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Putin Compares Himself to Jesus Promoting Traditional Values Against the Satanic West

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posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 03:52 AM

originally posted by: confuzedcitizen
dont play dumb either, or havnt you been paying attention?

Looks like you are the one playing dumb or not paying attention. In the West, no adult generation likes the way the kids are behaving. That doesnt' equate to Putin saving people from evil like Jesus did. What he is doing in Ukraine is evil. What he does to political opposition and press who tell the truth about him is evil. It's just that simple.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Plus how many of his peaceful neighbors did Jesus attempt to invade and subjugate?

And how many of his own countrymen did he conscript?

Then send off poorly prepared and ill-equipped fielding antiques.

To die for a doomed-to-fail landgrab?

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Plus how many of his peaceful neighbors did Jesus attempt to invade and subjugate?

How many wars have been fought in the name of Jesus.. lol

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Wait till trump gets back in.. Putin has the same peeps in his sites as Trump does..


Game over

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: purplemer

I suppose that would depend on how you define "in the name of Jesus".

I think its safe to say throughout history various conflicts have involved religious justifications or motivations including Christianity.

But attributing wars solely to Jesus or Christianity alone would be an oversimplification considering the causes of those conflicts are multifaceted and tend to stem from a combination of political, economic, and social factors, as well as religious fervor.

The short answer is too many, and the long one involves the fact that organised religious practice has been used throughout recorded history as a means and/or motivation towards war.

None of which changes the fact that Mad Vlad is nothing like Jesus and in point of fact quite the opposite.
edit on 15-4-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

None of which changes the fact that Mad Vlad is nothing like Jesus and in point of fact quite the opposite.

Wonder what he is doing.. Ukraine home of the khazarian empire eh. Cant you work it out lol

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 02:57 AM
Then again, in the US, some people, including influential Church figures talk about Trump as some kind of savior Messiah that is going to save them by draining the swamp and from the evil globalists, liberal progressives and socialists (even though he himself claimed to be a globalist on several occasions in the past and even though it should be obvious that he would much prefer to be King of the swamp, to line his own pockets in the process, or to his own advantage rather than those who vote for him).

Not that other politicians on the left are much different, but since their target market is a little different the rhetoric is also a little different, and they tend to have less or less influential Church figures endorsing them (and a bit further out from the Bible Belt, with more liberal and progressive teachings catering to the market these Churches find themselves in).

“For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome* [Or “healthful; beneficial.”] teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.* [Or “to tell them what they want to hear.”] They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories.” (2 Timothy 4:3,4)
edit on 16-4-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Why don't you fill in the blanks since you seem so impressed with yourself?

Might wanna watch all that antisemitic tripe you won't be able to punt all the same.

TnC and all that jazz.

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Disgusted123

You are just another LIAR. Just like the devil.

Who isn't?

“But let God be found true, even if every man be found a liar.” (Romans 3:4)

Of course, there's a slight difference in deliberately and habitually telling lies while knowing better, and believing a lie and then spreading it further not knowing any better. And there are those who wilfully remain ignorant that something they believe is a lie (cause they don't want to hear it, as described at 2 Tim 4:3,4, they don't want to "listen" and "believe" it when someone is telling them the truth about it, John 8:42-47, "they have heard without response, and they have shut their eyes, so that they might never see with their eyes and hear with their ears and get the sense of it with their hearts", Matt 13:13-15, and because they "have loved the darkness rather than the light"*, John 3:19), and consequently keep spreading it, but then it's more their fault (or they could have done more to prevent it). *: in that case lies/falsehoods would be spiritual or figurative "darkness" and truth would be that "light".

The endresult in all cases is the same though: the lies keep on spreading.

So what can we do personally to avoid falling into these traps? Well, get your information, the truth, from a more reliable source, bringing us back to Romans 3:4 quoted above. God in his inspired Word, the Bible, has shared a lot of tips, advice and instructions on how to prevent from being deceived (so that takes care of the latter 2 scenarios described above), it also has many teachings that can help prevent the first scenario, or habitual attitude (usually by addressing how to guard our figurative heart, and what it is that should mold us into people who prefer light rather than darkness, truth and honesty rather than lies or falsehood). This includes detailed descriptions how to recognize lies and deception and those telling them or employing it (either wittingly or unwittingly). Along with detailed instructions for self-analysis, like looking in a mirror.

