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Kristallnacht on today's most elite Universities?

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posted on May, 1 2024 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

posted on May, 1 2024 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Then don't support a vote for the bill. This is America after all.

This has little to do with liberal leftists demanding basically the genocide of the Jewish race/ethnicity and stripping them of their land. Some shouting "go back to Germany". Calling for an intifada, in which thousands of Jews were killed, bombed, etc. in the past. Calling to drive Jews into the sea to drown.

Do you condemn the actions of:
these liberal leftist students
these elite liberal Universities

Will you refuse to hire any of these students?
Will you refuse to send your children to these schools?
Will you not donate to any of these schools and discourage others from doing so?

It is not very clear so far that you condemn antisemitism (as a theory), I have not seen any condemnation of the students clearly antisemitic behavior and several elite schools allowing antisemitic behavior and calls for genocide to continue unabated on their campuses. I have seen no condemnation of students openly chanting phrases that call for genocide of an entire race of people.

Do you condemn using chants that call for genocide as equal to yelling fire in a crowded theater; are these chants at rallies encouraging people, as the KKK did, (to encourage people to kill everyone of a particular race) - a necessary form of free speech - and acceptable to do in the US today? How would you feel about it if they were chanting basically "get rid of" all the black people, or all the Native Americans, or all LGBTQ would that be acceptable free speech today?

BTW: As a Christian, any Christian who blames the Jews for Jesus death is wrong and should be condemned as far as I am concerned.

It was the Romans, white people, who killed Jesus. The Jews had zero power to put anyone to death at that time. Only the white skinned Romans who ruled the empire had the power to put people to death. It was a Roman who uttered the death sentence, it was Roman soldiers who physically killed Jesus. It was a Roman soldier who stabbed him in the side to be sure Jesus was good and dead. The people who killed Jesus looked more like the photo of the student breaking glass than they did the Jews (even Jesus himself) who at that time were mostly brown skinned, black hair, brown eyes (very similar to today's Arabs, and to native south american indigenous people. (I digress but felt I needed to correct that misconception.)

edit on 5/1/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: grammar

posted on May, 1 2024 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

The bill's already passed.

I condemn any threats or acts of violence against anyone.

What bothers me is that I don't like the Israeli government. I think it's corrupt as hell. I think it's full of corrupt people. I think its just as corrupt as my own US government. The 1st amendment gives me the right to speak against my government... not only the right, the duty. But now, under the broad brush of antisemitism, I may lose the right to speak against the Israeli government. That's absurd. That type of language should never be legislated. But I've already been called a Jew hater and an antisemite here on ATS for my views and my condemnation of governmental overreach and corruption. Do you see how easy it would be to sweep me and others like me into the pro Hamas/anti Jew camp using criminal law to totally silence and supress any criticism against the Israeli government. Especially at this point in time when they need to be watched and held accountable for their actions. Do we want any government on this planet to have free reign to do whatever it wants with zero oversight? All they have to do is claim antisemitism and now you're turning a bunch of people into criminals simply for having an opinion.

posted on May, 1 2024 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

BTW: As a Christian, any Christian who blames the Jews for Jesus death is wrong and should be condemned as far as I am concerned.

It was the Romans, white people, who killed Jesus. The Jews had zero power to put anyone to death at that time. Only the white skinned Romans who ruled the empire had the power to put people to death. It was a Roman who uttered the death sentence, it was Roman soldiers who physically killed Jesus. It was a Roman soldier who stabbed him in the side to be sure Jesus was good and dead. The people who killed Jesus looked more like the photo of the student breaking glass than they did the Jews (even Jesus himself) who at that time were mostly brown skinned, black hair, brown eyes (very similar to today's Arabs, and to native south american indigenous people. (I digress but felt I needed to correct that misconception.)

That may be so but it really isn't the point. Government has no right to legislate this type of speech.

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 12:51 AM
I'm just gonna drop my two cents here, but over the past couple of decades there has been a mass upwelling of folks who feel left out of the American Dream. You'll hear it all the time from the Older Generations who spend their lives breaking their bodies with heavy labor intensive jobs, or white collar workers who gave their lives to the company only to be denied a pension at the last moment because of some greedy bastard.

The Government could pass laws to correct these abusive policies by private companies, but they choose not to.

The youth, as impulsive and sometimes misguided as passionate youth can be, are well aware of the fact that there is something very wrong inherently in the system.

A lot of the younger generation simply refuses to work or even try, they've grown up in the information age where everything is immediate gratification. They're not lazy, they spend an incredible amount of time and effort into learning about anything that strikes a chord with them, but they falsely believe that change happens at the click of a button, and somehow screaming at the sky and demanding other people do the work for them is going to effect change.

A decade ago, when the "people" rose up and began protesting the 1%, the only legacy they left behind was the mountains of trash people with real jobs had to clean up, at the cities expense.

They're idiots.

Pure and simple.

