vinegar hole in the overcast dense cloud in the sun, and the sun shone through it. I didn't want it and couldn't believe it. But I forgot some helicopter, because I noticed that it hit 7h in the morning, and the aircraft started to fly crazy, in less than 1h I counted over 70 overflights that gradually released something that slowly spread into an impenetrable white blanket .. I said you again, so see if it will work again now. Again the same thing, literally a burned hole !! It really happened, and I was almost panicking. I didn't know what to think. The next day, I woke up some noise in the morning ... and they were parents !! Because they were frightened of the cow that the black unmarked helicopter was doing, who was flying so aggressively around my home that it had aroused fuss in the neighborhood. Until then, I was all considered to be a freak, but on that day all the acquaintances I did and what was happening came to me. I put a plate of vinegar on the sill, and from that moment on I felt like a sci-fi star .. I really didn't understand what was going on. The helicopter stood 10 minutes directly above my place of residence, and at that time my friend wrote to me: You'll probably have something to do, I believe you, yesterday I went to smoke a balcony in the morning, after I got some noise. When I lit a cigar and looked in your direction, it fell out of my mouth when I saw the helicopter standing directly above your house, not moving in the air. That was just the beginning. Thanks to that I experienced the best holidays in my life. All summer they had fun for me. It was incredible, but as real as it can. I'm not the one looking for stunts or supporting some fantasmagoria. But I am also the one who adheres to the truth and only the truth, I am not interested in anything but the truth, whatever it is. The helicopter flew here a week tastefully, the week tastes aggressively disturb the whole neighborhood, and now the best !! He didn't want to be filmed, and he knew who I was. When I climbed out and walked the city on foot, they focused on me in the open, and circled me to see me well enough. I waved to them with a mediator and found it interesting: D I had a movie out of it. It doesn't happen so often that the helicopter is so visibly interested in you. This continued. When I tried to shoot the helicopter, he didn't want to leave! He always flew as I pulled the camera, hid another block of flats in the horizon, and waited, so I closed the window and lurked. Dear I caught the helicopter !! I have a video with him !! He wasn't here anymore. But instead of noticing the atypical black SUV I had never seen before, it was a special SUV Mercedes model, something between the field and the travel version, for a long time, I thought it was just chance. Smoke windows in front and back. And every day I was kept a tick. As long as I didn't get a strong proof, I thought it seemed to me. In addition, I didn't understand that the car was always where I wanted to go, it seemed like they were reading my thoughts. I was probably bugged by mistake. Once I changed my target unexpectedly. And the car went against me on the road and couldn't turn around. When he was passing a few meters around, it was hot outside, and he had a window pulled down as he passed me on purpose, grabbing the handle above the door to cover his face. Which didn't help him, I already saw him through the windshield! He was an older man but in shape and so ordinary he was attracting attention. If this was a secret service, they couldn't really be more noticeable. I haven't seen that car since, and I'd have wondered if there were more in the Czech Republic. The car was holding me for three months, watching my every move I went to, all the places. One evening, I got up spontaneously to the apartment window. I saw from the window as the car goes by the parking lot to our car in which I was driven. They came to our car, stopped the window and took the license plate. They were 3h in the morning !! That gave me enough evidence that someone was following me. Very strange is the coincidence that at 3am in the apartment, picked up and went to look out the window exactly when the car arrived, I can not explain absolutely, I do not know that I have any special abilities. I swear that, as I wrote it, it happened, I have enough witnesses, but people are not able to believe it.

Sorry for the mistakes in the translation, I can not use English I used a compiler.

I just have to point out that this story continues into a frightening part .. Once late in the evening, I came back home. It was again about 3am in the morning. At the entrance to the house, I could see the outline of the figure in the darkness near the wall, which I thought was a cop, it looked like someone in a jumpsuit, but as I approached so steadily he stood by the wall, probably thinking I didn't see him. I was a little worried then. As I approached, I recognized that it wasn't a cop and I had no idea what it was. I quickly unlocked the door slamming and locked. : D More than a few days later, the symptoms that I later discovered with horror began to be morgellons. But I don't think they infected me then, I had it inside me, and then it was full. That was a real test. It took a terribly long time to suffer in poor hell. Before I got out of it. It was awful. I almost committed suicide! At that time I understood how terribly everybody who commits suicide feels. Until then, I just imagined. Back then I felt what it was like to die for you in 20 years. How it feels to accept that you end up so young. Scary thoughts began to chase me in my head, I was angry at everyone around, I wanted to go out with them .. Thank goodness for Jim Humble and his discovery of MMS, specifically MMS2.. That saved my life. You know, it's not all fitting at once, it's ripe for a book but I'm lazy for it again. Neither would they release it: D Anyway, I went through it all, and after a long fight I won, I feel better every day and somehow stronger. I wasn't afraid of them even then, but now at all. And they're starting to suspect it. I will add that I can provide you with a statement of a psychiatrist expert witness, I am black on white that is absolutely mentally healthy, without signs of mental disorders or mental illnesses. I got it black on white. I am not going to argue with anyone, I do not force anyone, I just tell the truth and the wise man knows it.

posted on Apr, 29 2019 @ 11:25 AM
Been interested in orgonite for a long rime, I made quite a few pieces, from ice cube tray size to funnel size. Experimented with different metals, crystals etc and always set in casting resin.
I never felt anything from them myself, never noyiced planta growing better with a piece next to it, never noticed unusual freezing formations when comparing.
Am I still a believer? Sort of -I still position them around my plants, I made them, might as well.

One girl I knew, gave her a small piece and she would get a prickle on her ear when she touched it. I had her close her eyes and swapped pieces, same sizw, shape - it was always only that piece that did it. Strange.

Anyway, my question regarding rhis organic / metal layering - why is thecmetal itself not classed as organic?

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