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Shooting Star Question - Possible UFO ?

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posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 07:55 AM
Description : So a couple of years back, i was with a cousin of mine and we were sitting on a second story balcony, it was around 3-4am and the night sky was clear, there was hardly any clouds around so i could clearly see numerous stars in the night sky, anyway, he was talking on the phone with his girlfriend at the time while i was chilling out having a smoke when i decided to look up at the stars, after a minute or two, there was a shooting star that went by really quickly, so fast that even a blink and you would miss it.

All of a sudden i got my cousins attention, i was like woah, i just seen a shooting star and i pointed at the area in the sky where i had seen it, so my cousin looks up and not a few seconds later there was another extremely fast lets say "object" that had the same speed, if not faster, that zoomed by but this time it traveled in a zig zag path, i was convinced i had seen an alien spacecraft or something. The way this thing moved in a zig zag was like it was operating in an anti gravity vehicle that could turn at any moment without losing momentum or any speed.

After that, yet another one followed the same zig zag pattern like it was following the first one, it was really weird because i had never and probably never will see anything that fast before. One day i decided to search more on this because my brain randomly accessed this event and it reminded me about it, so i tried to google about it there wasn't a lot i could find, till i managed to find a page or article talking about this zig zag shooting stars, there's a certain name for them but i can't figure out what they are called, comment below if you know. But according to this read that i found, this event or phenomena is extremely rare, like once in a life time and the fact that i seen not one but three shooting stars and two of them being zig zag must mean i used all my luck in life, but it got my questioning, was it really a really rare shooting star, or was it something else, I've always been curious.

Sources i could find :

A user there commented this :

"I saw a zig zag meteorite in Bukuru, Northern Nigeria, when I was about 13 in 1959. That started from small to increasing swings, then went out near the horizon. For many years I puzzled about this, but rarely mentioned it, because no one would believe it. Years later I attended an astronomy lecture at college in London. I cornered the astronomer with this sighting and he said we know what this is. A flat dish shaped meteorite enters the atmosphere shallowly & flies in a circular motion that gets wider as it approaches the earth then extinguishes. Seeing this from the horizon, it appears to zigzag down. He told me that I was very very lucky to witness this meteor show, and I am glad that others have seen it too."

But this seems a little different from what i have seen.

Questions :
- Is there any extra info on this phenomenon that you know?
- Have you experienced something like this too?
- And do you believe it could be a UFO rather then a shooting star and why?

posted on Nov, 26 2023 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: BicussDiccus

My wife and I saw what we thought was a shooting star that made huge S turns that didn't seem possible. Zaphod58 mentioned that it was probably a manned black project that was coming back down from orbit sort of how the space shuttle made S turns to slow down. After doing a ton more research it sound like we indeed saw a secret black project that night based on where I'm located and where in the sky we saw it.


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