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should great work be shunned if the artist were a child molester(Beethoven)?

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posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 07:57 PM
If it were found that a great classical artist were a child
molester, should his work be shunned or left for the
world to enjoy and learn from?

I was just reading about Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven ,
a great classical music composer.

He had a nephew(Karl, 9 years old) he was trying to gain
custody of after Karls father passed away.

Beethoven became a lunatic in the courts while trying to
gain custody, forbidding Karl to ever see his mother again.

Karl ran away numerous times, Beethoven even had the
police find him and bring him back. Karl hawked his
watch, bought a pistol, and tried to commit suicide,
by shooting himself in the head, twice.
He never succeeded and wound up in the hospital.
Beethoven finally gave up and allowed him to go back
to his mother.

I dont know what went on with Beethoven and his nephew,
but it doesnt sound normal to me. Some people say Beethoven
was just a tyrant and wanted Karl to become great like himself
to pass on the family musical name.

I think it maybe be more than that. Beethoven never married, did'nt
have many relationships and never had his own kids.

What really went on between Beethoven and his nephew
will never be known, it must have been unimaginable if the child
had to go to great lengths to end his life. did Beethoven
molest him?

What if there was 100% proof
a great classical artist were a child molester.

Do you think his work should be shunned or left
to be a great value to society?

Personally, I think child molestation is the worst
crime in the world and if I knew a work was created by
such a person, I could not look at it or ever appreciate

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by josephine

How could you come to this sick conclusion that Beethoven was a pedophile?

He was super controlling. This is enough to make even the strongest of us lose it. Especially when the one who is doing the controlling is very powerful.

I don't know what more to say... This is retarded...

Beethoven tapped in to the ether to find bliss and bestowed it upon us all...
Was he a control freak? Yes, no doubt! But a genius among genius'!

Begone with you and your asinine hypotheses!

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Tapped In

No, it's a reasonable hypothesis. And thought provoking.

My personal stance is if someone is damaged enough to become a pedophile that inevitably transpires into their creativity, so yes, I guess the work would have to shunned because at a certain level it has the seeds of evil as has it's creator. But I would keep it at shunned, not censored or supressed, I don't believe in restrictions to the freedom of information. Might seem a bit of a wishy washy answer but it's what I believe.

As for Beethoven, let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 09:00 PM
How does this have anything to do with ATS. MODS, please move this to BTS.

ATS is collecting alot of garbage these days.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by Tuebor]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Tuebor

Tuebor has spoken! Please move to the trash bins... This is ludicrous.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by josephine
If it were found that a great classical artist were a child
molester, should his work be shunned or left for the
world to enjoy and learn from?

I was just reading about Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven ,
a great classical music composer.

He had a nephew(Karl, 9 years old) he was trying to gain
custody of after Karls father passed away.

Beethoven became a lunatic in the courts while trying to
gain custody, forbidding Karl to ever see his mother again.

Karl ran away numerous times, Beethoven even had the
police find him and bring him back. Karl hawked his
watch, bought a pistol, and tried to commit suicide,
by shooting himself in the head, twice.
He never succeeded and wound up in the hospital.
Beethoven finally gave up and allowed him to go back
to his mother.

I dont know what went on with Beethoven and his nephew,
but it doesnt sound normal to me. Some people say Beethoven
was just a tyrant and wanted Karl to become great like himself
to pass on the family musical name.

I think it maybe be more than that. Beethoven never married, did'nt
have many relationships and never had his own kids.

What really went on between Beethoven and his nephew
will never be known, it must have been unimaginable if the child
had to go to great lengths to end his life. did Beethoven
molest him?

What if there was 100% proof
a great classical artist were a child molester.

Do you think his work should be shunned or left
to be a great value to society?

Personally, I think child molestation is the worst
crime in the world and if I knew a work was created by
such a person, I could not look at it or ever appreciate

Absolutely disgusting. I shouldn't even stoop to your disgusting and crass level to dignify your pathetic and heinous post with an answer but I will do so not for you but for someone that may read it and actually deserves to know.
Beethoven's nephew wanted to be in the army desperately and Beethoven was very controlling and wanted Karl to be a pianist and composer. THIS is what drove Karl to attempt suicide, the fact that he had chosen what he wanted to do in life but his new legal guardian wouldn't let him and Karl personally despised music and piano but Beethoven was too hard headed and forced it on him thinking he liked it.

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