James 1:19-25

Know this, my beloved brothers: Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger, for man’s anger does not bring about God’s righteousness. 21 Therefore, put away all filthiness and every trace of badness,* [Or possibly, “and the abundance of badness.”] and accept with mildness the implanting of the word that is able to save you.* [Or “your souls.”]

22 However, become doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, this one is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself, and he goes away and immediately forgets what sort of person he is. 25 But the one who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and continues in it has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work; and he will be happy in what he does.

There's one crucial ingredient that is needed though, being receptive to God's spirit, his active force. For many people this is an obstacle, "for the heart of this people has grown unreceptive" to this spirit, which is also "the spirit of truth, which the world cannot receive, because it neither sees it nor knows it." (Matt 13:13-15; John 14:17) Cause they don't want to as discussed in the other texts I've been quoting or referring to.
edit on 16-4-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: whereislogic
Then again, in the US, some people, including influential Church figures talk about Trump as some kind of savior Messiah that is going to save them by draining the swamp and from the evil globalists, liberal progressives and socialists (even though he himself claimed to be a globalist on several occasions in the past and even though it should be obvious that he would much prefer to be King of the swamp, to line his own pockets in the process, or to his own advantage rather than those who vote for him).

Edit: and the advantage of those he works for, described below.

Austrian economist Schumpeter wrote: “The orientation toward war is mainly fostered by the domestic interests of ruling classes but also by the influence of all those who stand to gain individually from a war policy, whether economically or socially.” These ruling classes have been defined as “elites [that] are at all times involved in trying to manipulate other elements of the population, or the public mood itself, so as to perpetuate themselves in power.”​—Why War? by Professors Nelson and Olin.

Every nation has its ruling class, even though that group may be divided into different political factions. However, many observe that the power of the military elite in every nation should not be underestimated. Former U.S. Ambassador John K. Galbraith describes the military establishment as “by far the most powerful of the autonomous processes of government.”

In one of the new Star Wars movies there is this planet where all the rich "scum" (quoting from a character in that movie), the elite arms dealers and such, gather to live it up in luxury. These types exist on our earth to, and it is these types that the politicians really work for, they do their bidding. And that's why they are always promoting increased military and security expenditures and aid, and they do so by marketing it as something that is supposedly "necessary" (to insure freedom, peace and security).

Sometimes the people are not in favor of a war. On what basis, then, can the rulers most easily persuade the population to support their aims? This was the problem that faced the United States in Vietnam. So, what did the ruling elite do? Galbraith answers: “The Vietnam War produced in the United States one of the most comprehensive efforts in social conditioning [adjusting of public opinion] in modern times. Nothing was spared in the attempt to make the war seem necessary and acceptable to the American public.” And that points to the handiest tool for softening up a nation for war. What is it?

Professor Galbraith again supplies the answer: “Schools in all countries inculcate the principles of patriotism. . . . The conditioning that requires all to rally around the flag is of particular importance in winning subordination to military and foreign policy.” This systematic conditioning prevails in (former) communist countries as it does in Western nations.

Please ignore the title below:

edit on 16-4-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2024 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Khazarians are not semites... that illsusion has lifted for those that want to see... those that dont want to see however.....

posted on Apr, 17 2024 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: purplemer

It's proof you are after where is that again?

Nowhere to be seen nor heard on your end that's for sure.

Because you refuse to show us it for a start.

posted on Apr, 17 2024 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Did you ponder the above.. dont waste my time when you have opinions based on nothing. You dont know what your talking about nor do you want to learn.

take care..

posted on Apr, 17 2024 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Waste your time.

You are the one that can't play by the ATS rules and provide tangible facts and evidence to support your antisemitic diatribe.

And you have been here longer than most of us.

Clown shoes.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 04:03 PM
two things can be true at once. Put seems to be a murderous psychopath, but also protects innocents and family values in russia better than we do in most of the USA. We have seriously degraded the family here and are paying for it.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 02:03 PM
I respect Putin for some of the things he seems to stand for, like Christianity, traditional family values, and the de-nazification of Ukraine, but one thing that irks me to the core and makes me question everything is his support of so-called "vaccines." I really want to believe that there are some decent leaders out there who are going against the NWO, but I can't help but have my doubts at times.

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