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Sunak's Personal Message To Nigel Farage ... the depths to which he will sink

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posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 05:37 PM
Rishi Sunak's latest desperate idea to show he cares is to send people personal messages , all you have to do is sign up , give your e-mail address and tell him what is concerning you and man of the people Rishi will send you a "personal" message.

Well known political blogger Guido Fawkes decided it would be a bit of a hoot to send a request from Nigel about the state of Immigration in this country .... this is the cringe fest response that he received.

Typical of this Prime Minister , all for show.

Nigel's response to Sunak.

Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome PM.

Reform UK are gaining in the polls almost level with the Lib Dems.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 03:45 AM
According to latest polling published by You.Gov (23/24th January '24) Reform have taken 3rd place.
There's a graph at the link.

23/01/2024 24/01/2024 Conservatives 20, Labour 47, Lib Dem 8, SNP 4, Green 6, Reform 13, Other 1 Con lead over Lab -27

Above taken from Pdf taken from this link....
Link to YouGov.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

It would be amusing if the Tories get wiped out in the election and the real Conservative party come second to Labour , it would be the biggest political shock of my lifetime but it's what 13 years of Tory failure deserves.

As I've said before I'm voting Reform UK , hopefully many other disaffected former Tory voters will too.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: gortex

I've never voted Tory in my life. Not because I'm a dyed in the wool Labour supporter but simply because I find many of their core principles revolting.
I haven't voted Labour for some time now, I've tried to vote for an Independent who's opinions etc align more with mine than the major political parties.

I had a letter from Sunak a few weeks ago seeking my opinion on various things. It was obviously addressed to me and I was asked to return the questionnaire to some government body or possibly The Tory party itself, not sure now.
It went into the bin - no way was I going to put my name to something and end up on some sort of list, if I'm not already.
Not sure if that's me being paranoid or just cautious prudence.

Sunak and Starmer are the epitome of modern day politicians; endless stream of populist soundbites with no substance or vision.

Starmers goal is to become Prime Minister, he lacks any sort of visionary plan of what to do when he actually gets there. He fails to understand that getting elected is only the start, the real work is what policies to implement when in office.

I'd consider voting Reform UK simply because I think they seem genuinely determined to start addressing the immigration issues we face along with some of the resultant social issues we have.
They also seem to be more open and honest about their policies.
However, I strongly oppose many of their economic and financial proposals and domestic plans.

Maybe that's more of a reflection of my own conflicting and contradictory nature than anything else?

Come polling day unless there is an outstanding Independent candidate I suspect I'll be a None of The Above voter.....which is a shame and possibly even a waste?
But a lot can change between now and thing is certain, I'll be giving Reform UK the consideration they deserve.

edit on 28/1/24 by Freeborn because: grammar


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