They not being taught how to settle differences, work together towards a better future and contibute positively to the American Landscape.

They're being taught that by screaming, threatening, terrorizing and destroying property that everyone will capitulate and give them what they want just to get them to shut up and go away.

That's a dangerous precedence, and is doing nothing more than enabling and reinforcing bad behavior.

Personally, I think it's all one grand distraction to divert attention from the countless number of born and bred Americans being priced out of their homes to make room for these little brats.

Revolution is fun and exciting, draws a greater viewership.

Pay no attention to the Men Behind the Curtain.

edit on 5/2/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

The youth, as impulsive and sometimes misguided as passionate youth can be, are well aware of the fact that there is something very wrong inherently in the system.

This really is what it all boils down to. There is something inherently wrong with *the system*. Something rotten & evil at its core. Some of us know this, innately. It's frustrating as hell seeing so many people lack this intuitive sense because their minds are diverted elsewhere.

We can't have a revolution in the conventional sense. Revolt won't happen. It's not feasible and it doesn't work. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised because it has happen a different way. No violence. The only way that will work is by initiating change through the expression and spread of ideas. A Renaissance or Enlightenment. A revolution of the mind.

When we've reached a point where the only true weapon we have against tyranny is our voice, you'd better do everything you can to protect your right to use that weapon because once it's gone, it's gone. America's done. The Great Experiment, over. If you're not willing to protect your freedom of speech to the death, don't bother calling yourself a Patriot and don't brag about being free because you're neither.

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Personally, I think it's all one grand distraction to divert attention from the countless number of born and bred Americans being priced out of their homes to make room for these little brats.

Revolution is fun and exciting, draws a greater viewership.

Pay no attention to the Men Behind the Curtain.

Unfortunately, I know some of those men.

Non thinking drones.

And there are *many* of those all around us.

The second I recognize one I immediately move away. They are not worth any time to try and educate.

Find the few like minded people that you can.

That's your tribe.

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 04:04 AM
It's not enough that they've polarized left against right, black against white, Arab against Jew, now they're going to split up the Christian base over the argument of who's responsible for Jesus' death -- Romans or Pharisees

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

"This is just like Krystalnacht"

Sure it is.

At least we've got a typo for legal reasons in the headline? Because OP seems to be convinced, that protests against genocide would "somehow" equate to German SA and SS goons hunting jews in a reactionary act of state violence, because "feelings"?

I never said just like, I said a precursor just like Krystalnacht was, as the behavior of protestors and their rhetoric is nearly identical to that seen by National Socialists just before WWII.

Is that a moving goalpost or would that be me, reading too much into them innocent posters again?

TSB literally equates Nazi crimes with protests to either criminalize the latter, or play down said Nazi crimes with another insane revision of history. What could possibly go wrong here?

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES
A mass upwelling of folks who feel left out. This is down to the modern age of communication, there has always been those people but you never heard about them or they were demonised like they are today. Demonised I hear you say? Even on ATS, if you'd of a mind to look, Statements like "they could achieve the dream but they're to idle" or "they're just spongers" etc. etc.
The whole reason IS the system, "the American Dream", "if you work hard you will get the dream" BS BS BS. Have you not cottoned on yet, the American dream only works for a few and this is down purely to the "American" way A FREE MARKET ECONOMY. Or in other words the one with the most money wins and if that's by treading on your fellow man to get the "dream" your held up as a success. So for every one that's achieved the dream there are a few thousand/millions that has suffered in the success.

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: TheWoker

The OP also rightfully equates the protestors yelling "from the river to the sea" and "intifada" to the KKK rallies where evil people march and hold rallies to harm and kill people based on their race.

So yes, they are also behaving like National Socialist rallies.

Both, and liberals and many Democrats are supporting this behavior. Just like at the height of the KKK most members were Democrats including Robert Byrd, mentor of Hillary Clinton.

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

"from the river to the sea"

... and then TSB fails to explain why a single state solution would be antisemitic in nature, when it's actually not. But you're prolly too busy screaming at the sky to ponder why they would write things like "Intifada" on the tents of a protest against war and genocide? Sorry to bother you. More cake?

posted on May, 2 2024 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

I was rasied with a serious work ethic.

Every job I've ever held I put in 110%. The majority of my managers exploited my ability to go above and beyond, and I was frequently tasked with picking up the slack left over by my co-workers who were more interested in socializing. I was never rewarded for the extra effort, I was never given raises or promotions, I was denied time off to recover because they "needed me"and they frequently "forgot" to pay me overtime.

I used to walk to work with my eyes cast downward, staring at my work boots and thinking about Boxer from Animal Farm and relating to the poor bastard.

At least the modern internet affords educational and self-employment opportunities more in line with my actual dreams and personal pursuits away from the mindless masses making things worse for everyone involved because they are so hypnotized by the Almighty Dollar.

edit on 5/2/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

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