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What's going on here

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posted on May, 17 2024 @ 10:50 AM
Most of us know the sham trials against Trump are just that...shams. Politically motivated to try to accomplish 2 things. Make Trump look bad and tie him up so he can't campaign.

Both of which are failing spectacularly.

Now, along comes MSNBC actually giving Trump's lawyers some praise.

MSNBC hails 'moment of real triumph' for Trump defense team during cross-examination of Michael Cohen

Even CNN has admitted that Cohen is not the smoking gun that Democrats were hoping for.

Anderson Cooper admits he would ‘absolutely’ have doubts about Cohen’s testimony if he were on the jury

So, what's up with that ? Trump's 2 biggest critics are admitting that this doesn't look good for Bragg and have doubts about the star witness being reliable.
Why the sudden change. When Trump was in office and for years after, they made bank on reporting anything Trump in a negative light and since he left office, their ratings have taken a nose dive. They've been called out on their heavily slanted reporting [ if you can call it that ] and most of their "news" comes across as Leftist hit pieces.

Do they see the way the political wind is blowing or is this strictly business. There is a very good chance Trump will be back in the White House, so are they ingratiating themselves, trying to look fair or like I've said before, they, along with the Liberal Media secretly wish for a Trump win to get their ratings back up ?

They will absolutely not report anything negative about Biden or the Democrats, but they will hammer Trump and Republicans to satiate their viewer base...and that means ratings and ratings mean money.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Perhaps they are seeing their cash cow taking on water and, like rats from a dying ship, they are looking to mend fences so they can save their slimy skins!

I can't speak for others, but I will never forget! They will ALWAYS be the enemy! Douche Buckets!

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I think it’s clear for most people the charges are politically motivated. Even if Trump is “guilty” of anything, he hasn’t (to my knowledge) done anything everyone before him didn’t do.

Dare I say the system so far shows to be working.

Let’s be honest, he’s not the first person to face charges that weren’t fitting of what the person actually did. Sometimes people get the book thrown at them regardless.

As far as damages done, I think this has only helped him politically. I suppose there are financial damages too, but plenty of people have to pay to defend themselves, it’s rare anyone gets to recoup funds if it was the state or federal government going after them.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: DAVID64

Douche Buckets!

Boy did I miss you, FCD!

I wonder, is this shift in tone the result of the MSM covering for the Dems? Support Trump to get Biden out. All his misdeeds and the coverups are coming to light....get Trump in so people forget Dirty Biden?

posted on May, 18 2024 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: DAVID64

Perhaps they are seeing their cash cow taking on water and, like rats from a dying ship, they are looking to mend fences so they can save their slimy skins!

I can't speak for others, but I will never forget! They will ALWAYS be the enemy! Douche Buckets!

Douche Buckets? LOL I can't wait to use that....

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