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[b]Carozona & Arilina[/b] whatz that mean?

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posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:42 PM
well for my personal name for 'Fantasy Teams', in this case football....

i used the combination of the states of "Arizona-&-Carolina" to create
a personal/unique identity namesake.

? just what happened in the meantime, which translates as the
~ 10 weeks of the football season~ ?

well...........the brown-nosers at the networks figured out what i was expressing !!!!..................................................................................

and suddenly you all see a plethora of the TV Advertizements playing on the multi-integrated, diversed place theme....

for example the TV Ads do the need of service to; [I need connectivity to my 'territory', which is;

(which translates to: nyc/boston/cincinatti/bermuda/paris/london)

and do you think these parasite, scavanger, jackels of humanity....
will acknowledge the 'spark' i gave to these highly over compensated
'thinkers' & 'creators' of 'Hot' Advertizements...

heck NO!............these brain dead lechers run to the bank
with a sincere conviction that they have the creative 'spark' !
& thought it all up themselves.....

i'm open to any and all challengers that i am wrong !!!


are registered on Yahoo Sports
under the user 'riffraffalunas'
for 2 years now !

and what i'm saying/asking
is haven't you all been ripped off (legally)
like i think i've been in this instance?

deny ignorance,
and roll with the punches

[edit on 13-11-2007 by St Udio]

[edit on 13-11-2007 by St Udio]

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